• 我们有了美妙的主题,而且,我们下一场展示的时候,这段主题,旋律去了哪里

    We have this beautiful theme here and as we listen to this next presentation, where has the theme, or melody, gone?


  • 那么我们有了一段美妙的主题而且根据下一次呈现段主题,旋律去了哪里

    So, we have this beautiful theme here and as we listen to this next presentation, where has the theme, or melody, gone?


  • 有人青春一首歌回荡着欢快美妙的旋律;有人说青春是幅画,镌刻着瑰丽浪漫色彩

    Some people say that youth is a song, echoed the cheerful, beautiful melody; Some people say that youth is a draw, engraved with the rich, romantic colors.


  • 布宜洛斯艾利斯一家餐馆里,一对探戈的舞者,永恒不变美妙旋律旋转滑行着

    In a small restaurant in Buenos Aires, a couple tangos for the diners, pivoting and gliding to timeless melodies.


  • 所有我们过去听音乐经历告诉我们应该旋律旋律美妙的我们的,但是现在为了了解和声我们应该低音部

    And all of our musical experience tells us to listen to melody; melody's beautiful — that's what we want to hear, but now to get a sense of harmony we're going to listen to the bass.


  • 听到美妙旋律现在,他在倾耳聆听

    He hears a nice tune. Now, he is listening to it.


  • 有人青春一首歌回荡着欢快美妙的旋律;有人说,青春是幅画,镌刻着瑰丽浪漫色彩

    Some people say that youth is a song, echoed the cheerful, beautiful melody; Some people say that youth is a draw, engraved with the rich, romantic colors.


  • 我们和着美妙音乐悠扬旋律嘹亮歌声翩翩起舞表达内心喜悦

    Let's flutter to express our heartfelt happiness with the wonderful music, melodious rhythm and loud and clear voice.


  • 随着时间推移,越来越多的喜爱音乐因为输送美妙动听旋律乐韵。

    Throughout time, people have loved music for its ability to transport them into a world of rhythm and melody.


  • 喷泉随着美妙旋律雪白大理石打造池子冒泡,上千花朵香味飘散空气中

    To the melodies of beautiful music, fountains bubbled in pools made of snow-white marble, and the pleasant smell of a thousand flowers rose to the air.


  • 古典音乐充满美妙的对比节奏,力度(响亮轻柔),音乐型式旋律

    Classical music is filled with wonderful contrasts in tempo, dynamics (loud and soft), musical form and melody.


  • 斯米兰不仅抓住英国流行音乐美妙的旋律与生俱来就拥有那优雅忧郁气质

    Maximilian Hecker is not only understand the most beautiful melodies of the British pop music, but he also innately have elegant and melancholy temperament.


  • 有人青春一首歌回荡着欢快美妙的旋律;有人说青春幅画,镌刻着瑰丽浪漫色彩

    Some people say that youth are a song, echoed the cheerful, beautiful melody; Some people say that youth is a draw, engraved with the rich, romantic colors.


  • 我们真诚欢迎更多客人能来到美丽的三亚度假,在享受我们服务的同时能聆听美妙的音乐和浪漫旋律”。曼拉德先生补充道

    "We look forward to welcoming more guests to experience Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa and our musical spectaculars over the next few years, " Mr. Mainardi added.


  • 闭上眼睛放松你的心情,悠游于中古世纪的情怀里,品尝著稀世佳肴与沉醉在美妙的旋律月光紫罗兰

    Close your eyes and lose yourself, in a medieval mood Taste the treasures and sing the tunes, Under a Violet Moon.


  • 有人青春一首歌回荡着欢快美妙的旋律;有人说青春是幅画,镌刻着瑰丽浪漫色彩

    Some people say that the youth is a song, echoing the cheerful, beautiful melody; Some people say that the youth is a painting, engraved with the rich, romantic colors.


  • 没有歌词没有旋律,却是迪格雷听到美妙的声音

    There were no words. There was hardly even a tune. But it was, beyond comparison, the most beautiful noise he had ever heard.


  • 觉得美妙旋律声音精致地结合在一起

    I think that the beauty of the melody and the quality of your voice make an exquisite match.


  • 听到美妙旋律

    He hears a nice tune.


  • 鲜活音符,最美妙的旋律陪伴孩子健康成长,从现在开始聪明一辈子,终身受益无穷

    The liveliest note, the most wonderful melody, will accompany your child 's healthy development. Be equipped with the intelligence for a lifelong benefit.


  • 蒂姆听力有限听清那些美妙的旋律,但他听到只有嗡嗡声

    But Tim 'hearing was too limited to hear those beautiful melodies clearly. What he could get in ears was only a light buzz.


  • 因此设计舞蹈灵魂——音乐为主题,以一曲曲美妙旋律串联一幕幕芭蕾舞篇章

    Therefore, the design of the souldance music as the theme, a beautiful melody after another series of chapters from the ballet scenes.


  • 藤本壮介表示,漂浮在空中方块创造了一种新的空间体验,看似随意的悬臂孔结构,摇曳阴影光线组成美妙的旋律,仿佛阳光透过茂密的树叶间隙投下的光影。

    "The floating masses of Many Small Cubes creates a new experience of space, a rhythm of flickering shadows and lights like the sun filtering through leafy trees, " described Sou Fujimoto.


  • 首曲子旋律是从儿子身上得到的灵感部分组成第一部分美妙韵律,表现着喜贵子的愉悦。

    That tune was really inspired by my two sons. It has two distinct parts: it starts with the nice melodic part, where you've got a new baby. Then they grow up a bit and you get to play with them.


  • 如其名这些梦幻般的夜曲流淌的旋律许多誉为美妙的传世佳作之一。

    As their title suggests, they are dreamy night pieces, with melodies many people consider among the most beautiful ever written.


  • 一个听见一些蚱蜢啾啾的叫声,就非常兴奋,也拥有这种美妙旋律,就问他们什么而拥有这美妙的声音的。

    Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on, to give them such beautiful voices.


  • 典雅旋律传递给不仅仅美妙的音符,于音符之间仿佛飘渺一丝淡雅芬芳

    An elegant melody, not only passes people the wonderful notes, but also contains the gentle atmosphere of fragrance.


  • 中国传统乐器演奏出富有古代东方色彩美妙旋律弹奏出一首首动听的“中国风”歌曲

    Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments with a rich ancient and Oriental melodies, allows you to play both modern and traditional songs!


  • 中国传统乐器演奏出富有古代东方色彩美妙旋律弹奏出一首首动听的“中国风”歌曲

    Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments with a rich ancient and Oriental melodies, allows you to play both modern and traditional songs!


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