• 10年前光盘使电影业务重新焕发活力

    Ten years ago the discs rejuvenated the film business.


  • 这些迪士尼乐园呆过老鼠似乎同样焕发活力

    The mice's stay in Disney World seemed to have sparked the same process.


  • 但是怎么保持传统的同时还要重新让焕发活力呢?

    Sichuanese cuisine can't survive without its traditions, but how to preserve them and reinvigorate them at the same time?


  • 春季到来使世界重新焕发活力恢复光环,恢复活力

    The arrival of the spring, make the world rejuvenated, restore the aura, restore the vitality.


  • 兴许有一心血来潮,我会与其般配花草,让重新焕发活力呢。

    Might one day an impulsive moment, I will move to its mirrored in the flowers, it revitalized it.


  • 因为西瓜90%都是水分能够最热日子里,让人们重新焕发活力

    Because it's made up of over 90 percent water, it's guaranteed to refresh on the hottest of days.


  • 提供眼睛周围地区重新焕发活力外观更多休息警报

    It gives a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of your eyes, making you look more rested and alert.


  • 呼吸新鲜空气晴天轻快地散步。不仅使焕发活力而且唤醒皮肤

    Fresh air Taking a brisk walk on a fine day will not only revive you, it will wake up your skin, too.


  • 呼吸新鲜空气晴天轻快地散步。这不仅使焕发活力而且唤醒皮肤

    Fresh air Taking a brisk walk on a fine day will not only revive2 you, it will wake up your skin, too.


  • 啤酒酵母提取物提高周围地区眼睛使它们重新焕发活力的外观更加统一肤色

    Saccharomyces Cerevisia extract enhances the area around the eyes, making them look rejuvenated with a more uniform complexion.


  • 经过企业工程再造,佛伦赛特服饰有限公司竞争实力进一步增强更加焕发活力

    After enterprise engineering, Florons clothing Accessories co., Ltd. will further increase the competitive power Strong, more radiant energy.


  • 缺乏原创特色中国动漫产业试图借助具有悠久历史的传统文艺焕发活力

    Because of the lack of originality and characteristics of China's cartoon industry, is trying to shine life with a long history of traditional literary and artistic forms.


  • 因此如果想在昏昏欲睡午后焕发活力,到公园散散步吧,功效不亚于休假呢!

    So when you're looking for that late-afternoon energy boost, try a walk in the park. Think of it as a 'leaf' of absence.


  • 如今北京希望可以通过提升管理系统以及铁路沿线修建经济带使坦赞铁路重新焕发活力

    Now Beijing hopes it can help re-energize the Tazara project by improving the management system and building an economic belt along the railway.


  • 至理名言鼓励性话语,使人如春风,重新焕发活力赐予人面对挑战重新振作力量使人变得更加坚定

    Quotes are words of encouragement which can make you feel rejuvenated again, it gives you the strength to rise up against any challenge and makes you more determined.


  • 欢迎下榻按五星标准打造的北京GT喜达威酒店,摆脱俗世羁绊,享受休憩放松焕发活力理想胜地

    Welcome to the five-star standard Beijing GT Starwing Hotel, which is an ideal destination for your breaking free, enjoying leisure and revitalizing power.


  • 如果保时捷并购案按计划进行,那么重新焕发活力大众很快就挑战丰田全球最大汽车制造商头衔

    If the Porsche merger goes according to plan, a resurgent VW could soon be challenging Toyota for the title of the world's biggest carmaker.


  • 基于行为模式预测而设计系统性标志空间引导着人们进入同时充分利用经济资源促使每个空间都焕发活力

    A signage system based on anamorphic projections of texts guides users while at the same time making use of an economic resource that lends each space an attractive feature.


  • 超级8》给人感觉一样。 过去观影记忆慢慢灌入脑海,早期斯皮尔伯格影片魔力使得一切又重新焕发活力

    As familiar as 'Super 8' feels, it's a welcome rush down memory lane that does a bang-up job of channeling that early Spielberg magic -- all while making it feel fresh.


  • 我们开始一个甚至需要更长时间来完成工程吗?这个工程让我们公共教育系统焕发活力使我们参与21世纪竞争

    Have we begun what may be an even longer project of revitalizeing our public-school systems so we can compete in the 21st century?


  • 紧致毛孔富含多种微量元素矿物质有效预防皮肤干燥粗糙紧致毛孔预防粉刺、痘痘,帮助皮肤恢复健康焕发活力

    Pore shrinking: microelement and mineral contained can effetely guard against the skin getting dry, rough. Shrink the pore and prevent the acne pox, help the skin recover health and vigor.


  • 由此,metime就是可以女性自己放在首位可以做一些自己喜欢的事情放松自己帮助自己重新焕发活力的时间。

    Me time, then, is a period of time when a woman can put herself first and do something that she particularly enjoys to aid relaxation and revitalization.


  • 功能具有天然温泉保健功效保护皮肤,滋润舒缓光滑细致,远离感染头发柔顺、清爽;消除疲劳焕发活力促进睡眠

    Function: with natural hot springs baths for the health effects and the protection of the skin, relax, smooth and soft hair away from the infection, fatigue, and promote sleep.


  • 时尚转瞬即逝以至于那些已被忘却被认为俗气的东西,再次受人追捧,再次焕发活力,再次认为很“潮”——虽然是以“复古”的方式

    Fashion is so transient that the forgotten and that previously judged as tacky eventually gets picked up again, to be re-conditioned to be deemed fashionable - albeit in a (neo-)retro way.


  • 着重新焕发活力投入了工作

    He has approached his job with renewed vigour.


  • 容光焕发透着活力奔跑脸红通通的。

    He was glowing with life and his running had sent splendid color leaping to his face.


  • 而后研究人员一张膜过滤溶液时,表面活性剂被排出化合物们立马自发重组一个活力焕发成形光电管

    Then, when the researchers removed the surfactant by pushing the solution through a membrane, the compounds spontaneously assembled once again into a perfectly formed, rejuvenated photocell.


  • 新的形势下双方必要加强合作使两国关系焕发新的活力

    In the new situation, both sides need to strengthen cooperation so that bilateral relations will display a new vitality.


  • 重要我们婚姻走出了无趣的日子,焕发活力

    The best part is that our marriage has come out of a long stale period and is rejuvenated.


  • 重要我们婚姻走出了无趣的日子,焕发活力

    The best part is that our marriage has come out of a long stale period and is rejuvenated.


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