• 正常位置就是属于生理性内、外翻足。

    Normal position, that is, belonging to the physiological, the talipes.


  • 缝纫机占据墙角明显的位置说明生活正在恢复正常

    A sewing machine occupies an important place in a corner - a sign that life is getting back to normal.


  • 气球膨胀骨头推向正常位置然后骨头接合剂防止脊椎骨再次损伤。

    The balloons are inflated to push the bone back into its normal position, then bone cement is used to keep it from collapsing again.


  • 但是如果组件重新绘制自己(例如浏览器页面获得更新输入或者动画更新本身时),组件将使用正常尺寸位置绘制

    But if the component repainted itself (for example when a browser gets updated input on a page or an animation updates itself), the component would paint using its normal size and location.


  • 工作通常在原来位置上,不是正常情况下寻求晋升年轻人那样跳到工资更高但是缺乏安全感的职位上。

    Those who are working often stay with the jobs they have rather than jump to better paying but less secure ones, as young people seeking advancement normally do.


  • 正常来说用户搜索引擎上输入一个查询,在搜索结果旁边便会出现根据用户搜索的内容/处的地理位置显示相应的广告

    Normally when a user types in a query into a search engine the advertising placed alongside the search results is dependent on what the user has search for and/or geographic loction.


  • 的样子是个正常,像短路电脑似的,他“跳著向前退后或是侧面走,然后又退回之前站的位置

    The way he was moving was not like a normal person would, it was like a glitching computer; he would "jump" forward, backward or to a side, then back to his normal place again.


  • 定位浏览器决定被浮动元素相对元素文档正常排列” 中的位置垂直位置

    Positioning. The browser determines a floated element's vertical position from the element's location in the "normal flow" of the document.


  • 程序正常操作过程中,调用一个函数时,被调用函数所有参数以及返回位置指针放在栈中

    During normal operation of a program, when a function is called, any arguments for the called function along with a pointer to the return location are placed onto the stack.


  • 正常情况下飞机飞越大洋时要控制保持联络,需要及时告知飞机航线位置详细信息。

    Normally, aircraft crossing the oceans are in contant contact with traffic control, updating them with details of their route information or location.


  • 眼皮的颜色不正常,夹杂着黑色蓝色黄色,就像是眼睛的位置了打一样。

    Her eyelids were black and blue and yellow, like she had been hit on both eyes.


  • LVM系统确保逻辑管理员物理地改变存储位置同时能够继续正常操作

    The LVM system ensures that our logical volumes continue to operate perfectly while allowing the administrator to physically change where everything is stored.


  • 正常镜像调整位置后投射病人感觉到的幻觉中的手所在的位置

    The position of his normal hand is adjusted so that its reflection in the mirror is superimposed on the position he feels his phantom hand to be in.


  • 与此同时,斯莫林后卫位置上的异军突起,令无法正常发挥后防线中的作用

    Meanwhile, Chris Smalling is beginning to make the right-back spot look like a natural option for him when he can't play his normal role in the center of defense.


  • 如果双方通道同一平台上出口具有相同名称并且同一位置一切工作正常需要CHAD出口。

    If the two sides of the channel are on identical platforms, and the exit has the same name and is located in the same place, then everything works and no CHAD exit is required.


  • 如果Derby数据库服务器操作期间由于某种原因终止,则可以保存停止的位置数据库恢复正常状态

    If the Derby database server is terminated for some reason during the operation, it can pick up where it left off and recover the database to a normal state.


  • 如果一切运行正常应当在接近清单末尾位置看到下面

    If all goes well, you should see a line like this one near the end of the listing.


  • 考虑如何建立正常饮食习惯也许会花费我们很多时间精力但是我们一定要把放在一生中头等重要位置

    Normal eating takes up some of your time and attention, but keeps its place as only one important area of your life.


  • 几个原因可以来解释为什么有时候看不到阑尾包括盲肠后的位置正常阑尾,穿孔尖端周围发炎

    There are several reasons why the appendix may not be visualized, including retro-cecal location, normal appendix, perforation, and inflammation around the distal tip.


  • 机器人专家通常想到没有障碍物体,”说,“但是那些从事处于正常位置物体工作的机器人,对我们帮助更大。”

    "Roboticists usually just see objects as obstacles to be avoided," he says "But they can help us."


  • 同时地球尽力维持着自己正常位置,要太阳磁极排列成一列。

    The Earth meanwhile is trying to maintain its normal position, align with the Sun's magnetic posture.


  • 应用程序当作正常KParts组件(同一个进程内),实际上它是另一个进程(使用DCOP)通信代理那个进程才是组件真正所在位置

    The application sees a normal KParts component (in the same process), but it is in fact a proxy that communicates with another process (using DCOP), where the component is really located.


  • 绝缘材料中,高压消除几乎所有电子原来正常位置

    In an insulating material, nearly all the electrons will return to their normal position instantly the high voltage is removed.


  • 脱位脱臼身体一部分脱位,骨头正常位置暂时的脱臼。

    Displacement of a body part, especially the temporary displacement of a bone from its normal position.


  • 如果得到得到一对背后不用担心不是正常位置一个真正黄金练习

    If you can get get only a couple of kicks while on your back, no worries... it's not a natural position, and is really a bonus drill.


  • 手柄恢复正常位置,则“压力就得到缓解,使得调节阀能够保持正常系统压力。

    Returning the lever to its normal position releases the tension on the rod permitting the valve to maintain normal system pressure.


  • 手柄恢复正常位置,则“压力就得到缓解,使得调节阀能够保持正常系统压力。

    Returning the lever to its normal position releases the tension on the rod permitting the valve to maintain normal system pressure.


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