• 当被问及如何看待外界对新红楼造型质疑时,李少设计并非凭空想像,而是吸收古典元素

    Asked about criticism on the designing of characters' images, Li expressed her approval, saying the designing has taken classic elements and are not completely imaginary.


  • 实验室新红老师获得2011年度国家自然科学基金国家自然科学基金(61073153):面向业务车辆通信网络自适应多信道MAC机制研究。

    Prof. Xinhong Wang has received the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2011 (61073153): Adaptive multi-channel MAC mechanism in business oriented vehicle communication network.


  • 丽,那个穿裙子的女孩是我们的室友吗?

    Mary, is that girl in a red skirt our new roommate?


  • 研究人员们使用仅仅超出可见光谱端的近辐射测试他们“黑材料”。

    The researchers tested their new black material with near-infrared radiation, just beyond the red end of the visible spectrum.


  • 台湾海洋生物学者宣布在台湾南部海岸发现了一个的螃蟹物种,这种螃蟹背部的带有白色点,看上去很草莓

    A marine biologist says he has discovered a newcrab species off the coast of southern Taiwan that looks like astrawberry with small white bumps on its red shell.


  • 如果搜索棒球”,然后记住要去阅读,你就可以从“棒球”的搜索结果中开始搜索。

    If you search for "baseball" and then remember you want to read up on the Red Sox, you can start a new search from the "baseball" search results page.


  • 银河系常见恒星矮星,它们一度被认为不太可能发现类地行星,研究这个观点抵触

    Red dwarf stars, which are by far the most common stars in our galaxy, were once considered unlikely places to find Earth-like planets, but new studies contradict that view.


  • :“众议院多次看到幅画一直以为是沃尔特·罗利”,“这真是一个了不起发现。”

    "I have seen the painting several times in the Red Drawing Room at Newbridge House, and it was always thought to be Walter Raleigh," he said. "it is an amazing discovery."


  • 利物浦门神雷纳谈到魔的时显得很热心,雷纳表示愿意帮助德赫亚西班牙同乡一些建设性的意见。

    Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina has also been discussing the Reds' new number one and has offered his services as something of a mentor to De Gea, his Spanish counterpart.


  • 如果满足这些先决条件,则代码检查节点节点它的兄弟节点是否节点。

    If not, the code checks whether the new node's parent and uncle are both red nodes.


  • 动物园管理员,园内现有80只他们不得不修建围栏用来圈养数十只上月被发现河口鳄鱼

    Zookeepers said they now have a population of 80 red-eared turtles and that they were forced to build a new enclosure for the dozen estuarine crocodiles found last month.


  • 成为中国一股时尚风暴

    Singing red songs is becoming a new fashion storming all over China.


  • NGC 6240(星系)图片来自钱德拉X射线天文台)X射线数据如图部分所示)哈勃望远镜于2008年首度公开的一张光学图像两者合成的。

    This image of NGC 6240 contains new X-ray data from Chandra (shown in red, orange, and yellow) that has been combined with an optical image from the Hubble Space Telescope originally released in 2008.


  • 最后赛季联赛中皇马取得了开门啊!场比赛打进10

    Finally, what a great start to La Liga the team's had, scoring 10 goals in two games.


  • 如果使用包含策略加入文件目录打包不可用的,这有可能会导致插件不能或者显示Eclipse默认图标(盒子)。

    If you add a new file or directory when using an include strategy, it will not be available after packaging, which might cause your plug-in to fail or display the Eclipse default image (red box).


  • 至3 个月以后,心爱的灵感女神麦当娜戴路易·威登绿松石帽子现身时装学院庆典

    Fast forward three-months,and his favourite new muse,Madonna, hit the Costume Institute Gala red carpet with a turquoise LV headpieces atop her head.


  • 这个Kaixin.com迅速蹿可能是因为有些用户以为他们登陆的是Kaixin001.com。

    The new Kaixin.com soon became popular, perhaps in part because some users thought they were logging onto Kaixin001.com.


  • 一款葡萄酒应该接近紫色宝石色谱一端

    A young red wine should be more toward the purple and ruby end of the spectrum.


  • 瑞德打开。盒子里,薄薄的棉垫上一个闪闪发光的口琴,琴身是明亮银色系着

    Red does. Inside the box, on a thin layer of cotton, is a shiny new harmonica, bright aluminum and circus-red.


  • 克服语言障碍邹丽必须通过一个翻译软件伙伴交流

    To vault the language barrier, Zou would have to talk with her new companions through a translation app.


  • 番茄抗肿瘤特性不断揭示乳腺癌预防治疗提供一种安全有效思路

    Lycopene anti-cancer properties of constantly be revealed, for breast cancer prevention and treatment will provide a new security effective thinking.


  • 给了他们城市公园一个单位时间花了两个小时得到一个轮胎安装

    I gave them a ride to the Red Bird City Park when I had a flat time and spent two hours getting a new tire mounted.


  • 格雷厄姆积极担当起营养道德家角色,在全国四处游历,大肆抨击肥肉食盐糖果调味品烟草面包

    Embracing his new calling as a nutritional moralist, Graham traveled the country inveighing against red meat, fats, alcohol, salt, sweets, condiments, tobacco, and white bread.


  • 打算一面货真价实宝剑,一条领带一只小斗犬,还要个老婆。

    I'm going to buy a new drum, and a sure 'nough sword, and a red necktie and a bull pup, and get married.


  • 打算一面货真价实宝剑,一条领带一只小斗犬,还要个老婆。

    I'm going to buy a new drum, and a sure 'nough sword, and a red necktie and a bull pup, and get married.


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