• 他们决定建立正式关系

    They decided to put their relationship on a more formal footing.


  • 他们打着普通领带而不是更为正式高领领结

    They wore ordinary ties instead of the more formal high collar and cravat.


  • 很多社会年轻人通过正式仪式进入成年

    In many societies, young people are formally initiated into their adult roles.


  • 联合国官员们一份正式要求转给美国当局

    UN officials said a formal request was passed to American authorities.


  • 多个调查中例行外勤正式方式来进行协助

    He assisted in unofficial ways with the routine legwork in various investigations.


  • 别人短信被认为是正式

    It's considered pretty informal to text-message someone.


  • 瑞士人遵循正式餐桌礼仪

    The Swiss follow formal table manners.


  • 学生毕业舞会应该穿正式衣服

    Students are supposed to wear formal clothes at the prom.


  • 正式的学习环境学校能容忍失败

    Informal learning environments tolerate failure better than schools.


  • 这些日本妇女正式鞠躬人们施礼以示欢迎

    The Japanese women salute the people with formal bows in welcome.


  • 法院没有发布正式起诉书诉讼程序审讯前的阶段

    The court has yet to issue formal indictments, and the proceedings remain in the pre-trial phase.


  • 星期二下午我们一个正式的歌唱大多数居民都参加了。

    On Tuesday afternoons we have an informal singing class, which most of the residents attend.


  • 第一出现这样一个正式聚会上感到很不自在,想要逃离

    Appearing at such a formal party for the first time, I felt out of place and wanted to flee.


  • 正式的谈话风格使互动变得舒适机器依然有些不可预测因此变得有趣

    Its informal conversational style would make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and therefore interesting.


  • 梅特兰给出了理由一课题要求研究人员掌握极其正式答辩程序系统”。

    Maitland offered one reason: the subject requires researchers to "master an extremely formal system of pleading and procedure".


  • 第二天晚上正式晚餐体育锻炼之后大多数体育馆冲澡然后直接食堂

    The next night was formal dinner. And most people showered in the gym after sports practice, then went straight to the dining hall.


  • 这个律师再接受法律教育但是他们大多数还是正式的方式参加教育课程。

    The same state's lawyers don't require continuing legal education, although most lawyers do participate in it informally.


  • 其次年轻人可能受益早期接触互联网因为他们可以接受正式学校教育之前开始学习

    Secondly, young people might benefit from early exposure to the Internet for they can start their learning ahead of formal schooling.


  • 解释了为什么罗马不再英国拥有任何正式权威之后,还有一些堡垒继续处于被占领的状态。

    It also explains why some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain.


  • 协议明确指出,发达国家发展国家减排责任没有正式区别,但实际上这忽略了历史排放

    The agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions, effectively ignoring historical emissions.


  • 在与同事家人朋友交谈中以及亲密朋友私人便条信件时,我们使用正式的语言

    Informal language is used in conversation with colleagues, family members, and friends, and when we write personal notes or letters to close friends.


  • 在与同事家人朋友交谈中以及亲密朋友私人便条信件时,我们使用正式的语言

    Informal language is used in conversation with colleagues, family members and friends, and when we write personal notes or letters to close friends.


  • 然而协议明确指出,发达国家发展国家减排责任没有正式区别这实际上忽略了历史排放

    However, the agreement specifies that there is no formal distinction between developed and developing nations in their responsibility to cut emissions, effectively ignoring historical emissions.


  • 尽管干杯”很欢迎,但它认为是一种正式表达感谢方式——就明确说明了什么时候使用最合适的。

    "Cheers", despite its popularity, is considered an informal way to say thank you—and this is a definite clue as to when you can best use it.


  • 例如可能需要一间房间那里每个人都聚在一起主题演讲演示较小会议室则可以进行正式的小组讨论

    For example, you may need a large room where everyone can be together for keynote speeches or presentations, and smaller meeting rooms for informal group discussions.


  • 薇薇安·托马斯没有接受过正式的医学训练努力抗击重重困难成为了心脏外科医生最终获得了约翰·霍普金斯大学荣誉博士学位。

    Vivien Thomas, who had no formal medical training, in struggling against overwhelming odds, he became a cardiac surgeon and eventually to receive an honorary doctorate from Johns Hopkins University.


  • 怀尔德伯格主妇并非没有受过训练因为正如欧吉维在其他地方指出的那样,妻子孩子主人一起工作他们训练可能是非正式的仍然存在

    Wildberg master-widows were not untrained for, as Ogilvie notes elsewhere, wives and children worked with masters, their training may have been informal, but it existed nevertheless.


  • 比起石头制成雕像木质雕像金属雕像总体感觉更加轻巧和灵活,但是因为相同功能,这两种正式雕像仍然采用了“正面描绘”的展现手法

    The effect is altogether lighter and freer than what achieved in stone, but because both perform the same function, formal wooden and metal statues still display frontality.


  • 比起石头制成雕像木质雕像金属雕像总体感觉更加轻巧和灵活,但是因为相同功能,这两种正式雕像仍然采用了“正面描绘”的展现手法

    The effect is altogether lighter and freer than what achieved in stone, but because both perform the same function, formal wooden and metal statues still display frontality.


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