• 曾子妻子集市上去儿子着要

    Zengzi's wife was going to the market. Her little son insisted on going with her, making a tearful scene.


  • 曾子:“小孩可以的。

    Tsang said: "the kid doesn't can coax him playing."


  • 曾子妻子儿子番话,开心笑了

    Zeng and his wife listened to his son's words, are happy to laughed.


  • 孔子雕像左右是颜子曾子、子思孟子塑像。

    This is the statue of Confucius, flanked by the statues of Yanzi, Zenzi, Zisi and Mencius.


  • 妻子看见了急忙拉住曾子:“是怎么了?”

    When his wife saw this, she hurriedly held Zeng Zi by the hand and said: "What's the matter with you?"


  • 曾子思想主体上秉承孔子之志,局部上亦有所变革

    Zenzi carried forward the Confucius idea in his thought, but had some renovation on part.


  • 曾子:“每天反省下面三件事别人出主意是否恳切

    Zheng Zi said : " I judge myself on these three matters every day : Whether I was faithful when giving advices to others;"


  • 曾子妻子没有办法儿子说:“回去吧,街上回来了杀吃。”

    Engzi's wife does not have method, and said to her son, "go your way, I came back from the street to kill pig feed you."


  • 曾子妻子没有办法儿子说:“回去吧街上回来了杀吃。”

    Engzis wife does not have method, and said to her son, "go your way, I came back from the street to kill pig feed you."


  • 后来曾子儿子侍奉曾子吃饭,吃把酒肉收了,也问问父亲如何安排;

    Later, when Zeng Zi's son Zeng Yuan served Zeng Zi, after Zeng Zi finished eating, Zeng Yuan would put away the food without asking about how to deal with the leftover food.


  • 曾子坚持简单朴素,沉稳,安宁,祥和生活不论你国君诸候都请不动

    Zengzi persisted in his simplicity, purity, soundness, tranquility and peace of life. He declined any invitation, even it was from the king's or duke.


  • 这时,2009年凤凰卫视曾子节目这个81老人果园情况

    At this time, in 2009 Mexico Zengzi Phoenix has a program that is the 81-year-old orchard in the situation of the elderly.


  • 妻子赶集回来看见曾子正在磨刀准备杀猪,大惊失色,“只是孩子的,何必当真呢?”

    "His wife go to the market came back, he saw Zengzi being sharpened in preparation for a feminist, she was pale," I just coax kids, and why you really it?


  • 假如曾子因此残废或者死亡父亲岂不是入狱受刑,一辈子生活他人的唾弃,自已的悔恨之中?

    If Zeng Zi had ended up permanently crippled or dead, his father would undoubtedly have been imprisoned and punished, and would have had to suffer disgrace and regret for the rest of his life.


  • 曾子,“听老师说过个人平时不轻易表露自己的真实感情的,如果一定是在他亲人去世的时候吧!”

    Master Zeng said, "I heard it from the Master, 'There is hardly anything that can make a man spontaneously exhaust his grief. If an exception must be made, it is perhaps a parent's death."


  • 虽然这般地的衣衫褴褛,潦倒景象,曾子平日经行时,唱歌吟诗调子却是高昂而中气十足,好像贯穿金石一般。

    Though Zengzi was in such rags, a look down and out, he usually chanted the poem in walking with high pitch as if the voice could Pierce through a stone or a piece of gold.


  • 曾子妻子街上回来曾子便准备抓来了,的妻子劝阻:“只是小孩杀猪的,不过玩笑罢了。

    Engzis wife has just come back from the street and prepare the pig, engzi catch and kill them, his wife dissuade he said: "I only just say that kid to kill pig, however is a joke."


  • 曾子妻子街上回来曾子便准备了,的妻子劝阻:“只是小孩杀猪的,不过玩笑罢了。

    Engzi's wife has just come back from the street and prepare the pig, engzi catch and kill them, his wife dissuade he said: "I only just say that kid to kill pig, however is a joke."


  • 如果曾子妻子的话,家中保住了他的儿子来说,也许以后再也不会相信母亲的话,明白做人需要诚实守信道理

    If zengzi listen to his wife, home of the pig is saved, but for his son, perhaps never believe his mother, don't understand the person need to honest and trustworthy of reason.


  • 如果曾子妻子的话,家中保住了他的儿子来说,也许以后再也不会相信母亲的话,明白做人需要诚实守信道理

    If zengzi listen to his wife, home of the pig is saved, but for his son, perhaps never believe his mother, don't understand the person need to honest and trustworthy of reason.


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