• 避免延误希望无关紧要掺杂进灾害救济立法程序中。

    To avoid delays, she wanted the disaster relief legislation to be kept free of extraneous matters.


  • “大声叹息意味着认为一刻白痴而且不明白自己为什么浪费了这么多时间站在这里来争论无关紧要的事”。

    A "loud sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot at that moment, and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here arguing with you over "Nothing".


  • 他们老是无关紧要的事争论不休。

    They are always arguing over unimportant matters.


  • 妻子总是一些无关紧要的事大惊小怪有时使很难堪。

    His wife always fusses at some unimportant matters and thus embarrasses him sometimes.


  • 喜欢帮助父亲但同时也害怕他只一些无关紧要的事

    He liked to help his father, but he kept thinking that at home he would never be more than a boy with small jobs to do.


  • 他们来讲无关紧要可以不费吹灰之力杀死他们的。

    They're a matter of such indifference to him that he can kill them as easily as not.


  • 一些无关紧要的事懒惰节省很多时间减少不必要的压力

    Being lazy about stuff that is irrelevant or not that important will help you quite a bit to free up time and minimize unnecessary stress.


  • 无关紧要也让感到烦心,如若稍有置疑权威,他就会发作一气。

    A nothing vexed him; and suspected slights of his authority nearly threw him into fits.


  • 他们低声地谈论着无关紧要,那些他们脑里所思忖的相去甚远。

    They were talking low of indifferent things which plainly were not the things that occupied their thoughts.


  • 独处不会有帮助除非可以一心一意地做其他无关紧要的

    Solitary exercise may not help unless you work out so hard you don't think about other things.


  • 自己一点,忙没有时间思考无关紧要很多就这样悄悄地淡忘了

    Let yourself busy, busy to no time to think about unimportant things, a lot of things so quietly forgotten.


  • 同样教堂没有无关紧要的事有些人在幕前,有些人在幕后,但是很重要

    Likewise, there are no insignificant ministries in the church. Some are visible and some are behind the scenes, but all are valuable.


  • 不能再去考虑那些无关紧要了,去考虑那些如果考虑我们无法应付下去的

    We must not think of the things we could do with, but only of the things that we can't do without.


  • 怀疑担心发生了又怎么样呢?多少类似的担心不都变成无关紧要的事了吗?

    Question your fear. How likely is it to happen? How many times have similar worries come to nothing?


  • 而当设定限制时,你总会试着所有——意味着很忙碌可是很多无关紧要的

    If you don't set a limit, you'll try to do everything... which means you'll be busy, but you'll be doing a lot of unimportant things as well.


  • 我们并不是通过删除无关紧要的事不去无用功得以慵懒休闲和无所当然如果是做出家修道之人可以)。

    We didn’t eliminate all those unnecessary tasks and wheel spinning so we could sit idly and do nothing (unless of course you want to become a monk).


  • 早晨起床感觉很疲劳因为昨晚熬夜了。如果看看每天晚上干嘛,你发现总是在做一些无关紧要的事

    When you get up in the morning, you feel tired, because you got up late last night... But if you look at what you do every night, you will find that you are always doing something unimportant.


  • 许多浪费我们精力物,年后,这些变得无关紧要更谈不上有任何永恒价值了。

    So much of what we waste our energy on will not matter even a year from now, much less for eternity.


  • 关于意大利公债经常提及无关紧要因为大部分意大利人自己手中。

    ONE of the things most often said about Italy’s public debt is that it does not matter because most of it is held by Italians.


  • 关于意大利公债经常提及无关紧要因为大部分意大利人自己手中。

    ONE of the things most often said about Italy's public debt is that it does not matter because most of it is held by Italians.


  • 现在只想随心所欲地自己做的那些无关紧要的就由它们

    I'm just going to do what I want now, and let the chips fall where they may.


  • 好吧别人怎么的确无关紧要但是知道别人是否赞同还是件不错

    OK, it shouldn't matter what other people think of him, but it is still nice to know that they approve.


  • 下面几个问题可以帮助找出并关注那些真正重要剔除无关紧要的生活

    Here are a few question to help you focus on what truly mattersand cut from your life items that don’t.


  • 因为立即转为关注陀螺仪损坏,所以我记得这个然后正象立即意识到仅仅已经发生的一切相比多么无关紧要

    I remember this because I became instantly concerned about gyro damage and then just as instantly realized how insignificant that was considering what had just happened.


  • 无意义因为我们活着的时候,我们没有必要应付死亡,而当我们时,所有的无关紧要了,因为我们将已经不在人世

    There is no point in being afraid of death because when we are alive, we don't have to deal with death and when we are dead, then nothing matters anyway since we will already be gone.


  • 宇宙片残酷而冷漠虚空快乐关键不是寻求什么意义而是自己忙于无关紧要荒唐

    The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense.


  • 太多兴奋焦虑的,生气的、浪费时间精力,到了最后都会变得无关紧要只有很少一些最终真的影响我们的快乐生活

    So much of what I got excited about, anxious about, or wasted my time and energy on, turned out not to matter. There are only a few things that truly count for a happy life.


  • 想做说出自己感受因为那些在意的的无关紧要那些要紧的人不会在意。

    Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.


  • 企业是否环保行动,已不再无关紧要可有可无,而是攸关企业生存重大议题

    Since the global environmentalism and the concept of life cycle assessment sprang up, environmental issues and actions have become so important for business that cannot be ignored or avoided .


  • 企业是否环保行动,已不再无关紧要可有可无,而是攸关企业生存重大议题

    Since the global environmentalism and the concept of life cycle assessment sprang up, environmental issues and actions have become so important for business that cannot be ignored or avoided .


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定