• 迪叔叔试了十份不同的工作,最后选择了当律师

    Uncle Andy tried ten different jobs, and finally chose to be a lawyer.


  • 一位律师说:“年前市场混乱几乎所有人都一致同意出售最后办法。”

    Two years ago, with markets dislocated, almost everyone agreed that selling should be a last resort.


  • 为什么你们出色的年轻律师鲁本·塞耶,学校出来时老实得要命回到家乡迷上了伪造支票最后用枪自杀告终?

    Why did Ruben Sayer, the brightest young lawyer you ever turned out, after he had come home from the university as straight as a die, take to drinking and forge a check and shoot himself?


  • 最后一个律师终于忍不住怒火大喊:“我见过的愚蠢人! ”。

    At last, one lawyer lost his temper and shouted, "Sir, you are the biggest fool that I have set eyes on."


  • 来自苏格兰的小伙来说一家律师楼任职最后一次旅行机会了。 “如果有人问,今年夏天干了什么

    For the Scottish lad it was the last chance before taking up a position with a law firm: "When asked what did you do this summer, it would be nice to say I went to a folk festival in Macedonia."


  • 仅有一次受到外界律师调查质询的风流韵事段关系最后被认定是双方你情我愿的。

    It was his only publicly investigated affair and an inquiry, by outside lawyers, concluded that the relationship was consensual.


  • 最后,我认为律师能够传达另外一个律师强有力的信息就是:保护的客户。

    I closed by saying, Protect your client-thinking that was the most powerful message one attorney could deliver to another.


  • 最后只落了个控告律师的下场。

    She ended up suing her lawyers.


  • 最后,公司因为疏忽不得不花费起初(如果雇用律师的话)更多钱。

    In the end, because of my sloppiness, I had to spend thousands more in legal fees than I would have had I hired an attorney at the start.


  • 并说董事会请他律师事务所监督破产案进程巴克利其他人买走雷曼公司剩余资产后最后清盘

    Marsal's firm to oversee the bankruptcy and eventual liquidation after Barclays and others bought pieces of the firm.


  • 之前,律师SlaughterMay代表保诚进行了一项管理和调控方面的严格评估,最后的“急刹车”让这一切成果都付之东流了。

    This last-minute hitch rather thwarted the earlier regulatory due diligence carried out on behalf of Prudential by lawyers Slaughter & May.


  • 父母希望成为科学家最后成了一个律师

    His parents wished him to be a scientist, but in the end he turned lawyer.


  • 2001年9月9日,先生最后面对面——尚未意识未来每次会面都不得不请律师介入调解。

    On September 9, 2001, I met with my husband face-to-face for the last time, not realizing that every future meeting would necessitate lawyers between us, to mediate.


  • 他们起初一筹莫展最后运气才找到了一律师,这位律师接下了他们案子一直他们四处奔走却没有收取任何费用

    After getting nowhere at first, they found, at last and by sheer luck, a lawyer who took on their case and has been fighting it on their behalf for all this time without charging them.


  • 最后一次延期律师提出因为阻止对方在宣誓作证的期间全程录影。

    The last postponement was by her lawyer because he was trying to stop them from video taping the session.


  • 最后对于那些贪婪律师强迫医生们采取昂贵防范性治疗问题这些议案也不打算淌这个浑水,避而不谈,害怕到了天国那些律师起诉

    Finally, the bills make no attempt to address the matter of greedy lawyers forcing doctors to practise expensive "defensive medicine" for fear of being sued to kingdom come.


  • 最后本文还就集团律师指定律师费用负担提出一些见解

    At last some opinions of the appointment of class attorney and the burden of attorney fee are put forward.


  • 案子结束阶段,律师保留向费用监督委员会决定发起挑战权利但是最后呼吁取决于主持破产案法官詹姆斯·克。

    The lawyers reserve the right to challenge the fee committee's decisions at the end of the case, but the ultimate call will be up to the bankruptcy judge, James Peck.


  • 奥的斯公司律师代表该县议会决定迈出很大一步不是最后一步。

    A lawyer representing the company says the county council's decision is a big step, but not the final step.


  • 律师法官面前激烈争吵最后律师发怒道“先生所见过的愚蠢的人。”

    Two lawyers standing before a judge got into fierce argument. At last, one lawyer lost his temper and shouted, "Sir, you are the biggest fool that I have set eyes on."


  • 最后上周四陈氏律师张先生接到客户电话

    Finally, last Thursday, the Chens' lawyer, Mr. Zhang, received a telephone call from his clients.


  • 沃尔特提出星期一根本就不想等到里的最后审判结果,他警告那些律师假如该案一直是由审理绝对不会拖延的如此严重。

    Walter also said Monday he didn't want to wait for Murray's trial to conclude, and he warned the attorneys that if the case remained in his courtroom, it would not be significantly delayed.


  • 法官最后阻止他们大声争论,让律师走上前来,告诉他们,“不想法庭上听到争吵。”

    The judge finally stops the loud argument and calls the two lawyers forward. He tells them, "I want no more of these fireworks in my courtroom."


  • 法官最后阻止他们大声争论,让律师走上前来,告诉他们,“不想法庭上听到争吵。”

    The judge finally stops the loud argument and calls the two lawyers forward. He tells them, "I want no more of these fireworks in my courtroom."


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