• 所有系统设计应该架构上反映这种控制层次

    Any system design should reflect control hierarchy in the architecture.


  • GUI组件需要在屏幕上显示,必须控制层次一部份

    To appear onscreen, every GUI component must be part of a containment hierarchy.


  • 控制层次一个拥有一个顶层容器作为组件

    A containment hierarchy is a tree of components that has a top-level container as its root. We'll show you one in a bit.


  • 内容包括远程监控模块整体设计可重构的远程监控界面设计、远程监控安全控制层次

    The following contents are included: the overall design of remote monitor module, the design of reconfigurable remote monitor interface and the safety control hierarchical of remote monitor.


  • 此外信息披露质量实际控制人拥有上市公司所有权比例相关关系,控制层次之间相关关系。

    Besides, quality of information disclosure has a positive correlation with the listed company's ownership percentage that the actual controller owns and a negative correlation with control hierarchy.


  • 对于任何控制词汇每个级别标记层次选择正确的粒度对于维护信息导航来说一个关键决策

    With any controlled vocabulary, choosing the granularity for each level of the tagging hierarchy is a critical decision for both maintenance and information navigation.


  • 许多控制语言使用一个术语层次结构,这些术语范围涵盖一般级别更特定级别的描述

    Many controlled languages use a hierarchy of terms that go from a more general level of description to a more specific level.


  • 这种更高层次效率控制使所有开发规程频繁地迭代并且全面提高了生产力质量

    This higher level of efficiency and control empowers all the development disciplines to iterate more frequently, and improves productivity and quality across the board.


  • 更高水平用户可以适合自己技能层次控制这个系统

    More advanced users are able to control the system to a level that suits their skills.


  • 控制每个细节(需求设计)方面相比,领导组具体活动放到稍低层次显得更加合理

    Instead of trying to control every aspect of specification (requirements and design), it is better for the leadership group to actively push specification activities into lower project levels.


  • 这种层次规程也许高级别的控制中获利因为最后结果变更企业模型

    The procedures at this level would probably benefit from the higher level of control, because the end result is going to be changes to the enterprise models.


  • 控制词汇适用存储所有信息分类标签层次结构。

    A controlled vocabulary is a hierarchy of categorization labels that are applied to all the information in the repository.


  • 上面两个层次代表过程是由管理人员选择的,他们为了策略控制目的强加下面层次

    The upper two layers represent processes selected by managers and imposed upon the lower levels for strategy and control purposes.


  • 下面描述了类型的控制它们形成的层次关系。

    These controls and the hierarchy they form are described below.


  • 2示的采用黄金模板虚拟化提供很棒的工具用于通过模板标准化水平层次实现进行控制

    Virtualization with golden templates, as shown in Figure 2, provides an excellent tool for implementing this control through the implementation of standard horizontal layers within the templates.


  • 主题访问控制通常发布引擎基于主题层次结构中的访问控制列表进行管理

    Control over access to topics will normally be managed by the publication engine based on access control lists on a topic hierarchy.


  • 企业百科全书拥有基于角色控制以及实例层次控制数据库

    Enterprise encyclopedias are databases that have role-based access control and instance-level access control.


  • 基础网络体系结构分为三个层次(设备传输控制层),其还有服务层,我们按照向上的顺序分别进行介绍

    The underlying network architecture can be divided into three layers (Device layer, Transport layer, and Control layer) plus the service layer and will be introduced from bottom to top respectively.


  • 层次认为只要UNIX思想保持其活跃性,没有必要控制这个世界因为坦率地讲,我认为好的软件出自unix思想。

    On this level, I don't think that it's necessary that the UNIX idea take over the world, as long as it remains alive because, frankly, I think that's where the good software's going to come from.


  • 系统安全提升到个新的层次微软这次在用户账户控制中下足了功夫,这是VISTA用户曾今头疼不已一个问题。

    Security has been enhanced too. They have taken care of the user Account Control feature, one of the biggest annoyances of Vista users.


  • 视图控制主题视图的外观一个视图作为回复层次结构索引

    One view controls how the threaded view looks, and the other view ACTS as the response hierarchy index.


  • 维护一个所有权层次结构有助于不至于失去控制其中每个资源拥有获得资源负责释放它们

    Maintaining an ownership hierarchy, where each resource owns the resources it acquires and is responsible for releasing them, helps keep the mess from getting out of control.


  • 类似地层次事件能够分成一个或者多个层次事件动作例如更换压力控制拉响警报发出警戒信号。

    Similarly, high-level events can be decomposed into one or more low-level events or actions; for example, changing a pressure control valve, sounding an alarm, or signaling an alert.


  • 安全管理员可以接近组织结构抽象层次控制数据库访问

    Security administrators can control access to their databases at a level of abstraction that is close to the structure of their organizations.


  • VPS提供了一定层次控制定义了有多少内存可用,有多少进程间通信(IPC)对象可用

    This provides a level of control over a VPS, defining how much memory is available, how many interprocess communication (IPC) objects are available, and so on.


  • 依赖注入应用程序主要层次编织一起从而,这使产生一个具有视图模型控制松散耦合应用程序。

    Dependency injection lets you weave together the main layers of your application, which, in turn, lets you produce a loosely coupled application with view, model, and controller layers.


  • 为了支撑层次管理控制层次自我治理敏捷团队需要关注团队管理中心部分——连接

    To sustain a low level of leadership control and a high level of autonomy, Agile Teams need to focus on the central part of the Team Management Wheel - Linking.


  • 突出特性类型数学对象层次结构对象进行分组控制常用编程数据结构

    It features a strongly typed hierarchy of mathematical objects and commonly used programming data structures for grouping and controlling the objects.


  • 甚至可以控制组织文件夹中创建层次结构

    You can even organize your controllers into folders to create hierarchical structures.


  • 他们发现今天一个相对稳定层次编辑群落正越来越“掌控”百科全书控制权,那些随机贡献者编辑正在逐渐走失

    Today, they discovered, a stable group of high-level editors has become increasingly responsible for controlling the encyclopedia, while casual contributors and editors are falling away.


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