• 通过卡箍固定在一起然后与紧支架蝶阀固定。

    The filter bowl is fixed together with the filter head through the clamp, and is fixed with the dish valve which is fastened on the filter holder.


  • 系统使用时,放置于头上,并用滤杯固定压紧形成完整装置

    During using this prduct, place the membrane on the filter head, and fixed it by pressing the funnel to make it an integrated filtration device.


  • 不管尊贵与否,总有些顾客没有那么闲情逸致,手冲滴咖啡上太长时间。

    There's dignified, however, and then there are angry patrons who don't want to wait for a hand-poured cup of filter coffee.


  • 备受争议呜呜祖拉”加油工具成为南非世界大标志,日前,一家网络公司推出了一种据称可消除这种塑料喇叭所发出噪音的“呜呜祖拉声器”。

    An online company has begun marketing an "Anti Vuvuzela Filter" that promises to silence the sound of the controversial plastic trumpets that have become the trademark of South Africa's World Cup.


  • 可以如上直接鸡尾酒玻璃

    Sours may be served (as above) over ice or strained straight up into a cocktail glass.


  • 波士石榴糖浆,加冰块摇合所有原料冰过玻璃最后滴入少量波士石榴糖浆装饰

    Shake all ingredients, without Bols grenadine, with ice cubes and strain into glass on ice cubes, in the end add one dash of Bols grenadine and Garnish!


  • 葡萄酒波士蜜瓜糖浆柠檬汁有3/4冰块摇壶,入冰的马提尼

    Shake wine, BOLS Melon, syrup and lemon in a shaker 3/4 full of ice. Strain into a chilled martini glass.


  • 壶里加冰块混合原料,充分合,玛格丽特,注入奶油巧克力

    Add ingredients together with ice in shaker; shake well, strain in coupette, float stiff cream, garnish with chocolate powder.


  • 搅合百利甜和蛋黄,加冰的白兰地。将莱姆糖浆倒入原料中间,正东,使原料充分混合

    Stir Baileys and Advocaat and strain into snifter (NO ICE). Pour lime into middle of mixture. Swirl glass until you get a cement mix.


  • 茶汤中轻轻提起立即实现茶叶茶汤分离,取出胆可以置于之中,外中的茶汤直接饮用。

    By lifting the filter from inside the cup makes immediate separation of tea and water. Putting the filter into the lid, enjoy the tea directly from the cup.


  • 冰块所有原料冰块的海波,置入吸管。

    Shake all ingredients with ice. Strain into a highball glass over ice cubes. Serve with a straw.


  • 混合所有原料冰块的摇壶,过的鸡尾酒口饰

    Combine ingredients given in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, garnished with sugar rim.


  • 混合所有原料冰块混合鸡尾酒表面饰以橘子扭曲

    Combine ingredients given in a mixing-glass half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Then a twist of orange over the surface.


  • 波士外加混合所有原料海波冰,注入适量波士黑莓力娇酒。

    Shake all ingredients with ice except BOLS Blackberry. Strain into a highball glass over crushed ice. Top with BOLS Blackberry.


  • 所有原料冰块的摇壶,玻璃奇异切片。

    Shake all ingredients in a mixer filled with ice. Strain into the glass. Garnish with a slice of kiwi fruit.


  • 冰块摇合原料入冰过的玻璃,注波士橘子苦酒搅合,置入吸管棒搅合。

    Shake with ice and strain. Fill up with BOLS Bitter Orange and stir. Serve with a straw and swizzle-stick.


  • 混合牙买加加香朗姆酒,波士蜜瓜鲜榨菠萝冰块壶,冰块的玻璃,注入适量苏打水。

    Combine Jamaican spiced rum, BOLS Melon and pineapple juice in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a highball glass with ice. Top with soda.


  • 满半冰块壶里混合原料过的鸡尾酒顶端洒少量咖啡

    Combine ingredients given in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with coffee powder sprinkled on top.


  • 混合里混合原料搅合冰块入冰的鸡尾酒杏仁(浮在沉入底)。

    Combine ingredients given in a mixing-glass with ice. Stir and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. garnish with an almond (floating or sinking).


  • 茶匙蛋清冰块合原料,入盛发泡矿泉水玻璃搅合

    Add one table-spoon of egg white and shake with ice. Strain and fill up with sparkling mineral water. Stir.


  • 混合所有原料冰块的摇壶,过的鸡尾酒莱姆葡萄

    Combine ingredients given in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime slice and a grape.


  • 混合所有原料冰块的壶,入冰过鸡尾酒,饰以柠檬

    Combine ingredients given in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, with a sugar rim. Garnish with a lemon peel.


  • 一般莱姆汁混合所有原料壶,充分摇合原料玻璃

    Use the juice from one half a lime. Combine ingredients in shaker with lots of ice. Shake well. Strain into glass. Shoot.


  • 混合所有原料冰块的摇壶,过的鸡尾酒草莓

    Combine ingredients given in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a strawberry.


  • 蛋清,充分入玻璃,加冰块杏子。置入吸管

    Add one egg white. Shake well and strain. Add ice and fill up with Apricot Juice. Serve with a straw.


  • 加入0.25盎司酱油并其他混合原料混合入盛满冰块玻璃口镶胡椒

    Add 0.25 shot soy sauce to the shaker with the other ingredients, shake with ice and strain into an ice-filled glass rimmed with salt and pepper.


  • 满半冰块壶里混合原料入冰的鸡尾酒巧克力

    Combine ingredients given in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with chocolate sprinkles.


  • 柜台服务员用勺子舀少许苏门答腊咖啡豆成粉,倒入式咖啡壶格,浇下热水,冲一咖啡品尝

    The counterman scooped out Sumatran coffee beans, ground them, put the grounds in a filter in the cone and poured hot water over them to give me a sample of their product.


  • 捣糊所有原料摇合冰过的马提尼,饰以绿色苹果

    Muddle all ingredients, shake and strain into chilled Martini glass and garnish with a slice of green apple.


  • 混合所有原料冰块的玻璃过的鸡尾酒口饰巧克力

    Combine ingredients given in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, garnished with a chocolate powder rim.


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