• 该机最大优点牵引力大幅度提高适合山区泥泞道路上作业

    Its traction is improved on a large scale and is more suitable to mountain areas and muddy roads.


  • 当然没有希望总是泥泞道路上行走,哪个希望平坦道路呢?

    Of course, no one wants always muddy roads, which do not want to take a flat course?


  • 看着一辆布满灰尘汽车行驶在越南南部泥泞道路上,CarlyZalenski眼眶里泪水

    Carly Zalenski's eyes filled with tears as the dusty bus rattled down a dirt road in southern Vietnam.


  • 发明结构简单成本低廉,行驶安全,具 有在泥泞道路草原沙漠复杂路况下的良好通过能力

    The chassis has simple structure, low cost, safe driving and good passing ability under complex road conditions such as muddy road, grassland, desert and the like.


  • 现实可能只有没有路、路,而且,你没有泥泞道路上行走过,就难以获得泥泞道路上行走经验

    But in reality, it is impossible to have only good road but not bad road, bad road, but you do not walk up a muddy road on the lack of access to the muddy roads experience.


  • 巴拉克·奥巴马国际足联中干脆吟诗作赋:“孩提时代,雅加达泥泞道路足球,是足球让周围邻居孩子玩到了一起。”

    In a letter to FIFA, Barack Obama waxed lyrical: "As a child, I played soccer on a dirt road in Jakarta, and the game brought the children of my neighbourhood together."


  • 图案花样有时会在意想不到地方自发形成比如泥泞道路波浪或是某些条纹形态云彩这些花样形成的原因都是物理学家的研究内容。

    Sometimes patterns form spontaneously in unexpected places, such as the washboard pattern on a dirt road, or the stripe formations of certain clouds, and it's the job of physicists to figure out why.


  • 他们来到一条泥泞道路上时,他们的车抛锚了。

    As they came to a muddy part of the road, their car broke down.


  • 在下面的平原上,暴雨滂沱,雨点敲打泥泞车辙上,车辙标识出沿着岔道通往炼铝厂道路

    Down on the plain, the heavens have opened, huge drops of rain hammering into the muddy ruts which mark the road around the turn-off to the refinery.


  • 然而很快就发现,他不能如期按计划向前推进,因为春汛迅速使得原本干燥道路变得非常泥泞,人是可以过去,但他们所携带的大炮却无法行进。

    He soon learned, however, that he could not move as quickly as planned. Heavy spring rains had turned the dirt roads into rivers of mud.


  • 前面的道路看起来海地农村一样泥泞颠簸缓慢

    The road ahead looks as rutted, rocky and slow as any in rural Haiti.


  • 派恩代尔南面台地怀俄明州繁忙的一块区域,四周散布着泥泞道路坑坑洼洼地分布着一些井眼钻孔设备。

    On a mesa south of Pinedale, Wyoming's busiest field is laced with dirt roads and pock-marked with well-heads and drilling rigs.


  • 离开路面我们接着拐进一条岔道,心中很多忧虑这时已被抛之脑后于是开始了一段颠簸骑行道路泥泞不堪,凹凸不平,却是通往心中的乐土。

    As we exited the pavement, I left many of my concerns behind and began the bumpy ride on the rutted dirt road to paradise.


  • 泥泞道路才能留下脚印”,富有人生哲理的话不仅我们实现人生价值座右铭,也是我们处世辨证思路

    "Muddy road in order to leave footprints," and this rich philosophy of life, then realize the value of life is not only our motto, our life skills of dialectical thinking.


  • 希望自己脚步走我自己的人生。不管道路泥泞还是平地,这是我自己的选择。

    I hope I use my own footsteps to go my own life. Whether this road is muddy or flat, this is my own choice.


  • 泥泞道路上行走艰难每个脚印那么清晰可见长长的艺术作品不是作品而是人生真实足迹

    In the muddy roads is very difficult, each of the footprints are so clearly visible, the long string, rather like a work of art, but it is not work but the real life tracks.


  • 每个人都泥泞”路上行走经历只有经历这样过程懂得平坦道路难得可贵,才懂得珍惜

    Everyone should have a in the "muddy" the experience of walking on the streets, and only through such a process, and understand the rare and valuable flat roads before they know how to cherish.


  • 道路仍然泥泞——坑洞大量积水”他说,“农作物已经荡然无存,一些储藏家里食物人们可以依靠这些等到一切恢复正常。”

    Crops were washed away, but some food was stored in homes, so people have that until things normalize.


  • 到达树林发现泥泞小路的前方好像有一空地。你继续沿着这条通往空地道路前行。

    You reach the grove of trees and notice that the dirt path continues into what looks like a clearing. You continue on the path into the clearing.


  • 人生道路总是泥泞不堪可能平平坦坦鲜花的。

    The road of life is always muddy, and can not be flat Tan Tan, covered with flowers.


  • 我们泥泞道路吃力地走着。

    We labored along the muddy road.


  • 行的孤寂,哀鸿唳鸣,泥泞道路黄昏的残照,掩涕叹息中坐困愁城

    The loneliness of your solitude walk , the plaintive whine of wild geese , the muddy road , the setting sun at dusk , make you sit in gloomy mood , sighing tearfully.


  • 我们的旅游泥泞道路阻挠了

    The muddy roads impede our journey.


  • 5一个编码想法实现下降首先泥泞坑坑洼洼道路

    Figure 5 is an implementation of the coding ideas that got me going down this muddy and rutted road in the first place.


  • 泥泞道路通往住宅,这座矗立陡峭树木丛生的悬崖上的建筑能俯瞰湖面

    A dirt driveway leads to the dwelling, which sits on a steep, forested bluff overlooking a lake.


  • 乡间道路泥泞不堪,布满牛车压出车辙。

    The country roads were muddy and full of furrows left by farm carts.


  • 人群熙熙攘攘,看不到尽头道路泥泞河水泛滥,天地浸润连绵不断雨水里

    An endless throng of people came and jostled together. The road was muddy, the river in flood, the field under water in ceaseless rain.


  • 人群熙熙攘攘,看不到尽头道路泥泞河水泛滥,天地浸润连绵不断雨水里

    An endless throng of people came and jostled together. The road was muddy, the river in flood, the field under water in ceaseless rain.


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