• 期待产生突破性进展,根本人需要这个

    No one is expecting any breakthroughs, and in fact they are not needed.


  • 期待表演因为资讯科技已经表演

    No one's looking to steal the show in this one because it's already the show stealer.


  • 很少有人期待哈佛沃顿商学院斯坦福大学MBA光环退色。

    Few expect the lustre of an MBA from Harvard, Wharton or Stanford to fade.


  • 有人期待我们年轻球员展示伟大的比赛精神实力,”

    "Nobody was expecting us to be where we are and we have shown a great spirit and character with all the young players we have," he said.


  • 下一婚礼教堂在那里有人期待我会大量很多大吃大喝

    My next stop was the wedding hall, where I was expected to pay an enormous sum of money to feed and intoxicate many people.


  • 坎昆有人期待全球性协议但是无疑地,趁着还不算晚应该制定个。

    Nobody expects a global deal at Cancun, but there will surely be one before too long.


  • 完美,没期待一个完美的母亲,也期望你永远都不出错

    You are doing the best that you can. No one is perfect, and you are not expected to be a perfect mom or to never make mistakes.


  • 如果有人期待续集第一部糟,当然要数那些华尔街经营赚钱却受欢迎公司的主人了。

    If anyone is hoping the sequel will be less memorable than the original, it is surely the men who run Wall Street's most profitable, least popular firm.


  • 高价旅馆顾客几乎没有人引导期待奢侈服务以外的任何东西

    Few patrons of a high-priced hotel can be led to expect anything other than luxury service.


  • 然没有人真的期待做作业,但如果你组织得好,有时间和空间集中精力做作业,你会做得更有效率完成它。

    Although no one exactly looks forward to doing homework, you will get it done more efficiently if you are well organized and have time and space to concentrate on it.


  • 有两个孩子,小一点的凯南对老虎的到来感到非常高兴,但我们所有人都非常期待成为它们生活的一部分,看着它们成长。

    I've got two children—the younger one, Kynan, was extremely happy about the tigers arriving—but all of us really looked forward to being part of their lives and watching them grow.


  • 不久前有人按照自己的想法开始一项业务期待这个业务在仍然存在

    It wasn't too long ago when someone had an idea, started a business based upon it, and expected the business to exist ten years later.


  • 期待有人乔布斯关于勒布朗·詹姆斯转会问题。

    I'm waiting for someone to ask Steve what he thought of the LeBron James decision.


  • 至少我们期待,下星期二有人在这里正确方式粘合在一起。

    But at least we anticipate that there will be somebody here on Tuesday who is glued together in that way, the right way, whatever that turns out to be.


  • 人们期待个功能就是录像用户非常满意有人他们见过最好录像手机

    Users of the new Apple phone are simply blown away by the excellent quality of the video recording; some people even go as far as to say it is the best they have seen in a mobile phone until now.


  • 期待看看未来单手打字会怎样,有没有人已经拥有使用一个这样的键盘呢?

    I'm eager to see what the future holds for single-hand typing. Anyone out there already own and use one?


  • 有人撤销选举权利可以教会那些囚犯如果他们遵守社会规则,他们别期待有人他们

    Some say that withdrawing the right to vote teaches jailbirds that if they don't play by society's rules they cannot expect a hand in making them.


  • 再次感谢你们有人前来参加会议我也期待会议结果

    Again, I thank all of you for coming and look forward to the outcome of this meeting.


  • 少数仅存民族主义者期待一次震惊毕竟,就有人说的,谁也没有预见到苏联结局

    The few remaining nationalists are still hoping for a shock; after all, argues one, nobody predicted the end of the Soviet Union.


  • 他说过去几年里,可能棕榈泉镇都在期待着这场婚礼。

    Anybody who has lived in Palm Springs for the past few years is probably expecting it.


  • 如果知道有人为你鼓劲加油,期待你的消息,你有可能坚持自己计划

    If you know others will be cheering you on and waiting to hear from you, you are more likely to stick with your program.


  • 主教练克里斯·休顿这里很好感受到了他们对我的欢迎期待希望能用自己的良好表现回报他们信任

    The gaffer, Chris Hughton, and all of the lads have been great with me and made me feel really welcome since I arrived and hopefully I can repay the faith that they’ve shown in me.


  • 圣诞节有人带来欢乐每年都会期待来临。

    Christmas brings joy to all; it is a holiday that I look forward to every year.


  • 小熊可杜罗以前百货商店玩具柜台里,其他动物洋娃娃们一样每天期待有人带回家

    Corduroy is a bear who once lived in the toy department of a big store. Day after day he waited with all the other animals and dolls for somebody to come along and take him home.


  • 就像我们这里有的球员觉得有人离开,能建设起这么好的球队不错,我们期待球队带来胜利

    With the group of lads we have here too, I don't think anyone would want to leave. It's a great set-up with a very good team who are all striving to bring success to the football club.


  • 倒是有人这么不过比较期待是因为那个女主角非常漂亮,而且中间戏桥段也是非常的精彩

    Yeah, some people say that. But what I expect most is that ravishing female lead and do not mention the wonderful acrobatic fighting drama played by her.


  • 倒是有人这么不过比较期待是因为那个女主角非常漂亮,而且中间戏桥段也是非常的精彩

    Yeah, some people say that. But what I expect most is that ravishing female lead and do not mention the wonderful acrobatic fighting drama played by her.


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