• 想过吴哥窟和顺化古城当地早餐果酱面包咖啡

    I never imagined a baguette with jam and coffee would be the local breakfast served at a restaurant near Angkor Wat and the Imperial City in Hue.


  • 毡房,有一张矮,上面放满了各种自制果酱浓厚鲜奶一篮自制的面包

    Inside the yurt, a low table is laid with a variety of homemade jams, a bowl of thick fresh cream and a basket of homemade bread.


  • 丹麦人早餐经常出现黑面包奶酪意大利蒜味腊肠火腿馅饼蜂蜜果酱有时候还会有平盘巧克力

    On Dane's breakfast plate, you'll often find rye bread, cheeses, salami, ham, pie, honey, jam, and sometimes even thin plates of chocolate.


  • 美味摩洛哥早餐- - -通常包括有些辣酱果酱奶酪或者黄油不同面包

    A yummy Moroccan breakfast - usually consists of different breads with some chutney, jam, cheese or butter.


  • 伊朗早餐- - -特色就是这些抹了黄油果酱烤饼面包

    Breakfast in Iran - it usually features some sort of naan bread with butter and jam.


  • 弗朗希丝决定顿饭面包果酱可是出乎的意料,她的父母竟然答应了她的愿望

    Frances decides she likes to eat only bread and jam at every mealuntil to her surprise — her parents grant her wish.


  • 索瓦餐厅的菜单包括橄榄水瓜柳松子色拉无麸面包果酱橄榄鲑鱼香草酱,以及其他各种鱼类菜肴

    The menu includes salads with olives, capers and pine nuts; gluten-free bread with nut-based butter or olive tapenades; smoked salmon with herb dressing; and other various meat and fish dishes.


  • Dicke,他引用了某项研究,称无论如何一般每年都会无意识地大约500虫子颗粒——草莓果酱面包其他处理过食物中

    Said Dicke, citing research that the average person unwittingly eats about 500 grams of bug particles a year anywayin strawberry jam, bread and other processed foods.


  • 丹麦人早餐盘里经常出现黑面包奶酪意大利蒜味腊肠火腿馅饼蜂蜜果酱有时候还会有平盘巧克力

    On a Dane's breakfast plate you'll often find rye bread, cheeses, salami, ham, pate, honey, jam and sometimes even thin 'plates' of chocolate.


  • 丹麦人早餐盘里经常出现黑面包奶酪意大利蒜味腊肠火腿,馅饼,蜂蜜果酱有时候还会有一平盘巧克力

    On a Dane's breakfast plate you'll often find rye bread cheeses salami ham pâté honey jam and sometimes even thin ‘plates' of chocolate.


  • 这时候,就和姐妹坐在桌子一旁,相互传递果酱热烘烘面包上抹上一层。

    By now, my sisters have joined me at one end of the table where we pass the apple butter to each other to slather on the warm bread.


  • 听到这个可怜女人故事的时候,我觉得还惨毕竟,我还有果酱面包)。

    When I got to know this poor figure andheard her story I felt worse for her plight than for my own (I, afterall, I thought I had everything to in front of me).


  • 夹心饼煎饼放进面包然后在顶端放进一些果酱肉桂油容易了吧,呵呵!

    Pop a frozen waffle or pancake into the toaster and top it with warm applesauce and cinnamon. Too easy, huh?


  • 一个少量奶油芝士果酱迷你全麦面包一杯酸奶

    A mini whole wheat bagel, spread lightly with cream cheese and jam; a peach; and a cup of yogurt.


  • 这孩子!她只面包的那果酱简直就大人!

    How well bred! It eats the top of the slice of bread and butter just like a person!


  • 一杯加入新鲜蓝莓脱脂酸奶果酱全麦面包

    A cup of nonfat yogurt, fresh blueberries mixed in, and a slice of whole wheat toast with a fruit spread on top.


  • 根据消费者倡导请愿书上列出很长的名单,一些含人工色素受欢迎食品包括奇多零食,果脆麦片果酱馅饼Hostess夹馅面包

    Popular foods that have artificial dyes include Cheetos snacks, Froot Loops cereal, Pop-Tarts and Hostess Twinkies, according to an extensive listing in the consumer advocacy group's petition.


  • 本月公布最新调查结果显示,HelloKitty排名第三,被前两名远远甩下。排名第一面包超人,日本电视台推出,面包超人的形象是由日本一种果酱面团而来。

    In the latest survey, released this month, Kitty ranked a distant third, behind the leader, Anpanman, a character that is based on a Japanese jam-filled pastry and is produced by Nippon Television.


  • 爷爷大笑起来,面包上抹了更多果酱

    Grandpa laughed deeply as he spooned more jelly onto the bread.


  • 把茶壶牛奶最喜欢茶杯,涂了橘子果酱面包,还有昨天吃剩的小蛋糕放进餐盘里

    She set it with a teapot, a milk jug, her favorite cup and saucer, a plate of marmalade toast and a leftover cake from yesterday.


  • 他们丰盛的早餐包括面包果酱牛奶谷物还有肉类奶酪

    Germans a big breakfast including some bread, jam, cereal with milk like muesli, meats, and cheeses.


  • 如果一种食品主要有的是碳水化合物,那么变质不会影响主要气味因此面包果酱一些水果变质的初期表现真菌生长

    If a food consists primarily of carbohydrates, spoilage does not result in major odors. Thus foods such as breads, jams, and some fruits first show spoilage by fungal growth.


  • 总是等待着每天第一正餐尽享面包果酱奶油炒

    She had always looked forward to the first meal of the day, enjoying her toast and jam and scrambled eggs.


  • 他们丰盛早餐包括面包果酱牛奶谷物粥还有肉类奶酪

    Germans usually have a big breakfast including some bread, jam, cereal with milk like muesli, meats, and cheeses.


  • 母亲女儿秒钟随即说道露茜一样的时候,总是面包黄油或者面包果酱从来没有面包既加黄油又加果酱

    Her mother looked at her for a few seconds and then said, When I was a small girl like you, Lucy, I was always given either bread and butter, or bread and jam, but never bread with butter and jam.


  • 丹麦人早餐盘里经常出现黑面包奶酪意大利蒜味腊肠火腿馅饼蜂蜜果酱有时候还会有一平盘巧克力

    On a Dane's breakfast plate you'll often find rye bread cheeses salami ham pate honey jam and sometimes even thin 'plates' of chocolate.


  • 产品一种新型果味果酱适用各种蛋糕面包、裱花冰淇淋奶昔各式西点装饰上之调味馅。

    This product is a new type of edible jam, suitable for all kinds of cakes, bread, ice cream, milk shake and other kinds of pastries decoration and seasoning.


  • 产品一种新型果味果酱适用各种蛋糕面包、裱花冰淇淋奶昔各式西点装饰上之调味馅。

    This product is a new type of edible jam, suitable for all kinds of cakes, bread, ice cream, milk shake and other kinds of pastries decoration and seasoning.


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