• 我们发现所有行星都是某些时间距离地球最近最远。

    We find all the planets closer to the earth at one time and farther from it at another.


  • 大自然帮了我们大忙15世纪早期,碳元素变化活跃使我们缩短时间距离

    Nature worked in our favor. During the early 15th century, radiocarbon levels were changing quite rapidly, so that allowed us to narrow the time frame.


  • 时间距离角度来看交通完成转变门头沟城市地区超过10分钟

    Time distance from the point of view, the traffic after the completion of the transformation of Mentougou to the urban areas will more than 10 minutes.


  • 而《橡皮》的叙述距离构成主要表现时间距离道德判断距离两方面。

    The narrative distance composition is mainly manifested in time distance and moral judgment distance.


  • 此书追溯了这些时间距离超过二千的作品中所论及之中国女性了解

    It traces the Chinese understanding of women as discussed in writings spanning more than two thousand years.


  • 距离认为是过去本质特性包括时间距离真实性距离心理距离三种。

    Remoteness is regarded as the defining feature of the past tense, including remoteness in time, reality and psychology.


  • 机构最近一现场审核时间距离本次转机构复评审核时间通常不得超过12个月

    Generally, the time since previous on-site audit of the original CB must be less than 12 months.


  • 然后基于时间距离思想,在滚动周期策略框架设计了两级系统的联合配送策略。

    Secondly, a joint distribution policy was designed based on the concept of temporal distance under the framework.


  • 以往研究者通过一系列研究验证了不同的时间距离对于未来事件解释水平影响

    Through a series of researches, the former researcher confirmed the effect of the future events' temporal distance on the level of construal.


  • 如果设置事件并且当前时间距离最后个事件的执行时间足够将执行一个事件。

    If an event has been set and the current time is far enough from the last event execute time, a new event is executed.


  • 本文电影审美距离出发点详细阐述了空间距离时间距离心理距离对电影审美的影响。

    This article takes the movie esthetic distance as the starting point, which in detail elaborates the space distance, the time distance and the psychic d...


  • 本文电影审美距离出发点详细阐述了空间距离时间距离心理距离电影审美的影响。

    This article takes the movie esthetic distance as the starting point, which in detail elaborates the space distance, the time distance and the psychic distance have a great...


  • 运用交通冲突技术理论对行人过街过程进行分析选择车辆制动时间距离作为判别冲突严重程度标准

    By using traffic conflict technology, this paper analyses process of pedestrians crossing, and chooses the braking distance of vehicles as the standard of judging conflict severity.


  • 运用交通冲突技术理论对行人过街过程进行分析选择车辆制动时间距离作为判别冲突严重程度标准

    By using traffic conflict technology, this paper analyses process of pedestrians' crossing, and chooses the braking distance of vehicles as the standard of judging conflict severity.


  • 研究主要目的探讨时间压力时间距离对于谈判者议题考虑方式、让步方式以及谈判结果影响

    The main aim of the present research is to investigate the influence of time pressure and temporal distance on negotiators'issue consideration way, negotiators'concession way and negotiation outcome.


  • 米尔顿·巴比特便据此创造了自己时序系统,使得每个音符的起之间时间距离呈现序列的关系。

    Milton Babbitt created his time point system, where the distance in time between attack points for the notes is serialized also, while some composers serialized aspects such as register or dynamics.


  • 社会经济迅猛发展的今天,时间竞争日益激烈,空间距离的重要性逐渐减弱时间距离变得越来越重要。

    Along with economy developing fast, time competition become more and more strong. spatial - distance is being permuted by time - distance gradually.


  • 时间地图利用时间作为量算单位根据城市外缘各点城市中心时间距离长短差异描绘线地图。

    According to the difference of the temporal distance between the surroundings and the city centre, an isochronal temporal map can be drawn, where time is taken as a measuring unit.


  • 另外已有时间维度研究主要集中时间转换时间距离的加工机制上,但是大多局限在仅探讨单一时间维度。

    As for the time dimension, the research was focused on the representation of temporal shift and temporal distance and confined to a single dimension.


  • 有一部分关于ipad2发行章节,时间距离我们如此之未来得及欣赏玩味,萨克森这些应用饶有趣味,犹如“被逗乐婴孩脸上挂着的笑容”。

    Some, like an account of the release of the iPad 2, is so recent that it is hard to appreciate yet, even if Mr. Isaacson says the device comes to life “like the face of a tickled baby.”


  • 如果选项两次时间距离时间锻炼或者次亦或时间距离时间锻炼4个选项之间选一,相对于每周仅仅只作一些很少的较时间距离时间锻炼者,那些经常游泳的人似乎得更好

    If the option is between one or two long workouts or three or four shorter workouts, swimmers seem to do better when they swim more frequently as opposed to only doing a few longer workouts each week.


  • 物质世界中另一件事影响两者之间时间空间距离的增大衰减。

    In the physical universe the effect that one event has on another tends to decrease with the distance in time or in space between them.


  • 飞机宇宙飞船缩短了时间和空间距离平流层高速航行。

    His airplanes and spaceships have dwarfed distance, placed time in chains, and carved highways through the stratosphere.


  • 方法新颖性在于定义时间序列归状态时,不仅考虑局部空间距离而且考虑局部排序模式分布结构

    The innovation of HRP is that the recurrence is defined not only by local phase space distance, but also by the local order patterns structure of a time series.


  • 首先间距步长将距离时间分为一系列离 散节点

    Firstly, the distance and time are divided into a series of discrete nodes with evenly spaced increments.


  • 体育网络教学一种全新教学模式时间空间距离限制从根本上改变传统体育面对面的教学模式。

    Physical education adopting network is a entirely new mode of teaching. It's beyond the limitation of time and space, and essentially changes the teaching mode of traditional P. e.


  • 体育网络教学一种全新教学模式时间空间距离限制从根本上改变传统体育面对面的教学模式。

    Physical education adopting network is a entirely new mode of teaching. It's beyond the limitation of time and space, and essentially changes the teaching mode of traditional P. e.


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