• 毛线口袋里拿出来——好啦——现在接着讲希刺克厉夫先生历史吧,打住地方讲到现在

    Draw your knitting out of yourpocket--that will do--now continue the history of Mr Heathcliff, from where you left off, to the present day.


  • 起初的熔岩红色的,迹象表明卫星上面飞过时候这个火山的,层一层的不断翻滚的沙尘暴过热的裂缝中升起,火山喷发成了一道风景线。

    Fresh lava is bright red, an indication that it was active at the time the satellite flew overhead.


  • 因为这些机制动态的,大部分发现这种感觉好多了所以很快地,改变理由得更久变成了更好

    Because these mechanisms are so dynamic, most people find that the feel so much better, so quickly, it reframes the reason for changing from living longer to feeling better.


  • 那些好几木屋里,座木屋都板门通向一个地下掩体,一旦当局人靠近他们就可以掩体中开火而且他们有大量的武器弹药执法人员开火。

    The people lived in several cabins, each of which had a trapdoor that led to a dugout from which they could fire on approaching authorities. And they had a lot of weapons to fire.


  • 这些年里,这家公司指控亚洲使用童工以及采购直接身上拔下来羽毛

    Over the years the company has been accused of using child Labour in Asia and of buying feathers plucked from live geese.


  • 家中带走随着其他数以万计犹太人被带到这儿以来,已濒临死亡,只能算一天,小时算一小时

    I am almost dead, surviving from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since I was taken from my home and brought here with tens of thousands of other Jews.


  • 全世界来看,家务照看孩子主要妇女责任无论是否一份正式工作,这种现象穷国尤其突出。

    Housework and child care the world over, but particularly in poor countries, are still seen mainly as a woman's responsibility, whether or not she also has a formal job.


  • 1984年一次实验哥本哈根大学研究者重感冒的病人身上取出组织进行组织检查,接着病人康复又进行了同样检查。

    In one experiment in 1984, researchers at the University of Copenhagen performed biopsies on nasal tissue taken from people suffering severe colds, then did the same after the subjects had recovered.


  • 粮农组织世卫组织强调宰杀准备食用过程屠宰病毒受感染患病禽类传播造成危险最大

    FAO and WHO emphasize that in the process of killing and preparing a live bird for food, slaughtering poses the greatest risk of passing the virus from infected or diseased birds to humans.


  • 一看见这个半死,马上关切地走了上来,扶起自己瓶中倒了口水他,看着恢复了几分力气

    Seeing the half-conscious individual, he approached him with compassion, raised him up, gave him a refreshing drink from his flask, and waited until he regained his strength.


  • 科学家143个20岁血液样本的研究中得出:人们达到60岁是否15甚至更多粒能够很好地对此作出预测。

    Scientists studying 20-year-old blood samples from 143 people show that telomere length is good indicator of whether someone is likely to live for 15 years or more once they reach 60.


  • 公司过去加拿大少量龙虾运往美国的时候,每次出货面对大堆书面文件

    When the company used to ship live lobsters from Canada to America in small consignments, it faced a pile of paperwork at the border for each shipment.


  • 这种不动,不是懒惰,乃是信心产生的一种镇静

    There is a perfect passivity which is not indolence. It is a living stillness born of trust.


  • 科学家器官中提取细胞核,移入另一鼠的卵细胞中,最终克隆出了小鼠

    The scientists extracted a cell nucleus from an organ of a dead mouse and planted it into the egg of another mouse which was alive, leading to the birth of the cloned mouse.


  • 收集对象Eden个生存半空间复制一个生存半空间,并可能提升一些对象老的

    A minor collection will copy live objects from Eden and one of the survivor semi-spaces into the other survivor space, potentially promoting some objects to the older generation.


  • 我们知道男性忽视他们身体正在衰退也是女人为什么会多5如果生物学角度考虑的话。

    Men, as we all know, neglect their bodies something rotten; it is one of the reasons women, for no biological reason, live five years longer.


  • 正像犹他州立大学研究一样,ReCell方法组织切片样本中分离出基础细胞角化细胞,生产可喷涂的悬浮液,。

    Much like the Utah study, the ReCell process dissolves basal cells and keratinocytes from a biopsy sample, producing a sprayable enzyme suspension.


  • 研究人员磁共振成像(MRI)扫描澳大利亚英镑本地安乐死大脑11最近随着2英语斯普林格服勤。

    The researchers used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to scan the brains of 11 recently euthanized dogs from a local Australian pound, along with two living English springer spaniels.


  • (2007年7月31日下午)当时他们(研究人员)在附近徘徊希望(指只奇特的海豚)身上获取组织检查样本只海豚先是潜到里,过了一会嘴上固定着海螺浮出水面,在水上面来回挥舞海螺

    As they lingered nearby, hoping to dart a biopsy sample from her skin, the dolphin dived and then surfaced with her beak lodged in a conch shell, which she waved back and forth above the water.


  • 意外获悉遵循以素食为主的健康饮食习惯,配合其它替代治疗方法结肠癌4下来。

    I was surprised to learn that he had survived stage four colon cancer by following a healthy plant-based diet and other alternative modes of treatment.


  • RobertGould下来绝对幸运头奶牛三英尺高的栅栏越过直接砸在了车上

    Motorist Robert Gould is lucky to be alive after a startled cow leapt over a three-foot fence and landed on his car.


  • 卫星定位系统(英国佬儿管叫“手鼓‘tom - tom’”)中,水库地图老是显示一个蓝色斑点,因此车窗应该

    The GPS (or 'Tom-tom' for UK readers) shows the reservoirs as large blue splodges on the moving map which, it often indicates, I should be able to see out the window.


  • 学习如何灵魂需要反思分析能力错误

    Learning how to live in soul requires reflective analysis and the ability to learn from your mistakes.


  • 温特证明这种物质燕麦胚芽扩散凝胶

    Went showed that this active agent diffused into gelatin from living oat coleoptile tips .


  • 真正地需要支持自然努力主动摄取,不消极地行动—水流到哪儿到哪儿。

    To really live, it is necessary to support the efforts of nature, to take actively from life, and not to act passively - wherever it flows.


  • 鱼翅业,意谓着是鲨鱼身上剪下来的。

    Finning, as it is called, means cutting the fins off a live shark.


  • 鱼翅业,意谓着是鲨鱼身上剪下来的。

    Finning, as it is called, means cutting the fins off a live shark.


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