• 全线分布九个爆炸点,构成相遇追逐连续观测系统

    On the profile are 9 shooting points, constituting a continuous system of observations by correlative meeting and pursuing recording.


  • 虽然并未直视爆炸点,但当时印象是此处突然变得白天还亮

    Although I did not look directly towards the object, I had the impression that suddenly the countryside became brighter than in full daylight.


  • 核对检查单并检查所有项目测量氧气含量检验爆炸点防爆通风

    Check all items in the checklist, such as test of content of oxygen, test of explosion point, exploded-proof lamp, good ventilation.


  • 核对检查单并检查所有项目测量氧气含量检验爆炸点防爆和通风

    Check all items in the checklist such as test of content of oxygen test of explosion point exploded-proof lamp good ventilation.


  • 网上一张照片显示其中一个爆炸点上方升腾起了至少100米高灰色烟雾

    A photo being Shared online showed grey smoke rising at least 100 meters over the site of one of the blasts.


  • 蒋军满洲一个个村庄撤走时,内部压力逐步增大,离爆炸点已经不远了。

    In drawing away from the villages, Chiang Kai-shek's Manchurian army was also building up internal tension, and its bursting point was not far off.


  • 我们发现反射到达爆炸点这里出现了密度为零的奇线一条左向激波

    We find that there appears a singular trajectory ( density on it being zero ) and a additional left-facing shock after the reflected wave reaches the explosion point.


  • 降物污染最为严重地区爆炸点或者爆炸下风方向,80%的尘降物爆炸后的24小时内产生。

    The heaviest fallout would be limited to the area at or downwind from the explosion, and 80 percent of the fallout would occur during the first 24 hours.


  • 南极天文台三大观测宇宙天文台之一,旨在检测由宇宙大爆炸而产生的大量存在于微光辐射中的扭曲现象,利用天文望远镜对宇宙射线背景进行筛选,再利用星系群的特点确定一个,即宇宙射线穿过气体时会产生轻微混乱,混乱的一刻就是所的那个点。

    The telescopes sift through the background cosmic radiation to find spots where it has been slightly perturbed as it passes through extremely hot gas, a hallmark characteristic of galaxy clusters.


  • 利用这个延时能够精确控制爆炸瞬间的那个时间拍下照片

    With this delay, I can precisely control at what point in the burst the photo is captured.


  • 然而系统不能在某平衡点上保持稳定场爆炸一样不堪,得也一样

    Yet unless a system stabilizes to an equilibrium point, it is no better than an explosion and just as soon dead.


  • 1993年世界贸易中心袭击和1995俄克拉荷马州爆炸都没有改变这一点

    Neither the attack of 1993 on the World Trade Centre nor the bombing in Oklahoma in 1995 had changed that.


  • 这个极限上,中心压力变得如此巨大以至于爆发失控的核聚变,而恒星爆炸成为热核爆炸型超新星

    At this point the pressure at its center will become so great that runaway fusion occurs and the star will detonate in a thermonuclear supernova.


  • 有些支持一种模式其中时间追溯到爆炸更为久远的点。

    Some people support a model in which time goes back even further than the big bang.


  • 油井发生爆炸以及油井起火后,海底防喷器本来应该自动将油井封住但是未能做到这一点导致大规模石油泄漏

    Following the explosion and fire on the rig, the blow-out preventer on the sea bed should have automatically sealed the well, but it failed, resulting in the massive oil spill.


  • 泪点:厨房石蜡烤箱发生了爆炸,斯迪格失去了妻子女儿

    Tissues Out: When the paraffin oven in the kitchen explodes, Stig loses his wife and his daughter.


  • 时代广场上警方布置力量尤为明显可能是他们回想起2010年五月那个星期六当晚辆载着易燃燃料烟火汽车炸弹迫近这一地点时引发爆炸的情景。

    In Times Square the police presence was especially evident, perhaps mindful of the car bomb of inflammable fuel and fireworks that came close to exploding there on a busy Saturday night in May 2010.


  • 当地时间下午5点,停靠在斯德哥尔摩热闹购物——皇后大街周围的辆汽车发生了爆炸。

    The first blast came from a car parked near the busy shopping street of Drottninggatan shortly before 5 p.m. local time.


  • 爆炸发生当地时间下午1点,地点是塔扎基尔库克西南方向大约10英里,距巴格达以北149英里。

    The blast took place about 1 p.m. local time in the town of Taza, about 10 miles southwest of Kirkuk and 149 miles north of Baghdad.


  • 因为这次爆炸产生大量放射性碎片导致岛周边的城镇计划建立一些临时安置点时非常的谨慎小心。

    Towns near Fukushima have responded cautiously to plans to build temporary storage sites for massive quantities of radioactive debris generated by the accident.


  • 一些高级官员称越来越多涉嫌自杀性爆炸杀害定居点居民的通缉犯,躲藏这座名为‘姆塔’的房子里。

    According to senior officials, a growing band of men wanted on suspicion of planning suicide bombings and murdering settlers is being sheltered in the compound, known as the Mukata.


  • 娱乐短暂的艺术生涯里学到一点就是:具有爆炸效果的都是编外项目

    Speaking of play - one thing I've learned in my brief tenure as an artist: it's the side projects that blow up.


  • 如果核电站爆炸多大区域多少波及清理费用多少?

    If Indian Point blew, how wide an area and how many people would be affected, and what would the cleanup costs be?


  • 爆炸婚礼晚宴上开始,在晚上9:30到10之间,炸弹攻击男人男孩妇女分开就餐地方。 伤亡的人员男人或男孩,村干部说。

    The explosion came during the wedding dinner, between 9:30 and 10 p.m., striking the area where the men and boys were dining separately from the women.


  • 热辐射密度核爆距离平方倒数速度衰减爆炸冲击波致电离辐射效应的衰减速度则更快

    The intensity of thermal radiation decreases only as the inverse square of the distance from a nuclear detonation, while blast, shock, and prompt ionizing radiation effects decrease more rapidly.


  • 今年4月,“联盟号”飞船返回舱进入地球大气层之前爆炸螺栓未能引爆,最后偏离预定着陆点420公里的地方惊险着陆

    In April, a Soyuz capsule landed 420 km off course after explosive bolts failed to detonate before re-entry, sending the craft into a steep descent.


  • 电视新闻画面显示号反应堆爆炸发生当地时间周六下午3点36分,灰色烟雾随即笼罩了核电站上空。

    Television footage showed a large explosion at 3:36pm local time on Saturday, with plumes of grey smoke pouring from the site.


  • 费尔南德斯女士已经下令拍摄卫星照片监察爆炸发生日后河水出现污染点。

    Ms fernandez has also ordered satellite photos to be taken to monitor a stain in the river water that appeared a few days after the explosion.


  • 费尔南德斯女士已经下令拍摄卫星照片监察爆炸发生日后河水出现污染点。

    Ms fernandez has also ordered satellite photos to be taken to monitor a stain in the river water that appeared a few days after the explosion.


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