• 借鉴拉塞尔分析方法,将焖恢复压力曲线线性化计算出流变参数

    Using Lasels analysis method of afterflow for reference, pressure build up curve of shut in well is linearized and rheological parameter is calculated.


  • 经过计算,得到在不同输入条件下,等面积混合模型混合模型的恢复压力

    The one-dimension mixing model is established from steady state theory, thus the recovery pressures of constant-area mixing model and constant-pressure mixing model are attained.


  • 通过调节逐渐增加压力然后深度恢复之后,我们甚至可以扩大精力能力

    Undertaking conditioning and progressive increments of stress followed by deep restoration we can even expand our capacity for energy.


  • 通过咨询学会处理自己压力并且整个恢复过程中,他决定出书来说明这个问题

    Through counseling, he learned to handle his stress and throughout recovery he decided to write his own book on the subject.


  • 长期物价压力足以让人怀疑避免经济过热情况下重新恢复9%甚至以上的经济增长这一设想的可行性。

    Price pressures have persisted long enough to cast doubt on the assumption that it can resume growth of 9% or more without overheating.


  • 通过调节逐渐增加压力然后深度恢复之后,我们甚至可以扩大精力的能力

    Undertaking conditioning and progressive increments ofstress followed by deep restoration we can even expand our capacity forenergy.


  • 暂时压力紧跟着恢复强健肌肉。

    Temporary stress, followed by recovery builds muscles.


  • 现在和平”(一个以色列反对定居点压力团体)估计现在有超过2,000个临时住所开始恢复兴建中。

    Peace now, an Israeli anti-settlement pressure group, estimates that construction on over 2,000 dwellings could now begin or resume.


  • 医院花园对于病人以及家属来说能够起到平静恢复减轻压力的作用,能够改善他们情绪降低血压

    Hospital gardens are calming and restorative and reduce stress for the patients and the families; improving their mood and reducing blood pressure.


  • 长远来看,恢复管理变成一种自然日常行为,这样可以减轻出现问题压力更快地进行恢复

    In the long term, having recovery management become a more natural part of day-to-day activities reduces stress when the inevitable does occur and enables you to recover more quickly.


  • 增加精力能力并非来自压力来自压力恢复

    The increased energy capacity doesn’t come from thestress, it comes from the recovery after the stress.


  • 手术压力睡眠不足、术后恢复经常会伴随着疼痛疲惫肿胀,这些症状都感到很沮丧

    The stress of surgery, lack of sleep and recuperation that often includes pain, fatigue and swelling causes most to experience some degree of depression.


  • 他们可以效仿布雷迪方案,担保缓解期限内压力希腊未来经济增长相关联的特约条款凭证投资者提供希腊经济恢复股份

    They could sweeten the terms with guarantees, as the Brady bonds did, and offer investors a share in any Greek recovery with warrants related to the country’s future economic growth.


  • 其它国家正在精简开支,等候市场施加真正的压力:尽管英国债务欧盟成员国最长的,但是该国仍然计划度过严酷使本国财政在四年内恢复秩序

    Others are pruning before the markets exert real pressure: Britain's debt has the longest maturity of any EU member but it is still aiming to get its finances in order within four brutal years.


  • 压力释放后,平面化学键恢复零散碳原子回到柔软的玻璃形态

    When the pressure was released, the flat bonds returned, and the odd carbon turned back to its pliable, glassy form.


  • 据悉,该技术最早美国宇航局研发智能海棉受外力压迫仍能记得恢复压力之前的形状

    It is originally a kind of smart foam designed by NASA and has the unique quality of retaining and remembering its shape after pressure is applied.


  • 目前关于美国进行压力测试恢复大型银行信用多大贡献存在某种争论但是有人认为是个坏点子

    There is still some debate as to how much to credit the stress tests carried out in America for restoring trust in its biggest Banks, but few people think they were a bad idea.


  • 支撑大腿外侧毯子,帮助承担了部分大腿重量,从而减轻骶髂关节压力好的恢复放松法

    The blanket reduces the stress that the weight of the thighs places on the S-I joint. Supporting the outer thighs is also good practice for restorative or relaxation poses.


  • 美军雇佣这位积极心理学专家改进恢复项目帮助士兵更好地应付作战压力

    The expert in positive psychology was hired by the US Army to develop a ‘resilience programto help soldiers cope better with the stress of combat.


  • 增加精力能力并非来自压力来自压力恢复

    The increased energy capacity doesn’t come from the stress, it comes from the recovery after the stress.


  • 第二休息能够让我们增加资源恢复充沛的精力,从而减轻压力

    Secondly, rest reduces stress by increasing our resources, particularly energy.


  • 摩根·士丹利的Huw van Steenis现在越来越多银行承认恢复信心一次美国式的压力测试也许必须的。

    Huw van Steenis at Morgan Stanley says that more Banks now accept that an American-style stress test may be needed to restore confidence.


  • 现在和平”(以色列一个定居点压力集团)估计目前开始恢复建设住宅逾2000座。

    Peace now, an Israeli anti-settlement pressure group, estimates that construction on over 2, 000 dwellings could now begin or resume.


  • 还说,如果在接受外科手术之前蒙受这样压力就会产生巨大的不良影响这种影响适用于任何受伤情况愈合恢复

    "Such stress before surgery matters greatly," she says, and the effect could apply to healing from any injury.


  • 然而问题压力测试如果问题足够尖锐,也就是足够现实但是不会尖锐很多银行的表现不尽如人意,那么压力测试只能起到恢复信心的作用。

    The trouble, however, is that stress tests only restore confidence if the questions are tough enough to be realistic but not so tough that too many banks fail them.


  • 英国叫做宠物治疗慈善团体1983年就已经动物带到护理房间,救济院,医院还有儿科病房以此帮助病人恢复健康减轻压力水平

    In Britain a charity called Pets and Therapy has been taking animals into care homes, hospices, hospitals and children's wards to help patients recover and reduce stress levels since 1983.


  • 那些依赖自我的往往恢复能力令人刮目——这意味着面临困难,压力心痛时他们往往首先恢复活力。

    Those who are self-reliant are also usually more self-resilientmeaning they can bounce back from problems, stress and heartbreak more readily than those who aren't.


  • 由于涉及利益问题令人惊讶是,欧洲银行监管者们并不准备旨在重建恢复地区银行系统信心压力测试当中加入更多细节

    Given the stakes involved, it's surprising that European bank regulators aren't being more forthcoming with details of the stress tests aimed at restoring confidence in the region's banking system.


  • 现在的日本经济债务所带来的压力,也因此有可能更快恢复元气

    Today Japan’s economy is much less burdened by debt and so likely to recover more quickly.


  • 现在的日本经济债务所带来的压力,也因此有可能更快恢复元气

    Today Japan’s economy is much less burdened by debt and so likely to recover more quickly.


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