• 自来检测仪中,台都没有检测到辐射

    At two of three monitoring stations operated by the municipal waterworks bureau, no radiation was detected.


  • 新加坡公用事业PUB)负责人叶庆冠(YapKheng Guan)解释说,“我们要么太多,要么太少。”

    "We have either too much water or too little, " explains Yap Kheng Guan, a director of Singapore's PUB.


  • 美国宇航一直渴望能够月球发现因为这样月球变成一个永久性基地梦想又近一步

    Nasa has been so keen to find water on the Moon because it brings the dream of a permanent lunar base one step closer.


  • 根据美国地质调查更多储存地下数量多于地球表面以液体形式所呈现的

    There is much more freshwater stored in the ground than there is in liquid form on the surface, according to the USGS.


  • 去年美国国家宇航为了寻找月球一个科学家就认为上的只是他们知道多少

    When NASA blasted a hole in the moon last year in search of water, scientists figured there would be a splash. They just didn't know how big.


  • 他们津巴布韦国有资源管理接管提供无污染修理坍塌管道职责

    They also took over responsibility from the state-run Zimbabwe National water Authority for delivering disease-free water and repairing collapsed sewerage pipes.


  • 今天很多专家(包括德州发展成员),建议着手一项重要工程保证未来资源的可持续性比如海岸线建设脱盐工厂

    Today, many experts, including members of the Texas Water Development Board, recommend undertaking a major project to ensure future sustainability, such as a desalination plant on the Gulf Coast.


  • 我们之所以能够开始联想——月球建立一个自给自足的是因为上周美国航天宣布在月球上发现大量

    We can finally begin to think seriously about establishing such a self-sufficient home on the Moon because last week, NASA announced that it had discovered large quantities of water there.


  • 当时司法部的法律顾问重新查看法律条文,希望找到支持这种新式的升级版审讯方式(如让人有溺感觉)的法律依据。

    At the time the department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) was revisiting laws to support newenhancedmethods of interrogation, such as waterboarding, which induces a sensation of drowning.


  • 美国宇航科学家们认为他们已经发现火星流体可能可以支持生命体。

    NASA scientists believe they've discovered flowing water on Mars which may have the ability to sustain living organisms.


  • 去年美国航空航天利用服役到期的半人马座火箭撞击阴影区的月球陨坑,轰第一明确迹象-月球内部充满

    Last year, NASA smacked a spent Centaur rocket into a Shadowed lunar crater and blew out the first definite signs that the moon is chock-full of water.


  • 真彩图像所摄正是从美国宇航“阿卡”卫星分辨率成像光谱仪观察到的2011年1月22日出现在罗斯海的华。

    This true-color image captures such a bloom in the Ross Sea on January 22, 2011, as viewed by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite.


  • 自来步”战略- - -包括淡化回收进口,这使得新加坡公共事业赢得国际美誉包括2007年斯德哥尔摩工业

    A "four tap" strategy — which includes desalinated, recycled, rain and imported water — has won the PUB an outpouring of international praise, including the Stockholm Industry water Award in 2007.


  • 津巴布韦国家管理保证作为当务之急改善供应处理系统

    ZINWA (Zimbabwe National Water Authority) has pledged to correct the water supply and sewage system as a matter of urgency.


  • 英国《每日邮报》报道,美国宇航近日公布了一张火星冬季照片展现了火星表面无数令人惊叹的地貌特征结构其中包括二氧化碳或者形成的

    NASA recently released a stunning image showing the surface of Mars in extraordinary detail, including a myriad of shapes and textures seen as carbon dioxide or water frost, the Daily Mail reported.


  • 美国宇航建立月球基地计划月球表面存在大量发现之后获得意外惊喜的推动

    Nasa's plans to establish a human outpost on the moon have received a surprise boost following the discovery of large amounts of water on its surface.


  • 随着人群后面反败为胜的欢呼声数百海鸥突然出现在一之隔对岸。

    As the crowd cheers the late-inning comeback, hundreds of gulls appear from across the water.


  • 美国宇航利用颗卫星月球南部极点一座火山口随之激向大气岩石灰尘中发现了大约24加仑的冰冻

    The equivalent of 24 gallons of frozen water, mixed in with the rock and dust that was thrown into the air when a rocket was deliberately crashed into a crater near the Moon's south pole last month.


  • 众议院南希·佩洛西2002年简要上报中情其他有争议的质询手段,没有受到质疑

    Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives, was reportedly briefed on the CIA's plans for waterboarding and other controversial techniques in 2002, and raised no qualms.


  • 但是一次环保介入了,2007年告知他违反清洁法案

    But this time, the E.P.A. stepped in and in 2007 told him that he was out of compliance with the Clean Water Act.


  • 然而8月4日美国宇航发布火星表面存在液态有力证据

    On August 4th, though, NASA announced the strongest evidence yet for the existence of liquid water on the surface.


  • 国家地理慷慨分享15图片新闻机构以及美国国家航天提供照片组成一个作品集——都是我们地球上有关的。

    National Geographic was also kind enough to share 15 of their images below, in a collection with other photos from news agencies and NASA - all of water, here at home - Earth. (43 photos total)


  • 美国国家航空航天(NASA)的Aqua(卫星,2010年2月10日用所载的分辨率成像分光辐射仪(MODIS拍摄图像(类照片图像)。

    This photo-like image was captured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite on February 10, 2010.


  • 2008年12月22日田纳西州流域管理座煤电厂的洗煤溃口,向附近一条河流排入9.78亿加仑(3.702亿升)洗煤其中的煤灰在沉淀淤泥之后被运往尤宁敦郊外的一个填埋点—亚罗海德(Arrowhead)。

    On December 22nd 2008, a holding pond at a Tennessee Valley Authority coal-fired power plant ruptured, sending 978m gallons (3,702m litres) of ash into a nearby river, where it turned to sludge.


  • 环保清洗纯化废物处置阶段干洗这些有害毒素可以进入我们空气土壤中

    The EPA says that it is during the cleaning, purification, and waste disposal phases of dry cleaning that these hazardous toxins can get into our air, water, and soil.


  • 环保清洗纯化废物处置阶段干洗这些有害毒素可以进入我们空气土壤中

    The EPA says that it is during the cleaning, purification, and waste disposal phases of dry cleaning that these hazardous toxins can get into our air, water, and soil.


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