• 立面混凝土锯齿形带状玻璃围成消防楼梯其他立面直线型外观

    The south elevation is faced with brick, concrete and a zigzagging band of glass that houses a fire stair. The other facades have a more rectilinear appearance.


  • 几乎整个30年代,带着照相机四处徜徉拍摄了大量建筑物建筑工地广告牌消防楼梯以及停车场等

    She spent most of the 1930s lugging her camera around, shooting pictures of buildings, construction sites, billboards, fire escapes, and stables.


  • 参加消防疏散演习人员,整体经历过程听到消防疏散广播消防楼梯疏散、集合、清点人数、总结、宣布结束

    The whole process is: hearing the broadcast of fire protection, evacuate from the fire escape, get together and nose count, sum-up and over.


  • 楼梯他们脚下坍塌时,消防队员险些丧命。

    Five firemen narrowly escaped death when a staircase collapsed beneath their feet.


  • 部门写道:“不幸的是,许多楼梯和不平的小路导致这名坐着轮椅的妇女在试图进入房子时摔倒了。”

    "Many stairs and uneven pathway unfortunately led to the woman falling over in her wheelchair while trying to enter the house," the fire department wrote.


  • 墙角尖锐,喝醉酒的人会绊倒弯曲狭窄没有消防出口楼梯上。简直一个“死亡陷阱”,但是猜想是特意做成这样的。

    Lethally sharp walls to drunkenly stumble into; winding narrow staircases with no fire exits - it all screams "Death Trap", but I guess that is the point.


  • 这个纪念物设计者没有打算人进去,而且其火热内部符合消防规则的要求,除了陡峭让人眩晕楼梯没有别的紧急出口

    The monument's designers never intended to have visitors inside, and the hot interior meets no fire codes and offers no emergency exit other than a single steep, vertigo-inducing staircase.


  • 撤离的过程中,他们不断遇到穿戴笨重防火设备的消防员和救援人员喘着粗气沿着楼梯向上。

    As they descended, they were passed by fire fighters and rescue workers, panting, pushing their way up the stairs in their heavy boots and gear.


  • 消防认为起火点好几处,并且通过楼梯迅速蔓延大厦下层建筑。

    The fire brigade state that the fire must have started at several points. It developed with extraordinary rapidity and began to find its way downstairs to the rooms below.


  • MattKomorowski纽约消防员,在坍塌时,他另外15人躲在世贸大厦一楼梯内,因而得以幸存

    New York firefighter Matt Komorowski survived the north tower’s collapse with 15 others due to a staircase that withstood the fall.


  • 所有楼梯消防电梯送风系统

    Before all against smoke stair hall and the fire lift, the room supposes the positive pressure blast system.


  • 消防队员冲入浓烟楼梯抢救生命勇气父母养育孩子坚持,正是这些决定我们命运

    It is the firefighter's courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke but also a parent's willingness to nurture a child that finally decides our fate.


  • 消防队员冲入浓烟楼梯抢救生命勇气父母养育孩子的坚持,正是这些决定我们命运

    It is the firefighter's courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke, but also a parent's willingness to nurture a child, that finally decides our fate.


  • 使得消防队员警察生命黄金时期冲向熊熊燃烧双子塔楼梯

    It's what led firefighters and police officers in the prime of their lives up the stairs of those burning towers;


  • 应用外墙内外保温分户保温以及屋面、地下室、车库、楼梯走廊消防通道等隔热保温节能工程。

    Suitable for all kinds of inside and outside wall insulation and household wall, basement insulation, ground, garage, corridor and fire escape heating insulation.


  • 消防队员冲入浓烟楼梯抢救生命的勇气父母养育孩子的坚持,正是这些决定我们命运

    It is the firefighters courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke, but also a parents willingness to nurture a child, that finally decides our fate.


  • 大厦地下室、排风、防烟楼梯间及其前室、消防电梯前室的排烟设计分析比较;介绍空调系统电动两通阀应用

    This paper analyzes several proposals of air exhaust and smoke exhaust in highrise building basement, and briefly introduces electric valves in application of aircodition water system.


  • 今天我们还要纪念那些他人能够活着而献身人:爬到燃烧着子上消防队员应急人员;

    On this day, we also honor those who died so that others might live: the firefighters and first responders who climbed the stairs of two burning towers;


  • 今天我们还要纪念那些他人能够活着而献身人:爬到燃烧着子上消防队员应急人员;

    On this day, we also honor those who died so that others might live: the firefighters and first responders who climbed the stairs of two burning towers;


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