• 这座试点规模的电厂使用所谓的氧燃料处理方法进行捕获

    This pilot-scale plant uses the so-called oxyfuel approach to capturing carbon.


  • 第二严重事故发生在前苏联克什特姆的马雅克燃料处理

    History's second-most damaging nuclear accident occurred in 1957 at Russia's Mayak plant in the Kyshtym province.


  • 海藻植物死亡时,它们作为燃料处理

    When the seaweed plants die, they will be disposed of by being burned for fuel.


  • CPU通过处理计算机指令进行工作好像汽车发动机利用燃料产生动力

    The CPU processes computer instructions to perform work, just like car engines to use fuel to generate power.


  • 沃尔德一开始设计核电厂时,监管机构预计燃料应该存放在冷却水池里,以后捞出来,经过化学处理转化

    When nuclear plants were designed, says Wald, regulators anticipated that spent fuel rods would sit in cooling water pools for five years and then be chemically processed and turned into plutonium.


  • 但是研究者争辩说,如果二氧化碳水蒸气纳米管薄膜入,一端收集甲烷燃料,整个处理过程可以变为连续性的。

    But the researchers argue that their process could be made continuous if carbon dioxide and water vapour could be passed through the nanotube film and the methane fuel collected from the other side.


  • 电解产生并给燃料电池供能的难以处理

    Hydrogen, which can be made electrolytically from water and used to power fuel cells, is difficult to handle.


  • 然而尽管这种''气体方式化学处理方案上世纪90年代已经问世,但化石燃料电厂排放出的废气通常杂质很多

    Yet while this sort of chemical recipe was already shown in the 90s to work with a pure gas, the sort of emissions that come from a fossil fuel power station are typically full of impurities.


  • 上周五发生的大规模地震海啸使得核电站冷却系统瘫痪,燃料开始出现过热现象工程师们一直奋勇处理核电站突发事件

    Engineers have been battling a nuclear emergency since a massive earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems last Friday and fuel rods began overheating.


  • 这种处理工艺,甚至快速中子反应堆使用缓和裂变他们消耗量创造更多燃料,仍是一个遥远前景

    Such reprocessing-or even fast-neutron reactors that don't use water to moderate fission and can potentially create more fuel than they consume-remain a distant prospect.


  • google能源团队不断处理数据观察我们如何才能2030之前大量缩减矿物燃料的消耗。

    The energy team at Google has been crunching the Numbers to see how we could greatly reduce fossil fuel use by 2030.


  • 你们需要反应堆设计展示电站能够成功处理这些事故,能够燃料设计的限制不会被超过

    You need to show in the reactor design that the plant can manage these events such that these fuel design limits are not exceeded.


  • 根据协议条款,阿联酋立法禁止本国建造浓缩处理设施,作为交换条件,他们能从可信赖供应获得燃料

    Under its terms, the UAE passed a national law banning the construction of enrichment and reprocessing facilities in exchange for access to a reliable source of nuclear fuel.


  • 但是清楚如何处理燃料问题,也是个几十年来没有得到很好解决的问题。

    But figuring out what to do with the nuclear fuel they generate is a big issue - and one that hasn't been resolved for decades.


  • 另外,还有一些非常危险工业垃圾比如废弃的燃料,到目前为止,人们还没有研究出通行处理办法

    And then there are some really nasty forms of industrial waste, such as spent nuclear fuel, for which no universally accepted disposal methods have thus far been developed.


  • 据信中透露:“燃料处理已经进入了最后阶段此同时的武器化也正在进行。”

    "Reprocessing of spent fuel rods is at its final phase and extracted plutonium is being weaponised, " it said.


  • 如果通用原子公司的这个项目能够成功,它就能够提供部分解决核能问题方案,例如如何处理大量的放射性燃料的问题。

    The General Atomics program, if successful, could provide a partial solution to one of the biggest problems associated with nuclear energy: figuring out what to do with highly radioactive waste.


  • 法律上俄国应该确保再浓缩燃料处理核废料回收或者正确处理但是仅有一小部分原材料被回收。

    Russia is legally required to ensure that the re-enriched fuel and reprocessed waste is returned or properly disposed of, but only a small percentage of the original material gets sent back.


  • 科学家们对一种称为气化”的处理过程进行了改进,这个过程以前应用于清理发电可再生燃料制造中所使用的不清洁原料

    Scientists have adapted a process called "gasification" which is already used to clean up dirty materials before they are used to generate electricity or to make renewable fuels.


  • 用于污水处理植物长大可用来制造生物燃料

    Plants in a water treatment lagoon will be cut down when fully grown and harvested for biofuel.


  • 宁边的核设施包括5兆瓦石墨慢化反应堆以及处理在内的一些已燃料(烧过的燃料处理)再处理设施还有为了研发核武器而进行钚提取设备。

    The Yongbyon facilities include a 5mw graphite-moderated reactor and a plant used to reprocess spent nuclear fuel from this reactor, including the extraction from it of weapons-grade plutonium.


  • 美国酝酿未来的“全球核能伙伴(Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, GNEP)计划”:那些保证不会建立工厂工厂的国家得到长期燃料供应废料处理的许诺。

    America has also mooted a futuristic Global Nuclear Energy Partnership: those vowing not to build uranium or plutonium plants would be promised long-term fuel supply and waste handling.


  • 经营沼气供热很赚钱因为农场工厂处理他们废料就得向这些工厂钱,而这些工厂出售生产出的以及汽车燃料

    The operations at the biogas and heating plants bring in cash, because farms and factories pay fees to dispose of their waste and the plants sell the heat, electricity and car fuel they generate.


  • 法国的竞标团队提供全套服务Areva提供燃料处理生产废料并负责反应堆设计EDF则负责核电站的运作。

    It too could offer full service, in that Areva supplies fuel and manages waste in addition to designing reactors, while EDF runs more nuclear plants than any other firm.


  • 法国的竞标团队提供全套服务Areva提供燃料处理生产废料并负责反应堆设计EDF则负责核电站的运作。

    It too could offer full service, in that Areva supplies fuel and manages waste in addition to designing reactors, while EDF runs more nuclear plants than any other firm.


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