• 认为女性接触这些不同事物往往慢性反复的。

    I think that the kinds of things that women are exposed to tend to be in more of a chronic or repeated nature.


  • 百分之二十认为他们慢性拖延者

    Twenty percent of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. For them procrastination is a lifestyle, albeit a maladaptive one.


  • 现在确认慢性长期分心吸烟那样有害

    Now he is convinced that chronic, long-term distraction is as dangerous as cigarette smoking.


  • 他们认为急性的,不是慢性

    They think his illness is acute rather than chronic.


  • 大多数病人疾病慢性并且进展数十年。

    In most patients, the disease is chronic and progresses over decades.


  • 影响女性怀孕方面慢性压力具有决定性的作用

    Chronic stress is more decisive in influencing the women's pregnancies.


  • 慢性腹泻带有黏液或是可能成形血软便。

    Chronic diarrhea often with mucus or blood; cats may have formed feces with hematochezia.


  • 胆石症可能现在过去急性慢性胆囊炎发作有关

    Cholelithiasis may be associated with present or past episodes of either acute or chronic cholecystitis.


  • 结核病一种慢性肺部感染,其位列于全球感染性疾病死因的第一位。

    TB is a chronic lung infection responsible for more deaths worldwide than any other infectious disease.


  • 过敏性鼻炎导致慢性鼻窦炎,过敏性鼻炎患者就会遭受频繁鼻窦炎症

    Allergic rhinitis can lead to sinusitis, which is a chronic inflammation of the sinuses. Frequent sinus infections may occur in those who suffer from allergic rhinitis.


  • 它们通常慢性,使人的精神衰弱医生仅仅减轻病人的症状而已

    They're usually chronic, always debilitating, and doctors can do little except ease their symptoms.


  • 日积月累压力皮质醇水平升高,可以导致许多健康问题,比如沮丧慢性体质虚弱甚至癌症

    Chronic stress elevates cortisol, which can lead to many health problems: depression, chronic fatigue, and possibly even cancer.


  • 尽管确信无疑已经有了生理上的焦虑症状请你不要误会,仅仅慢性症状而不是真正的生理上的疾病

    Don't misunderstand, you are suffering from a chronic illness but it's not really a physical illness, although you most certainly have physical anxiety symptoms.


  • 星期六凌晨2时,慢性胃部绞痛痛一大早卧室卫生间之间来回奔波,被疼痛恐惧恶心压倒

    I woke up at about 2am one Saturday with chronic stomach cramps. I spent the early hours running between the bathroom and bedroom, overwhelmed with waves of pain, panic and nausea.


  • 这些发现将有助于解释为何那些夜间贪杯的人会夜里失眠白天睡意连绵,同时还伴有慢性健康危害

    The findings might help explain why those who frequently drink often suffer from insomnia at night and sleepiness during the day, as well as more long-term health effects.


  • 由于猫科动物城市化它们排泄物),几乎三分之一人类已经慢性潜在的,似乎无伤大雅弓形感染

    Thanks to the urbanization of cats (and their feces), almost a third of the human population now has a chronic, latent, and seemingly innocuous Toxo infection.


  • 我们健康影响慢性的(就像我们不会一次过量摄入而马上死亡一样),其实慢性损伤是最危险的

    Sugar is slower to impact our health (as we don't die from an overdose right away), and it's that slow destructive process that is the most dangerous.


  • 慢性阻塞性肺病普遍症状呼吸困难(“透不过来”),痰(气管唾液粘液混合体)出现异常以及慢性咳嗽

    The most common symptoms of COPD are breathlessness (or a "need for air"), abnormal sputum (a mix of saliva and mucus in the airway), and a chronic cough.


  • 对于神经损伤慢性后背腿脚疼痛甚至癫痫发作帕金森症,这种智能芯片都能潜在地对抗几乎所有关联到疼痛和脊髓的任何疾病。

    Nerve damage, chronic back or leg pain - even epileptic seizures and Parkinson's disease: the smart chip could potentially address almost any problem associated with pain and the spinal cord.


  • 前列腺缓慢生长的癌症如果可以让它减慢进一步可以把它从一个致命的状态下变成管理慢性状态,”

    "Prostate cancer is a slow growing cancer and if you can slow it down even further you can turn it from a fatal condition to a chronic one that can be managed," he said.


  • 的研究和其他研究的潜台词是人体是无限精密和无比慢性的生理学的角度,人是相当懒惰的,我们任何情形下最少工作

    "Humans are quite lazy, from a physiological standpoint," he said. "Our bodies will try to do the least work possible in any situation."


  • 所谓胃灼热、胃酸逆流或是胃食道逆流一种慢性的胃病,罹病的人不仅痛苦,治疗更是所费不赀,标准治疗程序 (包括非处方药)手术是个商机庞大市场庆幸的是坊间还有很多简单有效传统替代疗法,如苹果醋、肉桂生姜等材料,对大多数的人来说都非常容易取得。

    Standard interventions of medication and surgery also include over the counter remedies for which there is a huge market. Fortunately, there are many effective alternative and traditional solutions.


  • 每年1万个慢性肺病患者的死亡可能由于吸烟导致的。

    10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking.


  • 约有百分之四监狱犯人患有慢性精神疾病

    About 4% of the prison population have chronic psychiatric illnesses.


  • 一些慢性糖尿病要求病人食用医生指导的特定食物

    Certain chronic conditions, such as diabetes, require special diets that should be monitored by your physician.


  • 有了严重的关节炎症状慢性鼻窦炎

    I developed serious arthritic symptoms and chronic sinusitis.


  • 关研究表明,增加蔬菜摄入量可以改善健康,降低患慢性疾病的风险。

    Related studies show that increased vegetable intake can improve health and cut the risk of chronic diseases.


  • 关研究表明,增加蔬菜摄入量可以改善健康,降低患慢性疾病的风险。

    Related studies show that increased vegetable intake can improve health and cut the risk of chronic diseases.


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