• 第四通过形象思维激发学生想象力启发他们的思路。

    Taken Li He and Li Po as examples, Part four attempts to inspire students and fire their imagination through thinking in images.


  • 了提升他的表演水平,2018年,参加了中国传媒大学的配音和剧本写作训练课程。目前,他已经在蜻蜓FM上完成了将近30作品。

    To improve his performance, Li attended a training course at Communication University of China to learn dubbing and how to write a play in 2018. So far, he has completed nearly 30 works on Qingting.


  • 安吉丽娜赢得巨大关注的电影,同时片场遇到了的第一任丈夫约翰尼··米勒

    This was the first movie to earn Angelina some major attention, and she met her first husband, Johnny Lee Miller, on the set.


  • 这座艾默里克·朱纳设计2008年9月25通车。

    The bridge was designed by Aymeric Zublena and opened to road traffic on 25 September 2008.


  • 和,19岁,来自甘肃,工作12个小时,内容9个零件安装诺基亚N90手机的母板上,“需要集中注意力,才开始压力非常大”,,“现在知道了我可以辅导员,但是觉得能有帮助,我适应力很强,我能够应付,每次我和父母通电话时,我都努力使自己听起来比较高兴,我不想说出我的压力”。

    "It takes so much concentration, it was very stressful at first, " she says. "I know I can go to a counselor, but I don't think it will help.


  • 社长其他人认识到,创建流量受众的联系只是这项比赛的一分——进攻

    President Li and others will recognize that the efforts to build traffic and relevance with customers cover only part of the game - the offensive part.


  • 除了商务网站简要介绍之外,没有人知道有关太多背景而且似乎刻意回避走进媒体聚光灯下。

    Not too much is known about Li's background, except for a brief resume posted on the Ministry of Commerce's website, and she seems to have avoided much of the media spotlight.


  • 浙江大学中医学专家教授研究经费来自科技出事后,没有采取任何行动

    Professor Li, the Chinese traditional medicine expert at Zhejiang University, was using Science Ministry funding for his research, but the ministry has taken no action against him.


  • 学者研究论语》的著作以《丧家》为题招来了网友们的怒骂,但网友们没有意识实际上“丧家狗”孔子自己描述

    Scholar Li Ling titled his study of The Analects, "The Dog that Lost his Home", and netizens were outraged, unaware that it was actually Confucius' description of himself.


  • 因为正在创作内容,正在编制免费内容,社交网络只是广告放上去”,德勤研究的保尔·如是说

    "Because you're creating the content and you're making up the content for free, all that social networking has to do is put the ads next to it," says Paul Lee, of Deloitte Research.


  • 仪式讲话,他中阿两国人民之间友好交往源远流长

    Li Hui delivered a speech at the ceremony, saying that the friendly exchanges between the peoples of China and Afghanistan enjoy a long history.


  • 1992年,斯派克·导演了一关于马尔科姆的超过三个小时的电影,从而掀起了一阵“马尔科姆热潮”。

    In 1992, Spike Lee set off a bout ofMalcolmania,” with his three-hour-plus film.


  • 外插一句:这电影基努··维斯迄今为止表现最好(其实也就是凑合而已),的其他人物角色掺入了些许个人情感

    Bonus: it's Keanu Reeves's best performance so far (which isn't saying much) since he actually puts some emotion into the role.


  • ·伯格博士推断南方古猿sediba可能直接进化成了直立人,这使“能人”成为进化旁支甚至不是

    Dr Berger posits that sediba may have evolved directly into Homo erectus, leaving habilis as an evolutionary sideline, and not even part of the genus Homo.


  • 但是收到本有作者签名,第一版名叫安娜·薇尔·普罗·莱贝尔》,它是詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)早期费尼根复活”一系列书的一

    But he did receive as a gift a signed, first-edition copy of a book called "Anna Livia Plurabelle" - an early serialization of part of James Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake."


  • 完成电影的拍摄之后,就会收拾、出国旅行

    He packs up and goes abroad to travel after finishing shooting a film.


  • 作为课程曼玉老师学生们展示学校存放实验动物房间

    As part of the course, Li's teacher shows the students the rooms where the school keeps the animals for experiments.


  • 根据一关于只会说话的奇异小猪电影农民振军妻子于万芬小猪名叫小宝”,英语宝贝”的意思。

    Farmer li Zhenjun and his wife Yu Wanfen named the piglet Xiaobao - or "Babe" in English - after the movie about an extraordinary talking pig.


  • 措辞巧妙对话启发了利所大的活力写出《的徒劳》,是主题风格可以感染最有教养观众的幻想作品。

    Lyly's witty dialogue inspired him, and with vigour unknown to Lyly he wrote Love's Labours Lost, a fantasy of which the subject and the style appealed to the cultured section of the public.


  • 随后九龙湖区负责人邓梓瑶,技术周克忠自己工作中的经验心得也在座各位一同分享。

    Subsequently a jiulong lake district official deng ziyao technology minister li xiong and zhou kezhong shared their work experience and knowledge with us.


  • 看起来得意忘形牛仔要是奥纳多·迪卡普里奥副行头,难保不会灵光乍现、再拍一泰坦尼克号续集

    He looked like a bloated cowboy. If Leonardo DiCaprio had had one of these, his character would have been available for Titanic II.


  • 人力资源职员叫什么名字

    I'm Li Ping, the clerk of Human Resources Department. Can I have your name?


  • 人力资源职员叫什么名字

    I'm Li Ping, the clerk of Human Resources Department. Can I have your name?


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