• 确定最后细节A老板的,仙蒂

    Clarifying final details a: This is what my boss is expecting, Sandy.


  • 不用担心最后细节-只是一个初步建议而且一定修改的。

    Don't worry about the final details - this is only an initial proposal, and it is sure to modified.


  • 完成其中最艰难部分之后在处理项目最后细节时是否常常困难?

    How often do you have trouble wrapping up the final details of a project, once the challenging parts have been done?


  • 往往很难看到艺术家绘画完全结束所有最后细节伊丽莎白完成能够做到一点。

    It is often difficult to see an artist take a painting completely to the end, with all the final details, but Elizabeth is accomplished at being able to do just this.


  • 按照开始结束山水画,从启动画布就业指导粗加工精炼颜色说明补充最后细节

    Follow a landscape painting from start to finish, from priming the canvas and roughing in placement guidelines, to refining color notes and adding final details.


  • 尽管最后细节等到BaucusKennedy法案公布以后才能揭晓,但是一些重要元素已经显而易见

    Although the final details will not be known until the Baucus and Kennedy bills are unveiled, a few important elements are already clear.


  • 本月晚些时候美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡召开G 20峰会,届时将对相关计划最后细节进行磋商并最终确定。

    Final details of the plans will be thrashed out in the run up to a summit of G20 leaders in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, later this month.


  • 准确细节最后敲定。

    The precise details still have to be firmed up.


  • 特纳看着泰梅尔号沿着泰晤士河最后段旅程修改了一些细节

    Turner watched the Temeraire taking its last journey up the Thames, but he changed some of the details.


  • 做为最后细节特定客户化运行时行为可以开发者编码实现作为所用过程语言里选择一个活动类型替代方案

    And as the last level of detail, special custom runtime behaviour could be coded by a developer as an alternative to selecting an activity type from the used process language.


  • 编程细节可选感兴趣读者可以本文最后小节看到它们

    The programming details are optional; they are presented in the final section of this article for interested readers.


  • 现在“大致安排约会”这个概念常识,它是指安排某人会面却没敲定时间地点,接着在外出才用移动电话最后决定细节

    But today the idea ofapproximeeting”—arranging to meet someone without making firm plans about time or place, and then finalising details via mobile phone while out and about—is commonplace.


  • 文章总结开头接着关键点最后那些次要的细节背景资料

    The article begins with a conclusion, followed by key points and finally the minor details such as background information.


  • “电影每个细节都表现得到位——当年音乐,当年着装,当年事物方式,”,“电影的最后,让感动,眼泪几乎都下来。”

    "Every detail in the film was accurate - the music, the dress, the way things looked in those days," he says. "By the end of it, I was very emotional, almost in tears."


  • 最后企业过程可能涉及个体细节

    Finally, the enterprise process can't be concerned with individual details.


  • 在二月份首次发布关于这项计划公告经过几个月协商谈判,始终没有确定最后细节消息本月可能达成一项协议

    Final details are not yet ready, after months of negotiations following the initial announcement in February. A deal may be struck later this month, a source said.


  • 最后再利用一种石制雕刻工具诸如身体眼神等部位细节进行精雕细琢

    And finally the markings on the bodies and the details of the eyes were carefully incised with a stone engraving tool.


  • 最后两个层次特殊专家等级,很快基于实践的倡议感到反感,确切的说,如同熟练在被给予任务级别细节是感到反感一样

    These last two levels, and especially the expert, can quickly come to resent practice-based initiatives, in exactly the same way that the competent person resents being given task-level detail.


  • 但是最后把自己弄得乱,因为细节考虑的太多我甚至不记得整个婚礼了。有些后悔和失望。

    Alas, after the grand occasion, I was a mess-so involved in every detail I could barely remember the overall event.


  • 然后设置配色方案设计主题最后那些细节下工夫

    Then you settle on a color scheme and a design theme, and work towards the smaller details from there.


  • 在对陪审团最后陈词总结时,韦伯斯特以一种冷酷的节奏将案件氛围式的可怕细节慢慢聚拢来的这种陈述也深深打动,使不禁联想起埃德加·爱伦·坡的恐怖推理小说来。

    His summation for the jury—its inexorable cadence, the slow gathering of dreadful atmospheric detailstugged at my memory, reminding me of Edgar Allan Poe’s tales of terror.


  • 最后对于Twitter合作伙伴谈判细节特别是Google微软这两家,有些我们不会这里公布的。

    Finally, there are some details about partner discussions, particularly around Google and Microsoft, that we are just not going to publish.


  • 首先我们来看Maypole如何发挥的本领,然后我们研究为了Flox可以使用我们需要哪些事情,最后实现细节

    We'll first look at how Maypole does its stuff, then what we're going to need it to do in order to make Flox work, before finally getting into the implementation details.


  • 最后可以查看虚拟系统细节页面Servicehistory部分看到更新已应用(9)。

    At the end, you can view the Service history section on the detail page of the virtual system and see that your upgrade was applied (Figure 9).


  • 我们提及最后实现细节查看的stylename属性用于调整查看器的颜色形状

    The last implementation detail we want to mention is the use of a viewer's styleName property, which is used to color and shape the viewer.


  • 作为最后难点Ev工具允许检索使用调用回调事件细节

    As a final twist, the ev facility allows us to retrieve and use details about the event that invoked the callback.


  • 碰巧十六日正是星期二,狂欢节最后一天,我们提到细节,只是因为我们喜欢准确

    Now, we note this detail, for the pure satisfaction of being exact, it chanced that the 16th fell on Shrove Tuesday.


  • 就不讲那些惹人烦细节了,最后我们10000英尺以下打开机舱前门

    Not to bore you with the details, but we drop to under 10,000 feet and pull open the forward cabin door.


  • 就不讲那些惹人烦细节了,最后我们10000英尺以下打开机舱前门

    Not to bore you with the details, but we drop to under 10,000 feet and pull open the forward cabin door.


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