• 作家约翰·菲茨·杰拉尔德最初纽约为“苹果”,因为纽约许多梦想争夺最高奖项地方

    Writer John Fitz Gerald first called New York the Big Apple, because New York is the place that many people dreamed of going to for the biggest prize of all.


  • 罗切特最初,有几名假扮警察的男子下了他们乘坐的出租车袭击者拿上了膛的手枪对准前额然后抢走了他身上的

    Lochte originally claimed that men posing as police officers had pulled over their taxi and that an assailant had put a cocked gun to his forehead before taking his money.


  • 美国疾病控制预防中心辐射最初症状恶心呕吐腹泻几分钟日内出现

    The first symptoms of radiation sickness-nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea - can appear within minutes or in days, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 虽然巴菲特言论最初压低了百利的股价(原因是投资者担心交易可能告吹),但有些股东番言论实际上可能帮助卡夫如愿偿。

    Although Mr Buffett's comments initially sent Cadbury's shares lower on fears that they could derail the bid, some shareholders suggested it could in practice help Kraft clinch the deal.


  • 事实穿件太阳裙警方最初报告穿着件系带背心。

    In fact, she had worn a sundress, but an initial police report had stated that she wore a halter top.


  • 官方20名游击队员于这次打击然而最初只有7具尸体—包括Jojoy的—被找回。

    Officials said 20 guerrillas died in the attack, although initially only seven bodies-including Jojoy 's-were retrieved.


  • Or bach最初是与母亲女儿这会使拉拉晚年生活波澜不惊

    Orbach says that the initial love connection between mother and daughter makes lesbian feelings in later life unsurprising.


  • 报道苹果公司最初计划2011年1月开始大规模生产iPad 2,由于设备测试推迟计划

    The piece said that Apple had originally planned mass production in January, but that the schedule has been pushed back due to testing for the device’s firmware.


  • 法院判决这样专利只有DNA最初专利那样表达功能才能执行——这被目的限制保护

    The court said that such a patent can be enforced only when the DNA is performing the function for which it was originally patented - known as purpose-bound protection.


  • 尽管最初起源于北美,但柯林斯字典目前该词网上十分流行而且英国人日常口语中的使用频率越来越高。

    Though the word apparently originates from North America, Collins said it was now widely used on the Internet, and was increasingly seen in British spoken English.


  • 上网本,廉价笔记本的概念的诞生最初是因为想要贫穷国家孩子生产一种廉价笔记本自此之后上网本便受到全世界消费者欢迎

    The netbook, or low-cost laptop, was inspired by a scheme to produce cheap laptops for children in poor countries, but has since proved popular with consumers around the world.


  • 小组两场干旱死去树木抵消场干旱期间森林增加含量。这项研究仅仅代表了一种最初的估计具有显著的不确定性,研究者承认道。

    The team suggests the loss of trees from the two droughts combined could offset the increases in carbon uptake the forest experienced during the intervening non-drought years.


  • 虽然最初报道有8死亡预计随着更多余震的发生海啸区域的猛烈打击,死亡人数还会急剧上升

    Initial reports said eight people had died, though that number is expected to rise dramatically as more aftershocks and tsunami waves batter the region.


  • 但是,活动人士批评这些规则只是现有税收体系进行修补尽管企业它们具有最初预计更高程度共识

    But campaigners have criticised the rules for merely patching up the existing system, although businesses say they have a greater degree of consensus than initially expected.


  • 机构Web 2.0最初一个技术术语下一代互联网产品服务,该词汇过去年间迅速普及。

    It said Web 2.0 started out as a technical term meaning the next generation of World wide Web products and services but had crossed into far wider circulation in the last six months.


  • 最初报道一些道路建筑受到损坏。

    Initial reports say some roads and buildings there have been damaged.


  • 沙罗特博士这些研究结果表明随着大脑变得越来越麻木最初撒谎有关负面情感信号会逐渐减弱

    These findings suggested that the negative emotional signals initially associated with lying decrease as the brain becomes desensitized, Dr. Sharot said.


  • 宝马公司几周汽车市场明显的低迷意味着宝马无法达到2008最初利润目标同时警告2009年将仍然比较艰难的一年。

    A sharp downturn in auto markets in recent weeks means BMW won't meet its previous profit target for 2008, the company said, warning that 2009 will also be a tough year.


  • 一种说法最初被用于电话早期时来告诉操作员消息已经收到

    One story says it was first used during the early days of the telephone to tell an operator that a message had been received.


  • 学校官员最初表示这些禁令是出于安全原因但是遭到反对之后,他们又变了说法。

    School officials originally cited safety reasons for the bans. But now facing protest, officials are now backpedalling.


  • 早些时候北约官员战场发来最初报导显示袭击杀死了名叛乱分子星期三,官员们他们继续调查

    Earlier, NATO officials claimed that initial reports from the battlefield indicated that the raid killed nine insurgents. On Wednesday, officials said they are continuing to investigate.


  • 位不肯透露姓名卡车驾驶员暗示,最初规划坚持罢工本周一并补充如果驾驶员们的要求得不到餍足,可能延长罢工。

    One trucker who asked not to be named said that the original plan was for the strike to last until Monday, adding that it could be extended if drivers' demands were not met.


  • 周日发现第二块碎片新闻最初当地一家电台报道金属物件疑似一扇飞机舱门,上面有外国文字

    News of Sunday's find was originally reported on a local radio station as being a possible door of a plane. It was described as a large metal object, covered in foreign writing.


  • 威尔·研究小组他们研究剖明,母语宝宝的影起头得“”,证明了婴儿的啼哭专门母亲举办交换的最初的考试测验。

    Wermke's team said their research showed an "extremely early" impact of native language and confirmed that babies' cries are their first proper attempts to communicate specifically with their mothers.


  • 华尔街日报》这位苹果公司的首席执行官如期返回公司,最初可能还无法全职工作。

    The Wall Street Journal said the Apple chief executive would be returning to his job on schedule, but may initially work part-time.


  • 尔·维格——在宜家工作了26最初职务一家商场的经理——警告,他反对设定工资因为这样招来一些看重金钱的员工。

    Dahlvig, who spent 26 years at Ikea and started as a store manager, warns against things like setting high salaries because you'll attract people who are only in it for the money.


  • 汽车最初成分用来遮盖、保护增色的,我们它为树脂

    The primary ingredient used in automotive paints to actually coat over, protect, and beautify your vehicle is called resin.


  • 加拿大报纸环球邮报周六报道加拿大竞争这次加拿大出现的“价格勾结”最初协调方是ITWAL公司。

    Canadian newspaper the Globe and Mail reported Saturday that the Competition Bureau alleges that the collusion in Canada was initially coordinated by ITWAL.


  • 美国医学科学家他们已经发现细胞间利用氨基酸进行沟通最初证据

    U. s. medical scientists say they have discovered the first evidence of cell-to-cell communication that USES amino acids.


  • 美国医学科学家他们已经发现细胞间利用氨基酸进行沟通最初证据

    U. s. medical scientists say they have discovered the first evidence of cell-to-cell communication that USES amino acids.


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