• 显而易见我们同意分类外在语言叫法

    I think this is just obvious, an inflection given that we've agreed to use the categorical dispositional language at all.


  • 不过显而易见的是这样赔偿方案将会鼓励美国集体诉讼律师队伍倍加努力

    But it is clear that the settlements will embolden America's Armada of class-action lawyers to redouble their efforts.


  • 显而易见这次事件改变世界,而其后数十年,我们生活在其惨痛的阴影之下。

    But what is all too evident to everyone is that this event changed the world, with consequences that will haunt us for decades.


  • 显而易见的这些武器或者工匠工具之前,被埋藏品受到了破坏折。

    Significantly, many weapons—and sometimes other objects, such as a craftsman's toolswere, like the objects in the hoard, bent or broken before burial.


  • 同样显而易见的美国经济的确处于长期的经济疲软状态,改变这种状态需要时间

    But it is also plain that the United States does indeed have long-term economic weaknesses-and ones that will take time to fix.


  • 即使沈阳天空并不所见这样一直保持晴朗,显而易见城市的持续阴霾已经结束了

    But even if Shenyang's skies were not always as bright as what I saw, it's clear the city's run of unending gray days is over.


  • 深水地平线号倾覆海底,5个多星期显而易见,因此而造成原油泄露仍在持续

    It has been more than five weeks since the Deepwater Horizon rig sank, and the oil spill that resulted is very conspicuously continuing.


  • 现在做出判断尚嫌太早不过显而易见这样的赔偿方案将会鼓励美国集体诉讼律师队伍倍加努力

    It may be too soon to judge that; but it is clear that the settlements will embolden America's Armada of class-action lawyers to redouble their efforts.


  • 显而易见一些方法其他好得多实际上做到简约主义没有好坏的方法之分。

    Obviously some ways are better than others, but there is no right and wrong way to 'do' minimalism.


  • 现在回想起来,显而易见,与20世纪70年代布雷顿森林体系解体背景相似经济巨变已然发生

    In retrospect it is clear that a change in the economic backdrop akin to the demise of the Bretton Woods system in the early 1970s has taken place.


  • 显而易见某些事件记忆很情绪化,它们的回忆引发创伤后应激障碍其它的类似症状

    Most obviously, memories of certain events can be extremely emotional, and their recall can therefore contribute to post-traumatic stress disorder or other similar conditions.


  • 更为显而易见这些危言耸听警告之所以有市场,正利用了人们对大脑思考机制普遍误解。

    More significantly, the ominous warnings feed on a popular misconception of how the mind works.


  • {7}显而易见,由于厄尔尼诺现象以及全球变暖影响日积月累地球温度将会达到历史新高。

    What is clear is that the cumulative effect of El Nino and global warming are taking the Earth's temperatures to record heights.


  • 显而易见即便设计Kindle最初目的用于阅读电子书亚马孙这个市场上仍有所规划。

    Amazon clearly has designs on this market with the Kindle, even though it is primarily intended for reading e-books.


  • 我们已经具备了平息这些冲突能力显而易见的是我们注意采取措施会带来的影响,”

    We've been able to weather some of these storms, but clearly there have been effects,” he said.


  • 虽然不能气候变化简单归因于任何单个原因,显而易见一个更热地球意味着极端天气事件更加频繁

    While it's not easy to attribute any individual event to climate change, it is clear that a hotter planet translates into a higher frequency of extreme weather events.


  • 显而易见环境中的有毒物质对儿童的神经发育影响很大,而邻苯二甲酸酯的危害尤其严重,”恩格尔

    "Clearly environmental toxicants play a role in child neurodevelopment, and phthalates, in particular, have been understudied in this area," Engel said.


  • 显而易见的是非洲人确定他们自己认为重要东西时,他们很快就会接受某种技术手机一个很好的例子

    But very clearly, when Africans decide themselves what they value, they quickly take up a technology and mobile phones is a great example.


  • 显而易见,「循环循环」可怕,变迁更快,影响也更广泛,不过大家比较关心的却还「碳循环」。

    What seems certain is that the nitrogen cycle is changing faster and more profoundly than the carbon cycle, which has attracted much more attention.


  • 重返黄金时代自然答案显而易见,这个自民党控制半个世纪小泉首相曾大展拳脚的庞然大物无论如何都将濒临崩溃

    A return to the golden era is certainly not the answer: it is now clear that Mr Koizumi danced atop an edifice, dominated for half a century by the LDP, that was about to crumble regardless.


  • 显而易见的是,有太多勒紧裤腰带美国人正在不停还债,同时还得存钱以不时之需;为了心仪的非必须品大肆挥霍。

    Clearly, too many chastened Americans are continuing to pay off their debts and save for rainy days, rather than splurging on things they may fancy but can easily manage without.


  • 显而易见人们尽快得到这项自由,”斯菲尔德说道,“女人结婚平均年龄21岁男人结婚的平均年龄23岁。”

    "Obviously, people wanted that freedom as soon as they could," says Mansfield. "the average age of people getting married was 21 for women and 23 for men."


  • 显而易见如果企业模型简单的新的IBM模型中得到重新传播,那么从版本1.1版本1.4所做的变更就会全部丢失

    Obviously, if the enterprise models are simply reseeded from the new IBM models, all changes from Versions 1.1 through 1.4 are lost.


  • 显而易见欧盟委员会将会强令苏格兰皇家银行以及劳埃德银行集团合并后的劳埃德TSB银行哈利法克斯银行)进行改组

    The elephant in the room is what restructuring the commission will force on RBS and Lloyds Banking Group (the merged Lloyds TSB and HBOS).


  • 显而易见的是即使场脑力比赛中,血液可能还有着令人生畏足以让你去切除敌人内脏的激素:鲍勃.费希尔,一个国际象棋冠军

    It’s a peek inside the bloodstream of perhaps the most thrilling competitor to ever eviscerate his opponents at a pensive task: Bobby Fischer, the chess champion.


  • 这些功能显而易见用于文本输入键盘用于select列表较大滚动条iPhoneWeb开发人员必然会用到这些功能。

    The most obvious of these featuresthe software keyboard for text input and the large scroll for select lists — are automatically available as an iPhone Web developer.


  • 这些功能显而易见用于文本输入键盘用于select列表较大滚动条iPhoneWeb开发人员必然会用到这些功能。

    The most obvious of these featuresthe software keyboard for text input and the large scroll for select lists — are automatically available as an iPhone Web developer.


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