• 我们今天生活,要感谢麦卡德尔、卡欣豪斯威尔金麦克斯韦以及其他美国时尚巴黎设计限制中解放出来女性

    We live today indebted to McCardell, Cashin, Hawes, Wilkins, and Maxwell, and other women who liberated American fashion from the confines of Parisian design.


  • 关系今天这样大好局面离不开阁下的积极努力

    The good situation in China-Malaysia relations today is inseparable from the positive efforts made by Mahathir.


  • 昨晚湖人熊击败后,感觉到今天结果了。

    I was kind of expecting this result after the Lakers were run off the court by Memphis last night.


  • 关系今天这样良好局面中马两领导人共同努力结果。

    The sound situation in bilateral relations today is attributed to joint efforts of the leaders of both countries.


  • 今天互联网社交媒体可以用很低廉成本获得消费者试用反馈数据

    Consumer testing and feedback can be achieved at low cost today with the Internet and social media.


  • 再告诉你们各位今天就是这些我不对的人,来我的,来帮助我的。

    Let me tell you, it's just those people that criticize me who have taught and helped me, making me the way I am today.


  • 惊人认为大量磁盘空间我们今天似乎是一样,它没足够的。

    It is mind boggling to think that with the huge amount of disk space we have today, it still seems like it's not enough.


  • UGG靴子名字实际上今天太多交替厂商目前倾向提及他们的产品羊皮的靴子。

    The name of UGG boots is actually trademarked today, so many alternate manufacturers now tend to refer to their product as sheepskin boots.


  • 最近《实验医学杂志》上篇关于种群遗传学论文提出一个观点:人体免疫蛋白之所以今天这样的疾病抵御能力,还得归功于各种病菌

    09052823】 Thank parasites for making some of our immune proteins into the inflammatory defenders they are today, according to a population genetics study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.


  • 即使今天无线电设备信息传播需要好几分钟,时候甚至好几个小时,因为无线电光波都是以每秒186,000英里速度传播

    Even with today's radio equipment, the messages will take minutes-sometimes hours-on their journey, because radio and light waves travel at the same limited speed of 186, 000 miles a second.


  • 首先还是请你听一段文章, 内容是美国中学里,学生应该念什么课程,他们可以选修什么课程等等.这段文章里有今天的语法词汇.

    History is more interesting to some students because they learn about important events and places in the United States. Students take other courses too.


  • 今天许多

    I've got loads of things to do today.


  • 例如今天心理学课文问道:“认为自己个性多少是遗传的?

    Today's psychology texts, for example, ask,"How much of your personality do you think you inherited?"


  • 今天许多慈善组织专门帮助疲惫旅行者

    Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize in helping the weary traveler.


  • 今天许多慈善组织专门帮助疲惫旅行者

    Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize in helping the weary traveler.


  • 周末丹佛最后一次呼吸所以今天买了更多因为很多的优惠券。

    I used my last Breathe Right nasal strip in Denver last weekend, so I bought more today because I had a coupon.


  • 指尖高质量及时信息今天孩子正在超越父母恐惧和偏见。

    With the high-quality and timely information at their fingertips, today's children are rising above the fears and biases of their parents.


  • 多希望身边一些威廉今天猴子了很长时间出来。

    How I wished I had some with me! William, the monkeys are taking long to come out today.


  • 如果强壮健康习惯今天失败与否重要因为最终一定成功。

    If you have strong and healthy good habits, it doesn't matter whether you fail or not today, because you are sure to succeed in the end.


  • 今天这种生物称为袋鼠澳大利亚动物。

    Today, this creature is known as the kangaroo, a widespread marsupial endemic to Australia.


  • 今天四分之一大学毕业生收入低于学士学位普通工人

    Today, a quarter of college graduates make less than the typical worker without a bachelor's degree.


  • 格什温歌词今天很可能认为歧视的嫌疑。

    Gershwin's lyrics would today probably be deemed politically incorrect.


  • 今天全体学生中大概60%是黑人西班牙人,25%是亚洲人另外15%是白人

    Today, the student body is roughly 60 percent Black and Hispanic, 25 percent Asian, and 15 percent white.


  • 今天下午放晴,间零星阵雨。

    There'll be bright or sunny spells and scattered showers this afternoon.


  • 1905年,汽车开始看起来今天汽车了,车头挡风玻璃、橡胶轮胎车牌

    By 1905, cars began to look like cars of today, with head lamps, wind screen, rubber tyres and number plates.


  • 哥伦比亚大学物理学家布莱恩·格林说:“也许今天真的爱因斯坦这样的人,要让别人听到的想法困难得。”

    "Maybe there is an Einstein out there today," said Columbia University physicist Brian Greene, "but it would be a lot harder for him to be heard."


  • 例如二十世纪开始二十多年儿童营养状况改善使今天老年人他们先辈更好的人生起点

    Improvements in childhood nutrition in the first quarter of the twentieth century, for example, gave today's elderly people a better start in life than their predecessors.


  • 今天大多数地质学家来说,韦格纳的《大陆海洋的起源》是一份令人印象深刻先见之明文件

    To most geologists today, Wegener's The origin of Continents and Oceans appears an impressive and prescient document.


  • 今天结束之前我要提到一个生物学事件冬春过渡一部分如果耐心的话,你可以外面观察

    Before we close today, I thought I'd mention a biological event that's a part of the transition from winter to spring, something you can go outside and watch if you have some patience.


  • 今天结束之前我要提到一个生物学事件冬春过渡一部分如果耐心的话,你可以外面观察

    Before we close today, I thought I'd mention a biological event that's a part of the transition from winter to spring, something you can go outside and watch if you have some patience.


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