• 灰色相当于不动没有希望往往绝望变得黑暗恢复希望渺茫时减轻

    The gray corresponds to immobility without hope; it tends to despair when it becomes dark and regains little hope when it lightens.


  • 希望赞美诗——吟唱一首希望赞美诗,那些处于绝望中的人们恢复希望

    Hymn of hope - You recite a Holy hymn, restoring hope to those in despair.


  • 已经沙漠盾牌行动一部分分散在基本单位部署了恢复希望行动索马里

    Units from the sprawling base also have taken part in Operation Desert Shield, and deployed to Somalia for Operation Restore Hope.


  • 今天致力于生殖孕产妇健康一个有机会使数百万妇女女孩恢复希望尊严

    Today everyone working in reproductive and maternal health has a chance to restore hope and dignity to millions of women and girls.


  • 也许希望这个小小的便利减缓女性不断增长倾向,即每次头发延长个月同时我们的头发恢复我们早已忘记原本的颜色

    Maybe she hoped this little amenity would slow the growing inclination of women to stretch each haircut to last four months while nursing our hair back to whatever natural colour we long ago forgot.


  • 对于强制性退休泰勒似乎忘记不是大学废除的,各个大学是希望恢复这个制度的。

    As for mandatory retirement, Taylor seems to forget that this was not abolished by the universities, which would love to bring it back.


  • 可以花盆里种一棵橡树,希望茁壮成长,就像想象他可以让浅薄关心恢复活力一样

    He might as well plant an oak in a flowerpot, and expect it to thrive, as imagine he can restore her to vigour in the soil of his shallow cares!


  • 他们恳请回到教会,他们我,希望我能恢复关系,寻找痛苦解决办法不是沉迷酒精。

    They wooed me back. They loved me back to fellowship with God, to finding Him as the answer to my pain rather than the alcohol.


  • 克里姆林宫认为一种羞辱希望可以恢复FSB和英国相应部门合作,这其实是改善两国关系先决条件。

    The Kremlin sees this as humiliating. It wants cooperation with the FSB to resume. And it has made this a precondition of better relations.


  • 作为也门友好国家我们希望也门尽快恢复社会稳定正常秩序保持国家的稳定。

    As a friend of Yemen, we hope that it will restore social stability and normal order as soon as possible and maintain national stability.


  • 埃及中国友好国家我们希望埃及尽快恢复社会稳定正常秩序

    A: Egypt is a friendly country of China. We hope Egypt will restore social stability and normal order as soon as possible.


  • 对于强制性退休泰勒似乎忘记不是大学废除而是议会的一项法案废除的,各个大学是希望恢复这个制度的。

    As for mandatory retirement, Taylor seems to forget that this was not abolished by the universities, which would love to bring it back, but by an act of Congress.


  • 来自180多个国家谈判代表此次恢复会谈希望关键领域诸如森林财政减排等方面取得进展。

    Negotiators from more than 180 countries resumed the talks, hoping to make progress on key areas such as forests, finance and emission cuts.


  • 与此同时中国星期一表示尊重利比亚人民选择”,希望利比亚局势尽快恢复稳定

    Meanwhile, China said Monday it "respects the choice of the Libyan people" and hopes stability returns to the country quickly.


  • 这个函数将检查表单数据是否恢复然后要求用户确认是否希望恢复自动保存的表单。

    This function verifies if the form data is restorable and then asks the user to confirm if he or she wants to restore the auto-saved form.


  • 强调说,一切都恢复正常,他希望能够重新找回过去他合作10位开发人员

    But he insists that things have picked up steam again and he hopes to get back the 10 developers he had been working with.


  • 克林顿伊朗联合国安理会5常任理事国德国,也就是5 +1不久恢复谈判抱有希望

    Clinton said she is hopeful that the negotiating process between Iran and the five permanent U.N. Security Council countries and Germany, the P5 + 1, can resume soon.


  • 世界主要中央银行正在联合起来,希望恢复投资人信心

    The world's major central Banks are joining forces in hopes of restoring investor confidence.


  • 叙利亚中东地区重要国家我们希望尽快恢复国家稳定正常秩序

    A: Syria is a major country in the Middle East region. We hope to see an early restoration of national stability and normal order of Syria.


  • 对于身体状况恢复情况,积极回应希望能复出继续战斗。

    He has reacted well to the news about his condition and is ready to fight for his comeback.


  • 对于文件系统主要关注它们大小希望灾难恢复站点上文件系统突然

    Look at the file systems primarily for size issues: you don't want to suddenly end up with a full file system at your disaster recovery site.


  • 接受手术后希望身体尽快恢复原本的状态。

    After undergoing a surgery, you want your body to be at its desired size as soon as possible.


  • 希望有关各方为尽早恢复方会谈作出积极努力

    It is hoped that all the parties concerned could make active efforts to resume the six-party talks at the earliest date.


  • 没有实现任何故障恢复希望所有目的地都是可用的,而且没有进行任何错误处理。

    It doesn't do any failover. It expects all of the destinations to be available.


  • 他们已经实验室中培育出rpe细胞薄片,而且证明可以使白鼠恢复视力。他们希望明年初可以进行第一次的人体试验。

    They have grown tiny sheets of RPE cells in the lab and have shown these can restore vision in rats and pigs.


  • 我们希望列车修复后尽快恢复服务

    We’re hoping to get that train back out in service as soon as repairs are made.


  • 如果希望快照恢复整个文件系统,我可以执行rollback命令

    If I wanted to recover the entire file system from the snapshot, I would execute the rollback command.


  • 如果希望快照恢复整个文件系统,我可以执行rollback命令

    If I wanted to recover the entire file system from the snapshot, I would execute the rollback command.


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