• 有时,新人认为他们展馆应该代表他们的国家,就好像他们的艺术旅游聘请公务员

    Newcomers sometimes think that their pavilion should represent their nation, as if their artists were civil servants employed by the tourist office.


  • 虽然相信大多数希望保护这种艺术,但恐怕旅游导致这种艺术消失另一个原因。

    Although most people, I believe, would wish to preserve this art, I'm afraid that tourism is another reason why the art is disappearing.


  • 特别是那些艺术行当关联者,web设计师他们是从音乐书籍旅游美食其它什么地方找到灵感的么?

    Especially those, who are involved in some artful professions, such as web designers, for example... Is it in music, books, travelling, food, or elsewhere?


  • 有时新人认为他们展馆代表自己国家即使他们的艺术旅游聘请公务员

    Newcomers sometimes think that their pavilion should represent their nation as if their artists were civil servants employed by the tourist office.


  • 自己当作他们导师所以他们一起旅游他们领略艺术伟大的思想

    As well, I see myself as a developer of them. So I travel with them and expose them to great art and great minds.


  • 针对各位教授所发言我们整理出关于经济文化卫生教育旅游艺术领域内容并且进行深化

    According to speeches of the professors, we will classify topics as economy, culture, health, education, tourism and art. And there will be further discussions on the topics.


  • 艺术消费旅游财政收入增长之间联系许多国家研究得到引证

    A connection between arts spending and increased tourism revenue has also been cited in studies in a number of countries.


  • 我们需要诉说故事至少博客就是记录生活艺术家庭旅游兴趣学习绝佳方式

    We all have a story to tell. At the very least blogging is a fabulous way of keeping a journal of your life, art, family, travels, hobbies or studies.


  • 罗德里格斯是个在拉丁美洲叱咤了几十年的巨星一些其他知名艺术享有显赫的地位却否认自己是一个普通古巴民众因为旅游世界各地赚钱自由

    Mr Rodríguez, for decades a big star throughout Latin America, and a few other well-known artists enjoy privileges denied to ordinary Cubans, such as freedom to travel abroad and to earn.


  • 科学家检验一下司汤达综合症是否存在。检验方法是旅游者观赏艺术作品之后,观测他们生理特征。

    Scientists are to monitor the vital signs of tourists in Florence after they see works of art - to test if Stendhal syndrome exists.


  • 本文就土族文化艺术旅游资源开发必要性、开发内容、开发模式等进行了探讨

    This article makes a detailed discussion on necessity, projects and mode of the development of the touring resource in the Tus' cultural arts.


  • 丰富课外活动包括美术表演实用艺术外语环境室外教育集体运动旅游

    A rich extracurricular program including fine, performing and practical arts, foreign language, environmental and outdoor education, team sports and travel.


  • 随着更多中国游客带着个性化旅行计划赴美旅游,越来越不再青睐疯狂购物而是目光转向文化艺术景点

    As larger Numbers of Chinese tourists are coming to the US with more individualized travel plans, more are turning their eyes to cultural and art attractions, rather than a shopping spree.


  • 旅游目的如何自然学习然后理解从而探索艺术设计原理。

    The goal of travel is how to learn from nature and then understand and search for the principles of art design.


  • 丹佛西郊一个颇具历史意义艺术区——40西部许多展览会都会在这里进行,并且也是旅游胜地。

    In the western suburbs of Denver, there sits a quaint and historic art district-40 west-which is home to many exhibitions and Tours.


  • 不过新的研究支持实验艺术旅游其它新潮一贯坚持观点:至少某些时候迷失方向会激发创造性思维能力

    Still, the new research supports what many experimental artists, habitual travelers and other novel seekers have always insisted: at least some of the time, disorientation begets creative thinking.


  • 很多无法到处旅游艺术就要他们眼睛带给人们美丽风景,也带给人们美丽的心情

    Many people are not able to travel about, so artists should be people's eyes, bring them the beautiful scenery and bring them the cheerful mood.


  • 设有47项学位包含商业课程(mba)、烹饪艺术餐饮管理酒店全球旅游教育等提供学生良好就业机会

    With 47 degrees, including business courses (MBA), culinary arts, restaurant management, hotel and global tourism and education, providing students with good employment opportunities.


  • 私人地产豪华游艇奢侈跑车铂金腕表传世珠宝高级定制珍藏酒款艺术收藏,更有全球各地旅游特别提供旅行路线以及顶级酒店介绍

    Introducing private property, houseboat, luxury cars, platinum watch, jewels, advanced customization, wine, art collection, and the top hotels which global tourism travel rout special offer.


  • 并且指出开发庙会旅游产品时,艺术设计无论是作为创意思维还是一种包装方法着十分重要作用

    It was put forward that art design, whether as an original thought or as practical packaging measure, plays an important role in exploiting tour product of temple fair.


  • 调查发起者骄傲报出总数希望以此我们相信:体育旅游艺术不仅生活变得更美好而且所谓的“经济”做出了贡献

    Reporting the total with pride, the sponsors hope to persuade us not just that sport, tourism and the arts make life better, but that they contribute to something called "the economy".


  • 享受福特·劳德·戴尔的餐饮旅游艺术演出充满活力艺术氛围。

    Enjoy Ft. Lauderdale's restaurants, Tours, performing arts and vibrant arts scene.


  • 甚至风景会凝固纯净虚构旅游世界成为人工艺术

    Even the landscape is solidified into pure fiction; art in the artificial world of the traveler.


  • 甚至风景会凝固纯净虚构旅游世界成为人工艺术

    Even the landscape is solidified into pure fiction; art in the artificial world of the traveler.


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