• 试验模拟情况下进行的。

    The experiments were carried out under simulated examination conditions.


  • 只有特殊情况下允许判死刑

    Capital punishment is allowable only under exceptional circumstances.


  • 最好朋友不明的情况下死了

    His best friend died under questionable circumstances.


  • 这种情况下需要是刚柔并济

    It's a situation that calls for a blend of delicacy and force.


  • 只有特殊情况下延长最后期限。

    This deadline will be extended only in exceptional circumstances.


  • 只有极端情况下孩子离开父母

    Children will be removed from their parents only in extreme circumstances.


  • 那种情况下佩斯利计划看起来非常合适

    In the circumstances, Paisley's plans looked highly appropriate.


  • 非常严重情况下拇趾囊肿可能手术切除。

    In very severe cases, bunions may be surgically removed.


  • 很多情况下人们穿着显示出他们社会阶级

    In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class.


  • 病毒以及逻辑炸弹无疑某些情况下造成巨大损失

    Viruses and logic bombs can doubtless do great damage under some circumstances.


  • 特殊情况下丈夫可以扣除差旅中随行妻子旅费

    In special cases, a husband can deduct the travel expenses of his wife who accompanies him on a business trip.


  • 最近民意调查显示60%的人赞同特定情况下流产

    Recent opinion polls show that 60 percent favour abortion under certain circumstances.


  • 一些情况下美国工业在设计产品时忽略顾客需求

    In some cases, U.S. industry has lost sight of customer needs in designing products.


  • 多数情况下那里人们实际上都是他们家园而战斗

    In many cases, the people there are fighting, in a literal sense, for their homes.


  • 难以定夺情况下教师根据学生先前作业做出最终评分。

    In borderline cases teachers will take the final decision, based on the student's previous work.


  • 很多情况下这种变现财富房主一生没有成为现实。

    In many cases this realizable wealth is not realized during the lifetime of the home owner.


  • 正常情况下只有百分之二十百分之四十维生素E吸收。

    Under normal conditions, only about 20 to 40 percent of vitamin E is absorbed.


  • 这种驾驶方法可以让发动汽车减少结冰情况下的车轮打滑。

    This driving mode allows you to move off in third gear to reduce wheel-spin in icy conditions.


  • 可能目前没有完全确定职业中得到什么这种情况下,你肯定没有具备老板的素质。

    The chances are you haven't fully decided what you want from your career at the moment, in which case you're definitely not cut out to be a boss yet!


  • 这种情况下偏好是否重要

    In cases like that, does the preference matter?


  • 很多情况下条策略并不起效

    But in many cases that strategy doesn't work.


  • 猎豹圈养情况下繁殖力

    Cheetahs breed very poorly in captivity.


  • 紧急情况下我们可以破例派遣一个专家队

    Exceptionally, in times of emergency, we may send a team of experts.


  • 正常情况唯一运动就是出租车

    In the normal run of things the only exercise he gets is climbing in and out of taxis.


  • 可以在不退出情况下打开其他应用程序

    I can open other applications without having to exit WordPerfect.


  • 只有不得已情况下允许使用抗生素

    The use of antibiotics is permitted only in extremis.


  • 特殊情况下,也可能接受正式文凭学生

    Exceptionally, students may be accepted without formal qualifications.


  • 紧急情况下能否保持冷静一个司机严峻考验

    The acid test of a good driver is whether he or she remains calm in an emergency.


  • 没有同事商量情况下洛杉矶飞到了芝加哥

    Without consulting his colleagues, he flew from Los Angeles to Chicago.


  • 没有同事商量情况下洛杉矶飞到了芝加哥

    Without consulting his colleagues, he flew from Los Angeles to Chicago.


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