• 超然爱心服务中,无论我们工作烹饪绘画念诵无论做什么,一样的。

    In the transcendental loving service of the Lord, it doesn't matter whether we are working, cooking, painting, writing, chanting, or whatever, they are all the same.


  • 正确思维行为来自于因果规律无论其他什么规律)纯粹效用性;对这种说法的证明在哪里

    Where on earth is the proof that the pure operation of these laws (or any other laws) would yield correct laws of thinking?


  • WCF设置服务器高度灵活意味着我们服务可以基于SOAPREST无论哪个合理

    WCF setup on the server is highly flexible which means our service could be SOAP based or REST based or whatever which is more reasonable.


  • 改变调整更改修改无论可能什么,我们描述我们生活朝着一个方向前进…所必要东西

    Changes, adjustments, alterations, modifications or whatever it may be, are all terms we use to describe the things necessary to advance our lives in a new direction.


  • 事实上每次旅行签证无论我们一些来说成功成功,一次收获因为到了更多

    Actually, every trip, endorsement and the things we do whether big or small, successful or not have been an accomplishment to me because I really learn a lot!


  • 编者苹果更新装配为了设备无论使用什么版本的操作系统无论打开什么样应用程序音乐,你可以进行更新——只要硬件合适

    Editors' note: Apple's updates are set up to let you update no matter what iOS version you're on or what apps and music you have on your deviceas long as your hardware is eligible.


  • 并非是知识精英服务私人商店,”这些是“任何人都可以进入的,无论阶层背景如何”。

    "Instead of intimate shops catering to a knowledgeable elite," these were stores "anyone could enter, regardless of class or background".


  • 所有孩子有权接受高质量教育无论他们种族、地区家庭收入多少

    All children are entitled to a high-quality education regardless of their race, zip code, or family income.


  • 越来越信用卡可以自动读取无论当地分行是否营业,人们都可以分散地方取款存钱

    More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open.


  • 主要大学高中体育赛事中拉拉队无论男女,都会人群蹦蹦跳跳,呼喊他们队伍名字队伍,喊着“加油,队伍,加油”的口号。

    At major college or high school sports events, cheerleaders, both male and female, jump and dance in front of the crowd and shout the name of their team, running around yelling "Go team, go".


  • 可能会感到心跳加速无论言语还是行动上尽量保持中立

    You might feel your heart racing or your face turning red, but do whatever you can to remain neutral in both your words and actions.


  • 结果一个芬兰孩子好的机会获得同样素质教育无论生活农村还是大学城

    The result is that a Finnish child has a good chance of getting the same quality education no matter whether he or she lives in a rural village or a university town.


  • 无论工作环境多么正式非正式表现自己方式都会产生影响。

    No matter how formal or informal the work environment, the way you present yourself has an impact.


  • 无论我们做什么修复栖息地支持其数量增长,我们可能永远无法复原文化了。

    No matter what we do to restore habitat or support population growth, we may never be able to restore that culture.


  • 认为无论我们遵循什么样饮食习惯沉迷于什么样的减肥产品到最后并没有什么神奇方法可以让我们夏天到来时候塑形

    I think no matter what diets we follow or what slimming products we obsess ourselves with, at the end of the day there's no magic trick to shape up for the summer.


  • 无论我们怎样,都自欺欺人地相信有天赋孩子天才其他人不同

    Whatever we do, we should never delude ourselves into believing that gifted children or geniuses are different from the rest of humanity.


  • 无论如何改善圈养环境它们没有自由自然饮食足够的运动

    No matter how you "enhance" enclosures, they do not allow for freedom, a natural diet or adequate exercise.


  • 几乎每家电影院钢琴风琴无声电影伴奏,无论这些电影院多么简陋

    Nearly every movie theater, however modest, had a piano or organ to provide musical accompaniment to silent pictures.


  • 英国人们他们正在学位仍然很常见每个学生都有一个导师,他们可以任何事情咨询无论学术个人问题。

    In the UK it is still common for people to say that they are "reading" for a degree! Each student has a tutor whom they can consult on any matter whether academic or personal.


  • 无论远程学习还是在校学习获的文凭学位相同

    The resultant diploma or degree should also be the same whether distance learning or on-campus study is employed.


  • 具体来说无论螳螂还是DVDCD播放机可以转换不同形式从而将光信号存储起来之后调取出来

    Specifically, both mantis shrimps and DVD or CD players are able to convert light into different forms so it can be stored and then retrieved.


  • 这项研究中,我们没有告诉学生他们聪明才智可以改变的,而是告诉他们,他们的社会地位是可以改变的,也就是,无论他们是否受到欺凌被排挤,都会随着时间的推移而改变。

    In this study, instead of teaching students that their smartness can change, we taught them that their social standingthat is, whether they are bullied or excluded or left out—can change over time.


  • 无论处理文字图画像素代码创造力往往来自意识思想表层之下。

    Whether you work with words or paint, pixels or code, your creativity comes from somewhere beneath the surface chatter of conscious thoughts.


  • 因此无论是疏松胶结沉积物总体都有一部分空隙组成的。

    Thus a proportion of the total volume of any sediment, loose or cemented, consists of empty space.


  • 无论在室内还是室外可以这个小东西放在架子上树上享受一段美好时光

    Indoors or outdoors, you can have a good time with this small item on a shelf or in a tree.


  • 无论巴,还是坐车常常不经意地看见一些魔方情侣单身。

    Whether the public bus ride, or riding, are often inadvertently seen some people holding a Rubik's Cube in turn, or couples, or single.


  • 学费似乎不是这一问题解释早先的学费增长并没有削减无论贫穷富裕家庭的需求

    The tuition fee does not seem to be the explanation of the problem: previous hikes in tuition fees did not dent demand from rich or poor.


  • 无论家庭生活还是工作上,过度劳累过度投入都不会生活达到要的状态。

    Being overworked or over-committed at home and on the job will not get you where you want to be in life.


  • 无论家庭生活还是工作上,过度劳累过度投入都不会生活达到要的状态。

    Being overworked or over-committed at home and on the job will not get you where you want to be in life.


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