• 这个致命装置装满火药引信弹片软管做出来的。

    The potentially lethal device was made from a length of hose packed with gunpowder, primers, and shrapnel.


  • 火药使用使弓箭逐渐被淘汰特别是西欧

    The introduction of gunpowder gradually made the bow and arrow obsolete, particularly in Western Europe


  • 放弃战斗火药开枪

    Abandoning the fight he rushed into the powder magazine and fired it.


  • 字印刷术、指南针、火药和造纸术被称为中国四大发明。

    The movable type printing, the compass (指南针) , gun powder and the paper making are called four great inventions of China.


  • 十四节气被认为是中国继造纸术、印刷术、指南针和火药之后的第五大发明。

    The 24 Solar Terms is regarded as China's fifth great invention, after papermaking, printing, the compass and gunpowder.


  • 彼得火药箱里出来,手里炮弹不慌不忙地把扔到海里

    Peter issued from the powder magazine with the shell in his hands, and calmly flung it overboard.


  • 应用弹道气体动力学理论建立原理样机火药燃气作用数学模型

    The interior ballistic trajectory theory and aerodynamics theory are applied to the mathematics model which belongs to the principle of sample-rifle pushed by the gunpowder gas.


  • 烟花爆竹安全首先取决于火药配方科学合理满足环保安全的要求

    The safety of fireworks and firecrackers lies on scientific and rational pyrotechnic compositions and satisfaction to the requirements of environmental protection and safety firstly.


  • 火药车间工人们直接手边加水火药使变成一个个的

    In making powder pearl workshops, workers directly turned over powder with their hands by adding a little water so that powder will be rolled to some little powder pearls.


  • 原著居民美洲印第安人、夏威夷人新西兰毛利人澳洲原住民很多其他文明火药征服了

    Indigenous peoples such as the American Indians, Hawaiians, Maoris of New Zealand, the Aborigines of Australia and many other cultures were conquered by gunpowder.


  • 经过重新改进配方研制火药性能完全满足系统要求火箭发动机高性能的要求。

    After re-developed to improve the formula after the powder has fully met the performance requirements and system requirements of high-performance rocket engine.


  • 环境温度压力低时,表面热分解特性,与常规条件火药分析结果相近

    When the circumstance pressure and the temperature are low, the thermal decomposition properties of sub face are similar to those determined under common thermal analysis conditions.


  • 弗朗西斯·培根一位英国科学哲学家17世纪强调说三项重要发明火药罗盘印刷术

    Writing at the beginning of the 17th century, Francis Bacon, an English philosopher of science, maintained that the three most important inventions were gunpowder, the magnetic compass and printing.


  • 警方他们车内发现了大量火药几个汽油足以在迈杜古里警察总部造成巨大爆炸

    The police said they found large quantities of gunpowder and several cans of petrol in the vehicle, enough to cause a massive explosion right at the heart of police operations in Maiduguri.


  • 提出了分体式减振物光光路全息干涉法,解决大型火药包覆层质量的检测问题。

    Holographic interferometry using separate damping and a double objective light beam is put for-ward for the bonding quality of the clads on the large powder columns.


  • 周五涡轮机展厅报道现场些微的火药,有位观众媒体,“我们应该冲破护栏。”

    One report from the Turbine hall gallery space on Friday stated that there was a ‘faintly mutinous air,’ with one visitor suggesting to the press, ‘Maybe we should kick down the barriers.’


  • 作为美国最有声望科学机构的重要核物理学家,戴维斯为利弗莫尔金山伊拉克火药工作过

    As one of the country's leading nuclear physicists at one of the country's most prestigious scientific institutions, Jay Davis has worked in the golden hills of Livermore and weapons depots of Iraq.


  • 本报记者经历旅程中,马士基号承载着运往欧洲新年庆祝物品:1850烟花爆竹内含30吨黑色火药

    On the voyage your correspondent took, the Eleonora was carrying Europe's New Year celebrations: 1, 850 tonnes of fireworks, including 30 tonnes of gunpowder.


  • 工作时当涉及技术使用,不同人群之间代沟真的很大——这一问题已经导致工作场合火药味甚浓。

    The generation gap at work is really wide with vast discrepancies when it comes to what the appropriate use of technology is - a problem that leads to increasing tensions in the workplace.


  • 提出利用PVDF压电薄膜测量火炮发射过程火药颗粒底撞击应力方案论述了方案的可行性

    Solution was proposed in which PVDF piezoelectric film was used to detect the percussion force of powder grains to projectile base in launching environment, and the feasibility was discussed.


  • 地下室正好就在上议院下面接下来几个月内约有36火药源源不断地运进,如果引爆,足以周边地区底朝天。

    The cellar lay directly underneath the House of Lords, and over the following months 36 barrels of gunpowder were moved in, enough to blow everything and everyone in the vicinity sky high, if ignited.


  • 等离子体点火密闭爆发器定容实验研究表明,通过电能释放规律控制有效调节火药的点火燃烧过程

    Experimental results show, the ignition and combustion process of propellant can be effectively modulated by controlling the electric discharge behavior of pulsed power supply.


  • 尽管媒体炒作中印关系始终坚信中国印度合作伙伴对手,更不是某些的带有火药味的竞争对手。

    In spite of the media hype on China-India relation, I am in firm belief that China and India are partners for cooperation, rather than rivalries or bitter competitors as some one have claimed.


  • 绝大多数我国土地战役第一个25左右反对土著美国人其中越来越血腥的时候,他们也有自己手里火药

    The vast majority of my land battles for the first 25 years or so were against the Native Americans, which turned increasingly bloody when they got their hands on gunpowder.


  • 绝大多数我国土地战役第一个25左右反对土著美国人其中越来越血腥的时候,他们也有自己手里火药

    The vast majority of my land battles for the first 25 years or so were against the Native Americans, which turned increasingly bloody when they got their hands on gunpowder.


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