• 公司重金最强品牌做广告。

    The company is spending heavily to advertise its strongest brands.


  • 即使壮的游泳者也会无助地被交叉水流冲走

    Cross-currents can sweep the strongest swimmer helplessly away.


  • 劲的挑战者德克萨斯州民主党人马丁·弗罗斯特已经退出竞选

    The strongest challenger, Texas Democrat Martin Frost, has withdrawn from the race.


  • 荒野壮的小伙子

    He's the strongest chap on th' moor.


  • 核子附近密度最强这些点在一起最近

    What you see is near the nucleus that the density is the strongest and that the dots are the closest together.


  • 磁场最强,太阳黑子丰富的时候,它们会聚集赤道附近

    When the magnetic field is at its strongest, and sunspots at their most plentiful, they cluster close to the equator.


  • 对于执掌全球经济体之一来说,这样说令人惊讶吗?

    A surprising thing for the man who runs one of the world's most powerful economies to say?


  • 就是我们作为英国有史以来部长级代表团中国访问原因

    That is why we have come to China as the strongest ministerial delegation ever to visit from the UK.


  • 态度我们心理工具之一几乎能说明态度力量的最佳例子了。

    Rarely has there been a better example of the power of attitude, one of our most powerful psychological tools.


  • 1983年,相对于世界上最强货币,阿贡尼亚货币argon 贬值了。

    In 1983 Argonia's currency, the argon underwent a reduction in value relative to the world's strongest currencies.


  • 大型逆冲断层活动中所有压力都会释放,且会造成一些世上烈的地震

    During a megathrust event, all of that stress releases and some of the world's most powerful earthquakes occur.


  • 如果伴侣不是一个思想大的一些专家就会建议不要告诉伴侣

    Some experts will advise you not to tell the partner this thing if your partner is not the strongest person emotionally.


  • 作为名医生营养改变大的东西之一可以逆转长期疾病影响

    As a physician, nutrition is one of the most powerful things you can change to reverse the effects of long-term disease.


  • 作为所有天气系统系统之一飓风水蒸气凝结释放热能驱动的。

    One of the most powerful of all weather systems, hurricanes are powered by the heat energy released by the condensation of water vapour.


  • 脚上有着身体超过一半骨头!你身体最长壮的骨头在你的腿上。

    Your hands and feet have more than half of the bones in your body! The longest and strongest bone in your body is in your leg.


  • 一些激情在很多场合下烈地表达出来优雅的,即使激情本身可能不必表现出来。

    There are some passions of which the strongest expressions are graceful, although it do not, perhaps, arise so necessarily.


  • 如果我们公司投资可获得最强大和先进信息技术员工生产力最大化

    If our firm invests in the most powerful and advanced information technology available, employee productivity will be maximized.


  • 一数据来自5893名女性3220名男性,其中肥胖乳腺癌结肠癌相关性最强

    This figure was made up of 5,893 women and 3,220 men, with the strongest associations being with breast and colon cancers.


  • 这场风暴是以色列近年遭遇最强风暴之一风速超过每小时100公里海浪高达10米。

    The storm, one of the strongest Israel has experienced in recent years, brought winds of more than 100 kph that sent 10-meter waves crashing into Israel's coast.


  • 2013年11月8今年最强台风海燕”袭击了菲律宾中部地区,造成3637人死亡

    Death toll from Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines rose to 3,637, after the strongest storm this year destroyed the central part of the country on Nov. 8, 2013.


  • 达清夫发现对于大多数地震来说,震中附近时间间隔;震中地表震动最强烈的地方

    For most earthquakes, Wadati discovered, the interval was quite short near the epicenter; the point on the surface where shaking is strongest.


  • 我们开发了一种程序这个能派遣上十亿软件蚂蚁查明哪里追踪信息素我们卡车路线最强的。

    We developed a program that sends out billions of software ants to find out where the pheromone trails are strongest for our truck routes.


  • 如今许多涉及政府入侵数据案例而言,那些曾经单打独斗、为隐私倡导者发现他们世界上大的公司一起并肩作战。

    Now, for many cases involving governmental intrusions into data, once-lonely privacy advocates find themselves fighting alongside the most powerful company in the world.


  • 他们效力最强武器飞鱼导弹

    Their most potent weapon was the Exocet missile.


  • 即使打到了还是了多

    Even with the lights on full beam I couldn't see very far.


  • 自我表达个性对抗专制暴政最强武器

    Self-expression and individuality are the greatest weapons against tyranny.


  • 十年来国会通过硬的有关犯罪议案

    This is the toughest crime bill that Congress has passed in a decade.


  • 马来西亚成为北方发达国家环境态度批评者

    Malaysia has emerged as the toughest critic of the North's environmental attitudes.


  • 得是我们班最强壮的男孩,他经常帮我们搬重物。

    Peter is the strongest boy in our class and he often helps us carry heavy things.


  • 刚获得了《最强大脑》的一等奖。

    He just won the first prize in Super Brain.


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