• 但是,在阿根廷财政接近正常国家财政之前,AmadoBoudou还必须付出更多努力。

    But Mr Boudou has much more to do before Argentina's finances approach those of a normal country.


  • 这个国家部分地区至少表面上恢复正常

    At least a semblance of normality has been restored to parts of the country.


  • 由于工厂基础设施损坏程度严重需要数周甚至数月的时间这个国家供应链才能恢复正常

    Owing to the level of the damage to factories and infrastructure, it will be weeks or even months before the country's supply chain returns to normal.


  • 尽管男性身体接触这些文化中更为正常,但在阿拉伯国家,人们会抵触非家庭成员异性之间的身体接触

    Although men's touching is more normal in these cultures, physical contact between persons of opposite sexes who are not family members is negatively perceived in Arabian countries.


  • 尽管参加战争人,其PTSD通常会表现的正常,但是这个国家以及在国防部里,仍然确实存在有关的病例。

    Although PTSD is perfectly normal after going to war, in this country and within the Department of Defense there still exists a certain stigma associated with it.


  • 叙利亚中东地区重要国家我们希望叙利亚保持国家稳定正常秩序

    Syria is an important country in the Middle East and we hope Syria maintains national stability and normal order.


  • 晚上的黎波里不时传来枪炮声,这武器泛滥国家正常人们也喜欢朝天开枪一次表达他们的情绪

    Gunfire regularly rings out in Tripoli at night, a normal occurrence in a country awash with weapons and where people enjoy shooting in the air to express emotions.


  • 议案提出一些限制其他国家认为是正常的。

    Some restrictions proposed by the bill are considered normal in other countries.


  • :是的,中国以色列有着正常的、友好的国家关系

    Premier Wen: China does have a normal and friendly national relationship with Israel.


  • 巴马提出主权国家之间正常关系

    Mr Obama talked of a "normal relationship between sovereign nations".


  • 认为比较合理回答接受这种持续时间的爆发性增长这种技术全世界传播正常自然因为每个国家都将受益

    I think the sensible response is to accept that this burst of growth will continue for some while yet and that it is normal and natural for the benefits of new technologies to spread around the world.


  • 中国继续其他国家开展一宗旨相符正常交流合作

    China would continuously conduct such normal exchange and cooperation activities in accordance with this purpose with other countries.


  • 希望它能够通过网络传播到各个国家,为无法通过正常渠道接受大学教育人们,提供便利,耶鲁,更是资源的充分利用

    And ideally will be access by people across many different countries some of them wouldn't normally have access to the university education I see this is a good and honorable use of Yale resources.


  • 埃及中国友好国家我们希望埃及尽快恢复社会稳定正常秩序

    A: Egypt is a friendly country of China. We hope Egypt will restore social stability and normal order as soon as possible.


  • “1991年之后这个国家如果保持安定得以正常工作建立自己生意自然最好的”,表示

    "If only the country had been calm, and I'd been able to work normally since 1991, and build my business, that would have been the best," he says.


  • 强调中国海军正常训练,不对任何国家构成威胁

    He stressed that Chinese navy was conducting normal training which posed no threat to any country.


  • 衰退中的希腊西班牙其他国家重回正常轨道所有演说财政紧缩措施相结合恢复财政秩序

    Putting Greece, Spain and the other countries that are languishing back to work would do more to restore fiscal order than all the speeches and austerity measures combined.


  • 援助支持者很少去探究为什么一个正常工作秩序国家努力寻求援助,而不是其他更好财政支持方式

    And aid supporters spend little time addressing the mystery of why a country in good working order would seek aid rather than other, better forms of financing.


  • 叙利亚中东地区重要国家我们希望尽快恢复国家稳定正常秩序

    A: Syria is a major country in the Middle East region. We hope to see an early restoration of national stability and normal order of Syria.


  • 然而来自各方声音建议德国走出阴影成为一个英国法国一样的“正常国家

    There were voices on right and left, however, suggesting that Germany should now step out from the shadows and become a "normal" country - by which they meant more like France and Britain.


  • 那些短缺商品对于经济正常运行至关重要时(比如原油),国家自然变得有点疯狂

    When those scarce goods are vital for the smooth running of the economy (as oil is), it is natural for countries to get a bit desperate.


  • AT&T公司声明——有声电话信息电子邮件网络服务——世界范围超过200个国家都可以正常使用。

    AT&T says it will work -- voice calls, text messaging, e-mail, and Internet -- in over 200 countries around the world.


  • 这些心理学家关于他们自己国家的时候,一切正常但是他们概括人类本性的时候事情就变得糟糕了

    When these psychologists write about their own country, all is well. But things deteriorate when they generalize about human nature.


  • 基辛格研究始于质疑和平构成国家关系正常模式想法

    Kissinger begins his study by challenging the idea that peace constitutes the "' normal 'pattern of relations among states." Indeed, he describes a world that seems anything but peaceful.


  • 这完全在没有任何重大情况下就宣布国家进入紧急状态,生活往日一样正常

    A state of emergency was introduced without any great fuss: life was to go on as normal.


  • 这完全在没有任何重大情况下就宣布国家进入紧急状态,生活往日一样正常

    A state of emergency was introduced without any great fuss: life was to go on as normal.


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