• 内心深处还是知道自己当时正在做错误事。

    She knew, at some deep level of her psyche, that what she was doing was wrong.


  • 潜意识隐秘深处一些东西觉得不安。

    There was something in the darker recesses of his unconscious that was troubling him.


  • 内心深处仍然线希望,希望永远都不想知道

    There was still the faint hope deep within him that she might never need to know.


  • 认为内心深处其实钦佩有魄力反对自己的意见。

    He suspected that deep down, she admired him for having the gumption to disagree with her.


  • 长时间浸泡而成褐色叶子浮上了水面,又消失在了水的深处

    Leaves, brown with long immersion, rose to the surface and vanished back into the depths.


  • 宝宝每天都病得很并且体重下降时候陷入绝望深处

    I was in the depths of despair when the baby was terribly sick every day, and was losing weight.


  • 洪水淹了深处一些人着实艰难爬上铁梯来到上层甲板的安全处。

    From the flooded depths of the ship, some did manage to claw their way up iron ladders to the safety of the upper deck.


  • 他们北走加拿大森林深处那里少有人烟

    They went farther north into the deep forests of Canada, where there were fewer humans around.


  • 潜入水中后,它们2万英尺深处发射信号

    When submerged, they're also able to emit signals from depths of 20,000 ft.


  • 多久走进了看不见房子道路深处

    It didn't take long till I was deep enough for the house and the road to be invisible.


  • 战争时期考验一个社会深处宗教道德承诺

    Times of war test a community's deepest religious and ethical commitments.


  • 维修人员无法识别位于高层公寓大楼深处破裂管道

    Repair crews did not have a way of identifying broken pipes located deep within a high-rise apartment building.


  • 我们之前不是过,越海洋深处压强就越大吗?

    Didn't we talk before about how the deeper down into the ocean you go, the greater the pressure?


  • 一整天直到她来到森林深处最黑暗地方

    She walked the whole day until she came to the deepest, darkest part of the forest.


  • 法属圭亚那热带雨林深处仍然罕见土著人群体

    In the depths of the French Guyanese rainforest, there still remain unusual groups of indigenous people.


  • 事实上很多海洋生物都有这种能力尤其是海洋深处

    Actually, a lot of marine organisms have this ability, especially in deeper parts of the ocean.


  • 撒哈拉沙漠深处洞穴墙壁留下他们生活惊人记录

    The Saharan people left a remarkable record of their lives painted on the walls of caves deep in the desert.


  • 树林深处彼此之间交叉起来不再知道到什么地方

    The roads crossed each other in the depths of the forest, and she no longer knew whither she should go!


  • 过去十年中研究人员丛林深处发现数百大型地球工程

    During the past decade, researchers have discovered hundreds of large earth works deep in the jungle.


  • 一个多样性环境靠近表面趋近蓝色,往下深处是淡红色

    It's a diverse environment with water tending to be bluish near the surface and reddish deeper down.


  • 一些两栖动物通过在地下深处休眠期内完成加速发育适应干旱环境

    Some amphibians adapt to arid environments by completing accelerated development with resting stages deep underground.


  • 通过美国国家航空航天局网络无线电天线信息发送太空深处

    By means of a radio dish belonging to NASA's Deep Space Network, the message was sent out into the depths of space.


  • 虽然人们海洋上层进行了深入研究,但对海洋深处探索比较困难

    While the top of the ocean is well studied, its depths are more difficult to explore.


  • 深海热泉地球表面出现裂缝我们这里提到的裂缝是在海底深处发现的。

    Hydrothermal vents are cracks in the Earth's surface that occur, the ones we are talking about here are found deep at the bottom of the ocean.


  • 我们曾经认为昆虫最小生物认为没有什么东西生活在六百以上深处地区。

    We used to think that insects were the smallest organisms, and that nothing lived deeper than six hundred meters.


  • 如果喜欢里潜到深处,你需要这个花园传感器有助于环境同时还做庭院工作

    If you love to be in the water and dive deep, you need this! The garden sensor helps the environment and does yard work at the same time.


  • 不管怎样营养物质存在活性深处不是在表层附近,活性层受径流影响最大地方

    The nutrients are deep down in the active layer anyway, not high up near the surface, which is the part of the active layer most affected by run-off.


  • 很多病人告诉他们内心深处想法

    Many patients have told me their innermost thoughts.


  • 很多病人告诉他们内心深处想法

    Many patients have told me their innermost thoughts.


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