• 这些网页都带有点击其他网络文献友情链接。

    Each of these pages has hot links to other documents throughout the network.


  • 第3讲述所搜集到一些文献资料

    In Chapter 3, I shall describe some of the documentation that I gathered.


  • 每一附有参考书目,引用文献2004年。

    Each chapter is referenced, citing literature up to 2004.


  • 学科文献极为丰富

    The subject boasts of an extensive literature.


  • 这部著作填补了我国考古学文献中的一个空白

    The work fills (in) a gap which has hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.


  • 历史学家他们历史文献丢失感到很遗憾

    Historians said that they regretted the disappearance of a historical document.


  • 应该心理学课程文献回顾但是很难找到文章

    I'm supposed to do a literature review for my psychology course, but I'm having a hard time finding articles.


  • 这份报告与现有的有关就寝时间健康科学文献一致

    This report corresponds with the existing scientific literature on bedtime and wellness.


  • 随着撒哈拉沙漠移动,近期一些文献指出地区季风迁移

    Now as far as the Sahara goes, there is some recent literature that points to the migration of the monsoon in that area.


  • 施韦策承认研究大量颂扬设定目标的诸多好处文献相悖。

    Schweitzer concedes his research runs counter to a very large body of literature that extols the many benefits of goal-setting.


  • 5历史文献大厅,5个大厅另一个建筑圆顶

    It has 5 halls with historical documents, 5 halls on the first floor and another one right under the dome of the building.


  • 学术文献相比演讲者通常口头报告中理论观点给出容易理解描述

    Lecturers typically give much more accessible descriptions of theoretical perspectives in their oral presentations than can be found in the academic literature.


  • 画家彼得·布兰登作品从来没有标注过日期时间表现在开始批评文献形成

    The painter Peter Brandon never dated his works, and their chronology is only now beginning to take shape in the critical literature.


  • 仔细研究穷人生育行为很重要因为有大量关于婴儿死亡率的“替代效应文献

    A closer look at the fertility behavior of the poor is important because of the extensive literature on the "replacement effect" of high infant mortality.


  • 动物到底为什么要玩耍,这个问题仍然文献中存在争议并且每个物种玩耍原因不尽相同

    Exactly why animals play is still a matter debated in the research literature, and the reasons may not be the same for every species that plays.


  • 目前为止,有关教室噪音文献似乎集中一般学生他们教师听力受损者影响上。

    The literature to date on noise in school rooms appears to focus on the effects on schoolchildren in general, their teachers and the hearing impaired.


  • 他们诗歌主要看成是个人经历文献不仅贬低他们的成就而且忽视了他们自白一致鄙视

    To treat their poems mainly as documents of personal experience is not just to diminish the poets' achievement, but to ignore their unanimous disdain for the idea of confessional poetry.


  • 正如英格兰医学杂志》里篇报告所总结的,“如今卫生政策文献几乎所有创新提议包含这些措施中。”

    As a report in The New England Journal of Medicine concluded, "Pretty much every proposed innovation found in the health policy literature these days is contained in these measures."


  • 多伦多大学社会心理学家乔纳森·弗里德曼回顾相关文献发现了大约200项有关看电视和攻击性研究

    When Jonathan Freedman, a social psychologist at the University of Toronto, reviewed the literature, he found only 200 or so studies of television-watching and aggression.


  • 怀尔德曼奈尔斯特别兴趣的研究在何种条件思考可能会活跃——一个文献几乎没有任何指导主题

    Wildman and Niles were particularly interested in investigating the conditions under which reflection might flourisha subject on which there is little guidance in the literature.


  • 虽然研究文献清楚地表明,劳动力市场成功部分取决于雇主顾客外表形象看法但没有探索这个问题另一面

    While the research literature is clear that labor market success is partly based on how employers and customers perceive your body image, no one had explored the other side of question.


  • 教育工作者可能会担心听着两种语言孩子永远感到困惑因此他们语言发展延迟这个问题文献存在记录的。

    Educators may fear that children hearing two languages will become permanently confused and thus their language development will be delayed; this concern is not documented in the literature.


  • 系里关于索引引用参考文献正确格式文件吗?

    Do you have a copy of the department's document on the correct format for index, citations and references?


  • 现在里奇博士这样生物学家正在深入研究与艺术相关的科学文献

    Now biologists like Dr. Etheridge are digging into the scientific texts that accompanied her art.


  • 阅读大量文献可以打下坚实的知识基础但是学生们完成每篇论文时间非常有限。

    Looking at a number of sources gives you a good knowledge base, but students only have a limited amount of time to work on each paper.


  • 为满足免费读者提供文献需求出版机构通过作者收费负担准备论文费用

    Publishers have responded to the demand that they make their product free to readers by charging their writers fees to cover the costs of preparing an article.


  • 得知这件事情时,兴奋,心想我有整整一周的时间研究文献把文章写出来。

    I was excited when I learned this, figuring I had a full week to do the research, read the texts, and write it all up.


  • 我们考虑尔顿古典文献学习依恋程度时认为我们可以在这里看到行为重要性

    When we consider the degree of Milton's anxieties about his own attachment to classical learning, I think we can see the significance of Mammon's actions here.


  • 需要将发布过的没有发布过的数据所来源的文献参考纳入其中,因为很多公开气候数据。

    Be sure you include a good reference section where all your published and unpublished data came from, because you have a lot of unpublished climate data.


  • 此后生成语义学最初提出的许多建议出现解释主义文献中。

    Second many proposals originally disputed by generative semanticists have since appeared in the interpretivist literature.


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