• 入口处浅浮雕描绘了一只鹿、一只孔雀其他一些鸟类中间是一名骑手正在攻击狮子

    The entrance is crowned with a bas-relief depicting a deer, peacock, some other birds and a rider in the middle who strikes the lion.


  • 在艺术上亚述人最有名的是浅浮雕

    Artistically, the Assyrians were particularly noted for their stone bas-reliefs.


  • 织锦通常装饰有时候面上还要弄浮雕效果

    Ornamental features in brocade are emphasized and wrought as additions to the main fabric, sometimes stiffening it, though more frequently producing on its face the effect of low relief.


  • 每一组后两个前后间,入口精美浅浮雕作品

    Each of the latter two contains front and back chambers and fine bas-relief work at its entrance.


  • 大体可以分为神龛浮雕浮雕线镂空几种形式

    It can be divided into shrines type, high relief, shallow relief, line carved, such as type hollow out several forms.


  • 作为浮雕基本分类中的一种浮雕历史自然浮雕本身一样悠久

    As one of the basic relief classification, the history of the shallow relief is natural and relief is as old as the itself.


  • 第一一些生活浮雕第二个洞的中心雕刻优美的宝塔

    The first cave has some bas-reliefs to the life of Buddha, while the second has a delicately carved pagoda at its center.


  • 末端剔刻出条昂首卷尾的浮雕式游龙,龙身漆黑,鳞爪却描上了夺目红色

    At the end of the long stem there is a dragon in light relief with its head raised and tail curled. The body of the dragon is black and the scales and claws are painted in the dazzling red color.


  • 他们创作浅浮雕作品,内容大多当时绘画作品一样,是以动物狩猎的人物形象为主

    They have to create a bas-relief works, mostly about the painting works at that time, as well as with hunting animals is the characters give priority to.


  • 正因为偏向绘画所以类似绘画中的透视错觉等等表现手法广泛地应用浮雕作品中。

    Because of bias in the painting, so a similar perspective, the illusion of painting technique of expression, and so on, have been widely applied in shallow relief work.


  • 进门浮雕描绘了一头鹿、一只孔雀以及其他一些中间则是一个骑士,正在与狮子搏斗

    The entrance is crowned with a bas-relief depicting a deer peacock some other birds and a rider in the middle who strikes the lion.


  • 整个建筑空间委托艺术家作品,包括玛丽的生活,麦当娜的雕塑以及门户描绘浮雕

    Throughout the site are specially commissioned works of art, including paintings of the life of Mary, a sculpture of the Madonna and a bas-relief on the portal depicting the ascension.


  • 进门浮雕描绘了一头鹿、一只孔雀以及其他一些中间则是一个骑士,正在与狮子搏斗

    The entrance is crowned with a bas-relief depicting a deer, peacock , some other birds and a rider in the middle who strikes the lion.


  • 浅浮雕蛋箭饰线脚带有交替椭圆形),还有爱奥尼亚柱头、奔狗模式波形)上所见的涡卷。

    Bas-relief egg-and-dart moldings (with alternating oval and pointed forms), and scrollwork such as that found on Ionic capitals and in the running-dog pattern (or wave scroll).


  • 吴哥窟还拥有世界上最长连续不断浮雕这些浅浮雕沿着外墙一路延伸,向人们讲述印度神话中的故事

    Angkor Wat features the longest continuous bas-relief in the world, which runs along the outer gallery walls, narrating stories from Hindu mythology.


  • 加尔统治时期帕伦克成兴建了很多广场建筑包括最高的“碑铭神庙”(Templodelas Inscripciones,陵墓),这些建筑共同的特色精致灰泥浮雕

    During Pakal's reign, many plazas and buildings, including the superlative Templo de las Inscripciones (his Mausoleum), were constructed in Palenque, characterized by very fine stucco bas-reliefs.


  • 加尔统治时期帕伦克成兴建了很多广场建筑包括最高的“碑铭神庙”(Templodelas Inscripciones,陵墓),这些建筑共同的特色精致灰泥浮雕

    During Pakal's reign, many plazas and buildings, including the superlative Templo de las Inscripciones (his Mausoleum), were constructed in Palenque, characterized by very fine stucco bas-reliefs.


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