• 不幸,一些科学新闻过度简化概括他们主题材料以至于模糊了传达基本信息或者糟糕的是,传达明显错误信息。

    Unfortunately, pieces of science journalism can also oversimplify and generalize their subject material to the point that the basic information conveyed is obscured or at worst, obviously wrong.


  • 为“机长综合症”,他说是因为机长做出一个明显错误决定时,有多个飞行员的飞机上的机组人员有时会表现出致命被动性”。

    He calls it captainitis because, he says, "crew members of multi-pilot aircraft exhibit a sometimes deadly passivity when the flight captain makes a clearly wrong-headed decision".


  • 很多方面而言,明显错误

    That's demonstrably wrong in lots of ways.


  • 明显错误假设使得评价线性因此很快

    This assumption is blatantly wrong, but it makes the evaluation linear and therefore fast.


  • 这两观点对于敏捷项目不适合的,敏捷项目则是明显错误

    Both of these views are inappropriate for non-agile projects and clearly wrong for agile projects.


  • 不管使用什么方法实际上只有方法是明显错误大桶方法,即将一切一个目录中

    Whatever approach you take, there's really only one patently wrong one: the big bucket approach, where you throw everything into one directory.


  • 现在世界充满明显错误信息糟的一些信息甚至不是了,而是语无伦次

    To this day, the world is full of messages that are obviously wrong; worse, there are messages that aren't even wrong, but just incoherent.


  • 有一些明显错误操作,但是确实知道错在哪里,但是我可以用另外方法代替

    Something was obviously wrong here, I didn't really know what, but I had another idea instead. Details about that later.


  • 劳埃德·布兰克费恩说:“我们参与了一些明显错误活动,我们理由为此而感到抱歉,我们道歉。”

    'We participated in things that were clearly wrong and have reason to regret,' Lloyd Blankfein said. 'We apologise.'


  • 第三十六商标注册申请人或者注册人发现商标申请文件或者注册文件明显错误可以申请更正

    Article 36 Where an applicant for trademark registration or a registrant discovers an obvious error in the trademark application or registration documents, he may apply for its correction.


  • 今晨拉托亚·杰克逊作出令人惊讶明显错误声明进一步证明要把弟弟牵扯进来博取关注钞票的意图。

    The outrageous and obviously false statements made this morning by Latoya Jackson are further examples of her willingness to say anything involving her brother for attention or money.


  • 他们最终接受一个不同的错误陈述明显错误

    They end up embracing a differe nt error: stating the obvious.


  • 真正的批评不是为了发现那些明显错误所以如果发现任何自己就察觉到的错误从头开始。

    Real criticism is not meant to find obvious mistakes, so if she found any—the type I could have found on my own—I had to start from scratch.


  • 毫无例外的,打开文档后总能找到明显语法错误比如没有斜杠的空标签(应该这样:)。

    Invariably, I open the document and find an obvious syntax error such as an empty tag without the closing slash (it should look like this:).


  • 甚至还看到安装了一些测试然后可能得到以下明显的)错误

    You'll even see several tests installed, and then probably get the following (apparent) error.


  • 时间可能不够充裕如果忘了附件、忘了某人副本想到明显的拼字错误回收时间应该是够用了。

    While that might not be much time, it’s probably enough to pull back emails where you forget an attachment, forget to cc someone, or catch an obvious typo.


  • 没有声称我们得出最后结论,但是我们忽略保罗提出明显一点错误

    I do not claim we had the last word on the matter, but it is just wrong to say we missed the obvious point that Paul raises.


  • 做好一个能够理解XML语法的编译避免类似忘记结束标记明显XML错误

    Ideally, use an editor that understands XML syntax, so as to help avoid the obvious XML errors like forgetting closing tags and such.


  • 安吉里德斯要求布兰克详细阐述去年我们参与明显错误我们理由为此表示遗憾道歉”的声明

    Angelides asked Blankfein to elaborate on his statement last year that "we participated in things that were clearly wrong, and we have reasons to regret and apologize for."


  • 新的发现暗示试图找寻明显的不正常情况错误尝试方向至少注意力问题上是这样的。

    The new findings suggest that searching for a clear abnormality or flaw is the wrong approach, at least for attention problems.


  • 这种方法明显局限性必须每个新的错误处理流程创建个新的决策分支

    An obvious limitation of this approach is that for each new error handling process a new decision branch must be created.


  • 不过最为热心道德消费者将面临复杂权衡取舍有时表面明显的道德选择往往是错误

    But even the keenest ethical consumer faces complicated trade-offs, and sometimes the apparently obvious ethical choice turns out to be the wrong one.


  • 通常这些测试用于只是平台上注意到非常明显错误

    Often, these are tests for very obscure bugs that have only ever been noted on one or two platforms.


  • 明显,犯得的错误越少越好如果读到这里的时候,你可能会犯下想象应该更多错误正常

    Obviously, the fewer mistakes you make, the better, but if you're reading this, you probably do make more mistakes than you think you should, which is normal.


  • 如果检查过程没有发现明显错误那么可以继续展开后续的工作,并可以确信项目会顺利地进行

    If nothing dramatically wrong is found during the review process, you can then more forward with confidence that things will likely go on smoothly.


  • 探究一下艾伯丁裂谷历史,我们可以很明显地看出错误部落文化认同想法塑造出来的。

    Dig deep into its history and it turns out the Albertine Rift has been shaped by mistaken ideas about its ethnic identities.


  • 所有国家明显动力过去错误中吸取教训但是那些很快重新崛起的国家未来如果遇到类似情况,就有可能不能很快的适应过来。

    All countries have obvious incentives to learn from past mistakes, but those that have successfully risen to the status of great powers may be less inclined to adapt quickly in the future.


  • 一种更轻松想法就是自动捕捉这些错误其他错误至少明显的那些错误使XSLT处理器发生糟糕情况通知

    It's a relaxing idea to trap these and other errors automatically, at least the most blatant ones, and have the XSLT processor notify you if something bad happens.


  • 一种更轻松想法就是自动捕捉这些错误其他错误至少明显的那些错误使XSLT处理器发生糟糕情况通知

    It's a relaxing idea to trap these and other errors automatically, at least the most blatant ones, and have the XSLT processor notify you if something bad happens.


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