• 现在科克吉姆模糊记忆总是杜松子酒柠檬汁

    Now Cork is always dry gin and a twist in Jim's fading memory. Bitter lemon.


  • 透过你们所谓历史模糊记忆一种状态其中创造存在力量的,制造它们方式未知的。

    Dimly remembered through what you would call history, there was a state of agony in which the powers of creativity and existence were known, but the ways to produce them were not known.


  • 60年代社会激进主义时代似乎只剩下模糊记忆

    It seems that the '60s era of social activism is all but a dim memory.


  • 那个人衣着外表引起了模糊记忆

    Something about the dress or appearance of the man had stirred a vague memory in him.


  • 我们大多数人来说,记忆模糊褪色生活画面

    For most of us, memory is a mess of blurred and faded pictures of our lives.


  • 自己记忆范围广,印象模糊

    His memory, too he described as extensive, but hazy.


  • 当然这项发现也提出显而易见问题如果我们记忆并非那么模糊为什么我们老是忘记我们所要记住事物细节呢?

    Of course, this finding raises the obvious question: if our memories aren't all that fuzzy, then why do we often forget the details of things we want to remember?


  • 但是最近一小部分使用者已经开始担心药物会引起突发认知副作用例如记忆丧失思考模糊学习困难

    But recently a small number of users have voiced concerns that the drugs elicit unexpected cognitive side effects, such as memory loss, fuzzy thinking and learning difficulties.


  • 作者观察除非这种不愉快记忆联系不断加固,否则,即使这样的厌恶情绪没有完全消失掉,它也随着时间的流逝逐渐模糊

    Unless the unpleasant association is reinforced, the memories will slowly fade with time, although the aversion doesn’t disappear entirely during the two-week period that the authors were looking at.


  • 他们认为一旦病人开始出现记忆丧失、意识模糊痴呆等症状时,再挽回可能已经太迟了

    Once patients begin to show signs of memory loss, confusion and dementia, they now believe, it may be too late to reverse the damage to brain neurons.


  • 流光所,岂乎?连所情节散架人物模糊,只余零星细节,随记忆飘摇

    Leaving behind not only the people, but also the books read,the story in books would fall into pieces and their figures have become vague and indistinct gradually.


  • 我们记忆(以及我们的蜂群思维)是以同样模糊偶然方式创造出来的。

    Our memories (and our hive minds) are created in the same indistinct, haphazard way.


  • 柯林博士对于科学做出了多大贡献H.M.自己从不知道有人告诉这件事,那是一温暖模糊记忆——哪怕只有秒。

    He never knew how much he contributed to science, says Dr Corkin, but if someone had told him it would have given him a warm, fuzzy feeling—for a few seconds, at least.


  • 它们看起来永远的延续下去快乐记忆乱麻每张都一部分因为眩目的白光模糊不清

    They seemed to go on forever, a jumbled mess of happy memories, each one partially obscured by blinding white light.


  • 研究表明,人中年以后若坚持适量运动可以减缓甚至扭转老年时记忆减退意识模糊

    New studies show that moderate exercise in midlife and later can arrest and even reverse the memory loss and fuzzy thinking that comes with age.


  • 而且,当再次循着记忆搜索字句时发现我的记忆欺骗许多以为记得的,变得模糊不清了。

    Moreover, on looking over it now, I found that my memory had played me false and much of what I thought I knew had become hazy.


  • 从来没有特别喝醉过,我这么以为回忆时候记忆变得越来越模糊

    I was never particularly drunk, I don't think, but my memory becomes increasingly misty when I try to think back.


  • 然而科学家最近发现了种唤醒记忆方式,而且即使部分记忆已经开始模糊,也同样可以发挥作用。

    But scientists have now found a way to boost the recall of memories even after they've started to fade.


  • 除了因记忆断裂带来模糊感,还有混乱感,因为大部分时间我们都被麻醉了。

    On top of the haziness created by a fractured childhood, there is confusion created by the fact that we were drugged most of the time.


  • 如果老年人这些称之为抗胆碱类的药物会使你大脑模糊记忆减退

    If you're elderly, these drugs, called anticholinergics, can cause mental fogginess and forgetfulness.


  • 匹兹堡——不久前寒冷多雨下午,阿隆·雷茨尼克(AronReznick)坐在养老院的休息室里,满头银发,梳理得非常整齐的,然而他的记忆模糊不清

    PITTSBURGHOn a cold, wet afternoon not long ago, Aron Reznick sat inthe lounge of a home for the elderly here, his silver hair neatlycombed, his memory a fog.


  • 此次《褪色时光》创作系列也是日常照片中获得灵感不过似乎比以前深入地钻研记忆模糊地带。

    The new series for the current show also draws inspiration from informal photographs but here she delves ever more deeply into the imprecise realms of memory.


  • 15过去了,关于15年前那个11月寒冷夜晚记忆渐渐模糊。但就在那个晚上,不可思议事真的发生了

    Fifteen years on, memories are dimming of a cold November night when the impossible happened.


  • 页面上文字接一行,优美流畅,新的美好驱散了我所有模糊污点记忆

    His words flowed exquisitely from line to line, and the new beauty out-shadowed any memory of the faint blemishes.


  • 页面上文字接一行,优美流畅,新的美好驱散了我所有模糊污点记忆

    His words flowed exquisitely from line to line, and the new beauty out-shadowed any memory of the faint blemishes.


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