• 当时幸运能参加技术会议而且我可以使用3D打印机

    I was lucky to be at the technology conference then, and I had access to 3D printers.


  • 参加日常技术会议质保会议预生产会议

    Attendance of routine technical, QA and pre-production meeting.


  • 3天时间准备经理的第一客户之间的首次信息技术会议

    She had three days to prepare for an initial meeting with the vice president-information technology at her first client.


  • 亚琛汽车工业年会欧洲富盛名的汽车发动机技术会议

    The Aachen Colloquium is Europe's most visited conference on Automobile and Engine Technology.


  • 参赛棋手技术会议小时未能到达北京不予进行编排。

    Players will not be paired if they are not accredited in Beijing at least one hour before the Technical Meeting.


  • 领队在每天上午10之前(技术会议%……)提交队员名单

    Team captains should submit the lists of the teams everyday not later than 10 a. m. (in technical meeting, etc.)


  • ibm专家主持的免费技术会议帮助加快学习曲线困难软件项目中获得成功

    Free technical sessions by IBM experts to accelerate your learning curve and help you succeed in your most difficult software projects.


  • 身负重任应该融入组织委员会中,成为重要的一分子,并参加所有技术会议

    He carries a big responsibility and should be integrated as an important member of the OC, attending all technical meetings.


  • 今天是个技术会议所有教练员体能训练员当然还有翻译都应该参加这次会议

    All the coaches and trainers, of course, and interpreters should attend the meeting. Today's meeting is a technical meeting.


  • 除了一系列博客文章外,我们纽约二月6 ~ 9号举行金钱技术会议探讨更多的相关内容。

    In addition to this series of blog posts, we'll be exploring all this and more at the Money: Tech Conference in New York February 6-9.


  • 国际能源环境技术会议ICEET09于2009年中国桂林召开,这使我们深感荣幸。

    We are very pleased to bring the 2009 International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology (ICEET'09) to Guilin China for 2009.


  • 本届研讨会国际微电子封装协会主办每年一届,届时有数百家参展商参加很多技术会议

    The symposium is the annual meeting sponsored by the International Microelectronics and Packaging Society with hundreds of exhibitors and technical sessions.


  • 技术会议描述这项服务可以迎合“每一遇到朋友包括那些你不记得清的朋友。”

    At a technology conference, he described the service as catering to "every friend you've ever had, including the ones you can't quite remember."


  • 微软创始人慈善家比尔·盖茨精英技术会议“放飞”了满罐蚊子刻意强调致命疾病疟疾

    Microsoft founder turned philanthropist Bill Gates released a glass full of mosquitoes at an elite technology conference to make a point about the deadly disease malaria.


  • 拉斯维加斯召开的信息安全大会——技术会议8月4日公布个新的研究结果,意味着一天不远了。

    A study which is to be unveiled on August 4th at Black hat, a security conference in Las Vegas, suggests that day is close.


  • 年前,我们致力于智能手机的开发,Android操作系统”,Jha上周阿斯彭财富头脑风暴技术会议解释

    "A year ago, we focused on smartphones and we bet on Android, " Jha explained at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen last week.


  • 呼吁世界各地医院保健设施在当地开展自己活动通过视频链接日内瓦一个为期两天的技术会议部分活动作出介绍

    Hospitals and healthcare facilities around the world are invited to locally develop their own activities, some of which will be presented at a 2-day technical meeting in Geneva via video links.


  • 台积电首席技术孙元成去年于德国举办的次芯片技术会议上曾表示450mm晶圆的设立芯片厂减少成本具有重大意义

    TSMC Chief technology Officer Jack Sun said last year at an IC-technology forum in Germany that a move to 450mm wafer fabs is important for cost reduction.


  • OpenSpace已经成为大多数敏捷会议配了,至于大多数技术会议何时才能将Open Space纳入进来也仅仅时间的问题

    Open Space events are becoming standard as part of most Agile conferences, and it is probably just a matter of time before most technical conferences incorporate Open Space into their formal agenda.


  • 家人一起科罗拉多州度假街道时候,我发现周围许多漂亮轿车着带有财富头脑风暴技术会议”字样的标识

    I was in Colorado on a family vacation, and I noticed when I was walking the street that there were these nice cars driving around with "Fortune Brainstorm Tech" signs.


  • 大家都知道,我们的 podcast 经常会讨论有关Web 2.0 的内容,现在了解一下这次技术会议讨论了哪些内容

    So now I'm wondering, you know, Web 2.0 is something that comes up a lot in these podcasts. And what's going on at this particular tech briefing?


  • 本年早些时候旧金山一次技术会议Google首席执行官EricSchmidt问及Twitter的看法,知道他如何回答吗?

    At a technology conference in San Francisco earlier this year, Eric Schmidt, Google 's chief executive, was asked what he thought of Twitter. His reply?


  • Rosenthal周六上午阿斯彭举办财富头脑风暴技术会议早餐时段发言Ning目标转移3%——5%的用户——这个目标天内实现。

    Rosenthal, who spoke at a breakfast session at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference Saturday morning in Aspen, says ning's goal was to convert 3% to 5% of its users — a goal it passed in two days.


  • 我们最近为了某个有关电子邮件系统垃圾邮件方法技术会议,发函未曾谋面的50位人士,以便邀集对方发表的相关论文,但50位人士当中并没有任何人抱怨。

    But we recently solicited papers for a technical conference to discuss email systems and anti-spam methods by sending requests to50 people we had never met who had published on this topic.


  • 令人惊叹是,这座超现代的电视塔古老概念球形珍珠21世纪技术商业娱乐教育会议设施相结合。

    It is amazing that this ultra-modern TV tower combines ancient concepts such as the spherical pearls, with technology, commerce, recreation, educational and conference facilities of the 21st century.


  • 生物技术产业组织(BIO)最近召开了一个会议其中部分议程就不断变化专利领域律师们提供了培训

    The BIO recently held a convention which included sessions to coach lawyers on the shifting landscape for patents.


  • 可能隐藏一本晦涩难懂技术杂志会议幻灯片舒服的躺在某个大学图书馆篇博士论文之中。

    It might be buried in an obscure technical journal, in conference slides, or in a doctoral thesis tucked away in a university library.


  • 可能隐藏一本晦涩难懂技术杂志会议幻灯片舒服的躺在某个大学图书馆篇博士论文之中。

    It might be buried in an obscure technical journal, in conference slides, or in a doctoral thesis tucked away in a university library.


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