• 电视气象节目遇到重大天气过程时,如果没有做好整体策划加之编导风格不同,容易出现节目缺乏整体联系等问题

    When meeting important weather process, if overall planning had not been well done, and further owing to different styles of composition and direction, the lack of overall connection etc.


  • 既有生物学基础带有丰富社会人文内涵具有整体联系主客一体性动态时序性、模型性、模糊性等特征

    It has not only the basis of biology, but rich social and cultural contents, and bears the characteristics of intergal connection, unity of host and guest, dynamic time sequence, model a.


  • 因此中医概念理论具有生物学基础外,具有整体联系、主客一体性、动态时序、模型性、模糊性等特征。

    So the concepts and theories of TCM syndrome had not only biological foundation but also holism, integration of subjectivity and objectivity, dynamic time-phase, modeling and subtlety.


  • 一方面,通才者对广泛的主题了解甚多,并通过所有的联系来观察整体

    Generalists, on the other hand, know a lot about a wide range of subjects and view the whole with all its connections.


  • 很了解作为同志整体定义意味着男性没有什么联系但是,事实上我们每天要和男性打交道

    I know that the whole definition of being a lesbian means you don't have a relationship with men but, of course, we deal with men all day.


  • 虽然男性满足这些身体素质标准时认为更具吸引力,但他们整体吸引力这些身体特征联系并不那么紧密

    Although men are rated as more attractive by women when they meet these physical appearance standards too, their overall judged attractiveness isn't as tightly linked to their physical features.


  • 人们希望明确自己工作团队整体目标之间存在联系因为他们感觉受到团队的重视,感觉到自我价值的存在

    They want to see the link between their work and the team's overall purpose because that's how they will feel both valued and valuable.


  • 中国整体经济增长率一般与出口没有那么紧密联系,它的国内增长十分强劲,”

    "China's overall economic growth rate has tended not be that closely linked to exports-it has very robust domestic growth," he says.


  • 虽然目前整体自民党中方联系较为有限,但不少自民党人士在对华开展交往方面态度十分积极

    Although the Liberal Democratic Party has rather limited contacts with China, many of its members hold a very positive attitude towards engagement with China.


  • 达到顶点时,多样物种互相需要联系在一起这样整体很难破坏

    Mutual needs of diverse species click together so smartly in the climax arrangement that the whole is difficult to disrupt.


  • 激励公司的整体目标联系

    Link Incentives to Companywide goals.


  • 乔布斯毕业典礼上演讲以及通过创造产品感觉而言,艺术人文科技整体联系

    My sense from hearing Mr. Jobs' commencement speech and from the products he created was that for him, arts and humanities were integrally related to science and technology.


  • 就是降低联系消费者提供商之间耦合度而不是整体构件

    This is to reduce the coupling between the connected consumers and providers by having dependencies on the ports, not the component as a whole.


  • 这种波浪式运动一种令人惬意的流动的,整体感觉贯穿身体加强与你身体核心繁荣紧密联系

    This waving movement will have your body filled with a pleasant, running and whole feeling and strengthen the close relationship between you and the core of your body.


  • 因此可能结果这些联系形成一个我们想象更为紧密的整体

    So it may turn out that the connection is a whole lot closer than we've imagined.


  • 建筑成为环境整体景观不可分割一部分不是简单地考虑阻断环境开放性联系

    The architecture has become a part of the whole landscape of undivided environment, not simply thinking about connection to the surroundings from the cut off opening in walls.


  • 但是世界上各个部分彼此相关、互相联系所以相信了解其他部分整体就不可能认识一部分。

    But the parts of the world are all so related and linked one another that I believe it impossible to know one without the other and without the without the whole.


  • 酷睿i7解决这个问题,处理器直接存储器联系一起进行到点的数据传输不是整体传输。

    The Core i7 solves this by having processors attached directly to memory and communicating in a point-to-point rather than broadcast fashion.


  • 这种简单清晰视觉联系能够帮公寓作为一个整体理解不仅仅两个不同楼层叠加

    This easy visual contact helps you understand the flat as a whole, and not just as the superposition of two different floors.


  • 通过横向联系我们空间视觉上使不同空间联系起来了,因此也得到了空间总和整体感知

    Through lateral links, we relate spatially and visually the different Spaces, thus achieving an integral perception of the sum of them.


  • 各个销售渠道保持密切联系保证酒店盈利最大化并不定期酒店整体价格进行抽查

    Maintain close interaction and relationships with different distribution channels to maximize revenue for hotels and spot check hotels rate integrity.


  • 伽达默尔是以“审美区别反对康德“审美区别”,来拉近艺术真理界限艺术整体完整存在全然联系起来

    Gadamer is "no distinction between the aesthetic," to oppose Kant's "aesthetic distinction" to narrow the boundaries of art and truth, and integrity of the arts as a whole there is completely linked.


  • 这种极端形式主义意义吗?质量吗?部分整体之间重复联系

    Does this extreme formalism have any sense? Is this quality? Repetition, relations between the parts and the whole.


  • 项目管理办公室将注意力集中在与母体组织顾客整体经营目标紧密联系项目子项目统一规划优先顺序、轻重缓急和执行方面。

    The PMO focuses on the coordinated planning, prioritization and execution of projects and subprojects that are tied to the parent organization's or client's overall business objectives.


  • 设计师第一直觉认为建筑城市整体公共土地一部分,并与远近的公共空间都产生联系

    The first instinct has been to think of the building as part of an urban ensemble in public land, related to the distant and the immediate public spaces.


  • 设计师第一直觉认为建筑城市整体公共土地一部分,并与远近的公共空间都产生联系

    The first instinct has been to think of the building as part of an urban ensemble in public land, related to the distant and the immediate public spaces.


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