• 政府高级官员必然已经默许掩盖真相

    Senior government figures must have acquiesced in the cover-up.


  • 佩罗未指名地谴责美国官员掩盖事实

    Perot accused unnamed U.S. officials of covering up the facts.


  • 用来掩盖他们思想中的混乱模糊问题

    This served to hide the confusion and imprecision in their thinking.


  • 指故意烟幕掩盖学校教育水平的低下。

    He was accused of putting up a smokescreen to hide poor standards in schools.


  • 用指控我们掩盖个人的不当行为真是很恶劣

    Accusing us of being disloyal to cover his own sorry behaviour is truly execrable.


  • 艾琳使用拖把是个精心安排举动,意在掩盖罪行

    Irene's use of the mop had been a calculated attempt to cover up her crime.


  • 如果掩盖真相行为,它就牵扯到了处于政府最高层的那些

    If there was a cover-up, it involved people at the very highest levels of government.


  • 这部电影在开头一个小时毫无想象力即使有个人印象深刻的结局无法掩盖这个缺憾。

    Even the film's impressive finale can't hide the first hour's paucity of imagination.


  • 倾向掩盖一种倾向。

    An inclination covers the other.


  • 糖衣掩盖药片药味

    Sugar coating hides the taste of pills.


  • 然而这种历史分期基本标准掩盖大量悖论

    Yet this most fundamental standard of historical periodization conceals a host of paradoxes.


  • 人们中世纪欧洲人想要以香料掩盖变质味道

    It's commonly said that medieval Europeans wanted spices to cover up the taste of spoiled meat.


  • 因为世界各地许多菜系香菜掩盖气味增加独特味道

    Because cilantro is used in a variety of cuisines around the world to mask smells, as well as to add distinctive flavors.


  • 人们开始注意到之前多少创意的方法掩盖午餐没有事实?

    How many creative ways could I conceal the lack of meat in my lunch before people begin to notice?


  • 直接问到涉及性、金钱工作话题人们往往撒谎掩盖真相

    When asked straightforwardly, people tend to lie or shade the truth when the subject is sex, money or employment.


  • 因此他们掩盖起来——他们从来没有这样对待因为花费更多

    For this, they have covered you over—they never do the like to me; for I cost more.


  • 精密的展示掩盖一个事实设计空间实用不是庞大空洞的。

    Mies's sophisticated presentation masked the fact that the spaces he designed were small and efficient, rather than big and often empty.


  • 近年来,伦敦中上层阶级年轻人开始使用一些地方口音掩盖他们的阶级出身

    In recent years, young upper middle-class people in London, have begun to adopt some regional accents, in order to hide their class origins.


  • 在《亚当诅咒》中,叶芝遗憾道这种美丽值得之劳作的,掩盖这种劳作

    Yeats, in Adam's Curse, regrets that the beautiful is something to be labored for and he wants to conceal that labor.


  • 骨头分解土地侵蚀气候变化森林重生,河流改道——历史如果没有被摧毁,也会被逐渐掩盖

    Bones disintegrate, the land erodes, the climate changes, forests come and go, rivers change their course — and history, if not destroyed, is steadily concealed.


  • 美国国会几乎一致通过这项法案这反映环保主义全国范围内日益普及掩盖了一激烈的辩论。

    The nearly unanimous passage of this act in the United States Congress, reflection the rising national popularity of environmentalism, masked a bitter debate.


  • GDP不仅掩盖这种侵蚀现象实际上可以描述一种经济收益沿海地区石油泄漏提升” GDP,因为产生了商业活动

    Not only does the GDP mask this erosion, it can actually portray it as an economic gain: an oil spill off a coastal region "adds" to the GDP because it generates commercial activity.


  • 我们不能枝节问题掩盖主要问题。

    We mustn't let these minor details obscure the main issue.


  • 阿布不是真名而是一个用来掩盖自己身份的假名。

    Abu is not his real name, but it's one he uses to disguise his identity.


  • 通常只有爱尔兰负面形象加以描绘,从而影响了人们看法掩盖这个国家的实质

    All too often it is only the negative images of Ireland that are portrayed, colouring opinions and hiding the true nature of the country.


  • 摘下昂贵的手表以掩盖他富有的事实。

    He took off his expensive watch to hide the fact that he was rich.


  • 旅游业本身多样性碎片化隐藏掩盖经济影响主要问题

    The major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden, or obscured, its economic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the industry itself.


  • 我们终归只是来自非洲草原生物有计划掩盖自然界发展趋势

    We are, after all, only creatures of the African savanna, programmed to uncover trends in the natural world.


  • 在哪里读到过他们音乐声音掩盖电影放映机声音,是吗?

    I think I read somewhere that they used music to drown out the sound of the film projectors?


  • 每个政坛老手知道掩盖消息最好方法一个引人注目的好消息反击

    Every gnarled hack knows that the best way to bury bad news is to counter it with a splashy new announcement.


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