• 英国,运用这种方法经典例子约克Jorvik中心,位于布拉德福德国家摄影电影电视博物馆以及伦敦帝国战争博物馆

    Good examples of this approach in the UK are the Jorvik Centre in York; the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford; and the Imperial War Museum in London.


  • 阿克巴上将原本想炸掉损坏极其严重“布拉哈·托克号”,遭到多尔·尼亚海军反对运回多尔·尼亚,成了一座战争博物馆

    Admiral Ackbar originally ordered that the far more damaged Braha 'tok be scuttled, but the Dornean Navy protested, and it was shipped to Dornea to serve as a war museum.


  • 帝国战争博物馆促成了两人的见面把两人的往事称为战时浪漫史”,但博物馆发言人提醒人们应该巴斯滕尚未结婚一事过于关注。

    And a spokesman for the Imperial war Museum, which organized and dubbed the reunion a "wartime romance," cautions people should not read too much into the fact Batstone never married.


  • 高级尉官陈清恒接收捐献博物馆战争纪念物品的负责人,根据她的说法,没有知道黎俊什么

    Senior Lieutenant Colonel Tran Thanh Hang, who is responsible for receiving war memorabilia donated to the museum, said as yet, no one knows who le D. Tuan was.


  • 大英博物馆的这次展览倾向于弱化墨西卡时期暴虐统治经常发动战争掠夺贡品战俘,战俘被用来祭祀嗜血神灵,他们帮助科尔特斯得到了盟友

    The British Museum tends to play down the more oppressive aspects of Mexica rule: their constant wars in search of tribute and of captives for sacrifice to bloodthirsty gods helped cortes gain Allies.


  • 战争胜利者博物馆,一切都偏袒他们,这理所当然事。不过,像一样四下观望美国人——这里很多——却得很是认真,还议论纷纷。

    It's also the victors' museum, of course, and skewed in their favour, but the Americans looking around with me - and there are many of them - are talkative and engaged.


  • 今天节日战争和平圣彼得堡塞瓦斯托波尔博物馆举行在这里人们可以看到一些不同寻常照片,它们都是用这位伟大作者留下的底片洗出来的。

    Today, the festival "War and Peace" is held in the Sevastopol museum of Sheremetev, here people can see unique images, printed from negatives of the author.


  • 选择纽约犹太遗产博物馆公然首映他们战争影片——这部残酷无比、充满巧语讥讽且颇具修正主义色彩的电影,导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺制片人哈维·韦恩斯坦可谓勇气十足。

    It WAS bold of Quentin Tarantino and his producer, Harvey Weinstein, to pre-screen their brutal, wisecracking, revisionist war film at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York.


  • 华盛顿,Cher Ami只有一条身躯史密森国家博物馆举办的“自由的代价战争中的美国人展览中展出

    His one-legged body is on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History's "Price of Freedom: Americans at War" exhibit in Washington, d.c..


  • 那时起,这本日记开始了波折旅程直到1月初响应搜集战争纪念品的号召,日记才最终捐给越战军事历史博物馆

    From that time, the diary began an exhausting itinerary until it was finally donated to the Viet Nam Museum of Military History in early January in response to a call for war memorabilia.


  • 临近一家博物馆则将日本1931到1945年间战争描绘首先中国然后在整个亚洲热爱和平国家西方帝国主义者手中获得解放故事。

    An adjacent museum paints Japan's wars between 1931 and 1945, first in China and then across Asia, as the actions of a peace-loving nation liberating the region from Western imperialists.


  • 设计为了战争故事讲述参观者重要的是促进参观者军舰海滨更广泛博物馆区域之间的关系

    The design seeks to bring the narratives of war to life and significantly enliven the visitors relationship with the vessels, waterfront and broader museum precinct.


  • 漫长战役中,达西恩战争掩护,中饱私囊,美术作品、博物馆展品座整座的图书馆战利品揽自己已经相当可观财富中。

    During lengthy campaigns, Dassyne used the cover of war to add to his personal wealth, adding spoils such as fine art, museum exhibits and entire libraries to his already considerable wealth.


  • 漫长战役中,达西恩战争掩护,中饱私囊,美术作品、博物馆展品座整座的图书馆战利品揽自己已经相当可观财富中。

    During lengthy campaigns, Dassyne used the cover of war to add to his personal wealth, adding spoils such as fine art, museum exhibits and entire libraries to his already considerable wealth.


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