• 能引导我们彼此打开心扉世界敞开胸怀

    It guides our openness to one another and to the world.


  • 关在在于敞开胸怀愿意去往任何你不曾预想地方

    And there's the rub: you have to open your mind to going places you never expected to go.


  • 即使不同意别人观点也要试着敞开胸怀耐心地倾听

    Try to listen to everyone's opinions with an open mind, even if they are very different from yours.


  • 正确对待游戏的玩家不会沉溺游戏而是敞开胸怀迎接同好!

    Healthy gamers do not dwell away on the games... but instead, embrace the community!


  • 同时也是养母们的特殊的日子,她们敞开胸怀孩子一个

    This is also a special time for new adoptive mothers, who have welcomed their children into their homes with open arms and an open heart.


  • 时间就是一切这次去过之后觉得自己一点可以敞开胸怀了。

    Time is all, this time been after, I feel yourself a little can open arms of said.


  • 如果认为外星智慧生命非常友好的敞开胸怀欢迎我们,那真是天真的想法。

    To assume alien civilizations will be friendly and welcome us with open arms seems grossly naïve.


  • 结对编程很自然地使开发者向同事敞开胸怀分享领域知识时刻准备方法与大家分享。

    Pair programming naturally involves being open with colleagues, sharing domain knowledge, and being prepared to explain your approach.


  • 话来说,我们收到各种信息敞开胸怀允许自己处理这个信息才是健康的做法。

    In other words, it is only healthy to be open to the information we receive and to allow ourselves to process that information.


  • 父母从来不她讲那些东德西德的陈词滥调,他们自己的有归属感,世界敞开胸怀

    Her parents did not pass on any East-West stereotypes to her. They are attached to their home but open to the world.


  • 尽管应该这样,但是情人节还是人们趋向敞开胸怀表达他们多么爱着对方

    Although it shouldn't be, Valentine's day tends to be the one day a year people go all out to show their partner how much they love them.


  • 合作必须明智地创造培养,它不仅期待而且要求大胆地向别人敞开胸怀表达自己思想

    Collaboration must be intelligently created and fostered, not merely hoped for, and it requires fearlessness to be open to others and to speak one's own mind.


  • 一个转变故事这种变化已经发生但是如果敞开胸怀并且加入进来使这种转变发生的更快

    This is a story of transformation. It is change that is already taking place, and change that can accelerate if you'll just open your heart and join in....


  • 终于明白无论怎样追赶也无法他们只有他们停下来敞开胸怀时,我才能成为他们生活一部分

    What I finally understood was that no amount of running could keep me up with them. I would be part of their lives only if they stopped and opened up to me.


  • 后来发生身上一些事情打开灵魂所有,我才能够敞开胸怀让集体上天浩凉风吹拂进来。

    Then something happened to me that opened all the Windows and doors of my soul to the cool breezes of collective divine love.


  • 只要我们敞开胸怀拥抱包容原则,我们很难再把他人看作是一个特定群体(比如视觉障碍用户”),于是也不再排斥他们。

    Once we embrace inclusiveness, it becomes difficult to marginalize others as members of one specific group, such as "users with disabilities."


  • 尽情地跳舞吧,好似旁若无人放声地歌唱吧好似无人听;敞开胸怀地去吧,好似从未伤情;舒心地去吧,好似地球天堂

    Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth.


  • 小河悄悄地融化了敞开胸怀迎接春天到来清澈河水平静犹如一面镜子,一眼看清小鱼小虾水中游动的优美姿势

    River ice melted quietly, is open to greet the arrival of spring, the clear river is like a mirror, quietly at first glance to see small fish, shrimp in the water swimming in beautiful posture.


  • 如今,韶华逝,小船搁浅岸上,我听到了万物深沉乐曲苍穹也向敞开缀满繁星胸怀

    Now that youth has ebbed and I am stranded on the bank, I can hear the deep music of all things, and the sky opens to me its heart of stars.


  • 不要责备自己,要敞开自己胸怀,仔细回忆然后写下当时发生之事,写下它的原因结果

    Do not blame yourself; instead, open yourself to the feeling, to the memory, and then write down what happened, the causes and the consequences.


  • 他们欢笑,给你走向成功鼓励;他们倾听你的心分享成功的欢乐;而且,他们始终敞开他们胸怀,这些都说明你应该更加珍惜朋友

    They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us. Show your friends how much you care.


  • 不要吝惜自己敞开自己的胸怀,多多给予发现,你也已经沐浴爱河里。

    Don't be stingy with their love, open their mind, give more, you will find that you have been bathed in the love river.


  • 洗过天空不知蓦然敞开胸怀还是更加抱紧自己,就静物,像烙心上有种恍惚的冰凉

    The sky and washed by the rain, I do not know suddenly open the mind, or more hold yourself, like a still life, like Burger in the heart of marks, a trance of cold.


  • 偏僻山乡敞开接纳四海胸怀外教老师彼特独特教学方法给观众崭新感受,从中受到多方面启发

    Remote mountain areas were open accept universal mind, unique teaching methods of teacher Pete, to a new audience feel, inspired from many aspects.


  • 他们倾听你的心声,分享成功欢乐;而且,他们始终都想你敞开他们的胸怀

    They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to you.


  • 他们倾听你的心声,分享成功欢乐;而且,他们始终都想你敞开他们的胸怀

    They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to you.


- 来自原声例句

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