• 公元前3000年公元前1000年,即青铜器广泛使用时期通常被称为青铜时代

    The period from 3000 to 1000 B.C.E., when the use of bronze became widespread, is normally referred to as the Bronze Age.


  • 研究人员认为一观点相一致旧石器时代晚期之后文化时期艺术似乎反映了人们获取食物方式

    Consistent with this idea, according to the investigators, is the fact that the art of the cultural period that followed the Upper Paleolithic also seems to reflect how people got their food.


  • 探险罗马帝国巴比伦诺亚时代亚伯拉罕时代任何得出名称的时期,我都去过。

    I explored the Roman Empire, Babylon, the times of Noah, and Abraham. Any era you can name, I went there.


  • 考察好莱坞电影制片厂系统黄金时代”,探讨了美国电影史上这一时期特殊电影制作方式是如何发展起来的。

    This chapter examines the "Golden Age" of the Hollywood film studio system and explores how a particular kind of filmmaking developed during this period in US film history.


  • 你们即将长大这个时代,婴儿时期出生的一代人即将退休死亡

    You will be growing up in the generation where the baby-boomers are going into retirement and dying.


  • 成长婴儿时期那代将要退休逐渐死去时代

    You'll be growing up in a generation where the baby boomers are going into retirement and dying.


  • 商周时期中国由传说时代迈向信史时代关键时期

    Shan-Chou Dynasty is the key time from legendary time to pursuivant time.


  • 哥伦比亚安全状况最差时期却是职业足球运动员的黄金时代

    THE worst of times for Colombia’s security were the best of times for its professional footballers.


  • 这样发展趋势互联网时代将有可能迎来公民空前觉醒时期的到来。

    With trends like this, the Age of the Internet could usher in an era of unprecedented citizen enlightenment.


  • 土壤中含有着石器时代影响证据波瑟解释说时期作为一个独立地质时代来说已经很长段时间了。

    The soil contains evidence of the influence of man since the Stone age, bose explains, and this age has already been treated as an independent geological era for a long time.


  • 各种人类物种包括我们自己的智人经受冰河时代变暖时期以及洪水干旱

    Various human species, including our own Homo sapiens, have endured ice ages and warming periods as well as floods and droughts.


  • 现在大众传媒时代起了经过一个相当简短异常时期就要走向终点。

    The mass-media era now looks like a relatively brief and anomalous period that is coming to an end.


  • 犹他州阿拉斯加州发现了一种鸟足迹化石无法追溯到白垩纪早期——恐龙时代鼎盛时期

    Other bird "trace" fossils have been found in Utah and Alaska, but none from so far back as the early Cretaceous -- at the height of the age of dinosaurs.


  • 现在词,已经不仅仅这些物品的名称,时代人类,他们生活整个历史时期都被称之为绳纹。

    And the word Jomon has come to be used not just for the objects, but for the people that made them, and even the whole historic period in which they were lived.


  • 萨默斯表示,在时期中产阶级收入增长缺失我们这个时代最重要的议题,”这事实上是承认自由派这个议题上要更胜一筹。

    The lack of middle-class income growth during that span is "the defining issue of our time," Mr. Summers has said, in a tacit admission that liberals were ahead of him on this issue.


  • 在少年时代困难时期就是朋友都成双了,只能埋头书本

    And there were difficult periods during my mid-teens when my friends started to couple up, while I kept my head in the books.


  • 西班牙文学正在进入个意气风发时代经过经典熏陶时期现代欧洲的文学作品再度刮起了“文体风”。

    Spanish literature was passing into its period of swagger, a period that came to all literatures of modern Europe after the training in classics had given afresh the sense of style.


  • 欧洲此类建筑出现石器时代晚期,故时期称为巨石时代。 当时,人们大力建造类似建筑,如巨石阵等。

    These type of structures began showing up near the end of the stone age all across Europe in what is called the megalithic age when people were energetically building structures such as Stonehenge.


  • 回顾历史,古典时代各个民族普遍认识似乎正是原始时期“梦”概念为基础的。

    A reminiscence of the concept of the dream that was held in primitive times seems to underlie the evaluation of the dream which was current among the peoples of classical antiquity.


  • 匈牙利人后来认为,马提亚斯统治期能称得上一个黄金时代——匈牙利强国力量鼎盛时期

    Hungarians came to regard Matthias's rule as a golden age, the apogee of Hungarian power.


  • 探险罗马帝国巴比伦诺亚亚伯拉罕时代任何得出名称的时期,我都在那里。

    I explored the Roman Empire, Babylon, The Times of Noah and Abraham. Any era you can name, I went there.


  • 历史学家将会在回望时候一个寻常时代,一个前所未有的全球变化时期,既是一个时代结束,也是一个时期开始

    Historians will look back and say this was no ordinary time but a defining moment: an unprecedented period of global change, and a time when one chapter ended and another began.


  • 埃及历史上短暂辉煌时期,是法老阿肯纳坦美丽的妻子奈菲提提统治下发生时代变革时期

    It was a brief, shining moment in Egypt's history — a time of epochal change presided over by a Pharaoh named Akhenaten and his beautiful wife Nefertiti.


  • 几十年间欧洲频繁遭受了罕见严酷寒冬的袭击时期后来就被称为冰河时代

    During those decades Europe suffered frequent unusually harsh winters, and the time was later termed the Little Ice Age.


  • 有人认为这是文艺复兴时期重现——中国盛世邂逅了意大利光荣时代不过此次展览会的着眼点高于此。

    It HAS already been billed as Renaissance squared-china's golden age meets Italy's era of glory. But this exhibition is far more ambitious than that.


  • 烧杯文化青铜时代鼎盛时期阿尔卑斯山一带,而不是英格兰

    The Beaker Culture had its Bronze-age heyday in the Alps, not in England.


  • 启蒙时代鼎盛时期,“付费文娱墙”高尚当时英国作家们作品争取到了受法律保护的权利。

    At the height of the Enlightenment, the cultural paywall went virtual, when British authors gained the right to create legally protected markets for their works.


  • 启蒙时代鼎盛时期,“付费文娱墙”高尚当时英国作家们作品争取到了受法律保护的权利。

    At the height of the Enlightenment, the cultural paywall went virtual, when British authors gained the right to create legally protected markets for their works.


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