• 有些可以追溯到一万冰河时代末期

    Some of the rings go back almost ten thousand years to the end of the Ice Age.


  • 安全方面模块化尝试已经有些

    Attempts to modularize security concerns have been ongoing for many years.


  • 而且有些的危机更糟糕但是他们不时带来消息

    Some years are worse than others, but they all bring bad news from time to time.


  • 比如:打电话给一位认识的人,两人有些没有见面了,你帮忙

    Let's say you need to call an acquaintance whom you haven't seen in a few years to ask for a favor.


  • 即使我们部分拥有公司继续经济表现良好有些他们在市场表现糟糕

    Even if our partially-owned businesses continue to perform well in an economic sense, there will be years when they perform poorly in the market.


  • 当然,的确曾经有些没有冰箱也没有炉子但是卢旺达的情况比起来简直算不了什么

    Sure, there were years when I didn't have a refrigerator or stove, but that's nothing compared to Rwanda.


  • 父亲关系不好有些,我刚好不再之间的关系有兴趣了时候告诉了我的女友没有同情点头

    I wasn't on speaking terms with my father for years, and when I told my girlfriend this and that I just didn't care about having a relationship with him anymore, she didn't nod sympathetically.


  • 欧洲死水变成了欣欣向荣的经济体,爱尔兰展现了其卓越非凡改变有些其经济增长率甚至高达10%。

    It goes to show how remarkable has been the transformation of a sleepy European backwater into a vibrant economy that in some years grew by as much as 10%.


  • 1994克莱门蒂号航天器收集数据显示这些月球盆地没有异常重力现象,有些甚至异常的重力。

    Data collected in 1994 by the Clementine spacecraft show that many of these lunar basins have no anomalously low gravity and some even have anomalously high gravity.


  • 一项新的数据显示全球艾滋病疫情导致数十国家预期寿命大幅下降有些国家寿命减幅30

    A new data shows that the global AIDS pandemic will cause a sharp drop in life expectancy in dozens of countries, in some cases declines of almost three decades.


  • 有些认为生活公元前551公元前479著名学者孔子推动筷子发展

    Some people think that the famous scholar Confucius living from about 551 BC to 479 BC pushed the development of chopsticks.


  • 富国穷国敲诈钱财已数十有些国家反其道而行之的时候

    After decades of rich nations screwing money out of poor nations, it's about time some went the other way.


  • 有些家族这个地区务农几百

    Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.


  • 经过长达7挖掘多佛得到保护展示有些问题显然不能通过研究陈旧木材来解决

    Within seven years of excavation, the Dover boat had been conserved and displayed, but it was apparent that there were issues that could not be resolved simply by studying the old wood.


  • 有些认为这个节日欢乐时候甚至春节还要快乐,因为食物人们带来了安全感希望

    Some people think the festival is the happiest time of a year, even better than the Spring Festival, because food gives people a sense of safety and hope.


  • 20绝大部分时间里,一直撰写谈论太空飞行突然深海探险者兴趣发生了转变似乎有些奇怪

    As I have been writing and talking about space flight for the best part of 20 years, a sudden switch of interest to the depth of the sea doer seem peculiar.


  • 20世纪80嘻哈开始美国流行起来。有些喜欢嘻哈是因为口语

    During the 1980s, hip hop became popular all over the US. Some people don't like hip hop because of its spoken words.


  • 1955 爱因斯坦尸体解剖大脑多少让人有些失望结果一般男子大脑还稍微一点。

    At Einstein's autopsy in 1955, his brain was something of a disappointment: it turned out to be a tad smaller than the average Joe's.


  • 1997威尔士王妃戴安娜访问安哥拉支持红十字会发起全面禁用杀伤性地雷活动,人们对此感到有些惊讶

    It came as something of a surprise when Diana, Princess of Wales, made a trip to Angola in 1997, to support the Red Cross's campaign for a total ban on all anti-personnel landmines.


  • 即便那个时候,关于普遍存在青少叛逆报道有些言过其实:大多数6070代的孩子都认同父母基本价值观

    Even then reports of widespread youth rebellion were overdone: Most kids in the '60s and '70s shared their parents' basic values.


  • 至少有2032毫米(80英寸)的降雨量才算是正常;有些地区的降雨量可能高达10922毫米(430英寸)。

    At least 80 inches of rain a year is normal and in some areas there may be as much as 430 inches of rain annually.


  • 们班有些男生参加足球俱乐部已经一了。

    Some boys in our class have been in the football club for a year.


  • 告诫说有些认为2008以来骚动一场飞逝梦魇”。

    Some people, he cautions, regard the turmoil since 2008 as afleeting nightmare”.


  • 现在有些捕鱼仅仅个月之后它们配额仍很富余。

    Some boats now fish for only three months a year, after which their quotas are full.


  • 出生于1992至2010之间的,有些甚至无法使用肩部安全带

    Born between 1992 and 2010, some can't even use shoulder strap seatbelts yet.


  • 那些书报亭知道2011了,有些东西我还是不喜欢

    You see these kiosks . . . I know it is 2011, but there's something I don't like.


  • 2010展览有些新东西

    We have some news for 2010.


  • 美国80座这样油田,其中有些已经30历史了

    America has 80 such fields, some of which are 30 years old.


  • 这些措施有些为了应对2008飙升65%贸易赤字

    Some of these measures are a response to a trade deficit that soared by 65% in 2008.


  • 这些措施有些为了应对2008飙升65%贸易赤字

    Some of these measures are a response to a trade deficit that soared by 65% in 2008.


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