• 先,买一本至少有100页横格纸的笔记本。

    First, buy a notebook with at least 100 lined pages.


  • 制作一个一张格纸剪贴板。

    She produced a clipboard with a sheet of ruled paper attached.


  • 总结、把缩写和引文写成笔记、把线格纸裁开

    Use a technique that suits you, e. g. write summaries, paraphrases or quotations on note cards, or separate sheets of lined paper.


  • 采用正态分布积分曲线近似公式计算概率格纸坐标屏幕绘图

    Coordinates of a normal probability paper are calculated with a approximate formula of normal distribution integral curve and drawn on screen.


  • 为了做出来的笔记有效果,你要选择活页、干净格纸最好是学校用的格纸

    To take notes effectively, choose a sheet of loose, clean, lined paper, preferably college-ruled.


  • 当然,贝拉德要求助于电脑不过可以最简单的办法自家客厅计算圆周率所用材料只是一张格纸

    He used a computer, but you can also calculate pi at home with some needles and a sheet of lined paper.


  • 袋子标签着“尼克第一颗牙”。袋子订在一起的还有一张起来的一张小学生练写字格纸

    "Nick's first tooth" was written in marker on the bag, and a folded piece of lined grade-school13 handwriting paper was stapled14 to the bag.


  • 施普林集团已经纸诉状将《每日新闻上法庭,控告后者发起修改路名之过于劳民伤财

    The Springer Group has filed a lawsuit in the Daily News, accusing the latter of initiating a road name change that was too labor-intensive and costly.


  • 格斯核查一下管线槽隙气味,然后放了一瓶酒一支钢笔以及鸡尾酒餐巾纸罗德尼面前

    Gus said he had to go check out a smell in the crawl space. He set a bottle in front of Rodney along with a pen and cocktail napkin.


  • 格斯核查一下管线槽隙的气味,然后一瓶酒一支钢笔以及鸡尾酒餐巾纸罗德尼面前

    Gus said he had to go check out a smell in the crawl space.He set a bottle in front of Rodney, along with a pen and cocktail napkin.


  • 格斯核查一下管线槽隙气味,然后放了一瓶酒一支钢笔以及一块鸡尾酒餐巾纸罗德尼面前

    Gus said he had to go check out a smell in the crawl space. He set a bottle in front of Rodney, along with a pen and cocktail napkin.


  • 靠着格朗泰尔的,是一张几乎冷冷清清的桌子、一张、一瓶墨水一支笔,放在两个酒杯中间宣告闹剧剧本正在酝酿。

    Near Grantaire, an almost silent table, a sheet of paper, an inkstand and a pen between two glasses of brandy, announced that a vaudeville was being sketched out.


  • 其他必备品一起放进装备袋,备用相机电池闪存卡瑞士军刀卫生纸笔记本、格兰·诺拉麦片瓶装还有好运!

    It joined other essentials in my field pouch like extra camera batteries, flash CARDS, Swiss Army knife, toilet paper, notebook, granola bar, bottled water and luck.


  • 100克朗纸钞显示18世纪冰岛学者奥德尼·马格纳森。

    Their 100 krona note depicts 18th century Icelandic scholar Arni Magnusson.


  • 蛋糕放在格架上可以防止糖霜堆积在蛋糕底部烘焙可以住漏下去的糖霜。

    Elevating the cake stops icing pooling around its bottom, while the baking paper catches any drips.


  • 还有加密档案。库的。瑞度安水晶有够尤洛特一样激动。肯定有什么重要的东西这些密文里面

    Andthose two cryptic volumes. Kwuteg had been right in one thing. Riduliancrystal paper was heavy. But she shared Ulot's excitement. Somethingimportant was concealed in those lines of cipher.


  • 状纸罐比起一般的纸品包装具有硬度、所占空间耐用密封性好等优点,而且新颖的包装能让产品别树一格。

    As compared with common paper packing products, cylinder paper jar features high hardness, small size, durability, fine sealing and etc, beautifying your products.


  • 含标准元器件1个、打印好的单元格小顶盖标签元器件盒盖标签纸各一件、另赠送空白标签纸一套。

    This product includes 1 blank SMT box, 1 cell lid label paper and 1 box top cap label paper.


  • 阿森纳上赛季线作战差一点夺冠,但是温格期待的‘队长们’带领球队赛季捅破窗户纸。

    Arsenal fell just short after challenging on four fronts last term but Wenger expects his' captains' to take the team over the line this season.


  • 为了唤起一度魂牵梦绕的景象,他身上总会携带一个袖珍记事本横格的纸页上用铅笔画下草图

    To help him recall images that captivated him, the artist always carried a small pocket diary. On its ruled pages he made pencil sketches.


  • 利物浦老板亨利主教练格利什念紧箍咒,表示如果利物浦不能进入欧冠,老纸灰常灰常的失望

    Liverpool owner John W Henry has thrown down the gauntlet to manager Kenny Dalglish by insisting it would be a 'major disappointment' if Liverpool fail to qualify for the Champions League this season.


  • 单元格小盖子标签1张,128个单元格标签,包含128种

    The label paper of 128 cell LIDS inside box includes 128 values.


  • 解开口袋只见袋中格,第一格中放着书卷,周继君取出书卷展开嘴角微微起。

    Untie pocket, sees divide 3 spaces in the bag and put one paper book in the first space, the week takes out book to fire after the gentleman, and the edge of jaws is tiny to start to heave.


  • 麦格教授一张:“每人只能一个上帝注视着。”

    Professor McGonagall put a piece of paper: "each person can only take one, God is watching."


  • 标准元件单元格盖子标签定制标准元件盒小盖子完全吻合专业彩色激光打印机品质打印

    The customize label paper is true fit to each one of 128 cell lids of the box. High quality and professional color laser printing.


  • 条带 油道撑条绝缘材料矩形撑条与涂菱格绝缘纸使用特种胶粘剂粘贴而成;

    Oil duct strut insulation material is stuck by rectangular strut and adhesive diamond pattern insulating paper with special adhesive.


  • 含标准元器件单元小顶盖标签、元器件盒上盖标签纸各一件,镊子一把。

    This product includes 1 blank SMT box, 1 cell lid label paper, 1 box top cap label paper and a nipper.


  • 含标准元器件单元小顶盖标签、元器件盒上盖标签纸各一件,镊子一把。

    This product includes 1 blank SMT box, 1 cell lid label paper, 1 box top cap label paper and a nipper.


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