• 偶然我会以为,假如找到掷中必定的谁人不管胜利意义。

    But sometimes it feels like, no matter how much success I have, it's not gonna matter until I find the right guy.


  • 创造P C温室大棚时客户老是觉得厚度越大但是可不是必定

    PC board greenhouses in the creation, the customer always think the thickness of the bigger the better, but this is not a must.


  • 每块奇石必定赋予必定主题尤其是有的奇石主题隐晦需求底座烘衬。

    The subject of each stone must be given must, especially some obscure stone themes, more demand base to carbonado line.


  • 固然任何运动鞋提供必定反弹力,但回力运动鞋可以或许使结果最大化

    While any kind of athletic shoe can provide a certain amount of rebound, energy-return sneakers are designed to maximize this effect.


  • 同时,“房产作为房地产税”中主要全部房地产市场必定调理感化

    At the same time, the "real estate tax" as the main part of the real estate tax ", have a certain effect on the entire real estate market regulation."


  • 对于涂料品牌取得这样成绩搜狐网康典十大涂料品牌总经理康典十大涂料品牌以为必定

    For the top ten brand paint has been achieved Sohu, WellPoint, WellPoint, general manager of the top ten top ten brand paint paint brands that it is bound to the.


  • 虽然他们艺术上也获得了必定成绩研究出一些新的技法然而并未理论上基本解决中国画翻新发展问题。

    Although they have made some artistic achievements, developed some new techniques, but did not solve the fundamental theory of Chinese painting from the innovation and development.


  • 或者是立式贮存——立式贮存时分使PC加工相互贴紧而且坚持必定倾斜角成堆板材厚度小于规则

    Or vertical storage - vertical storage time to make the PC board processing against each other and persisted must tilt Angle, the total thickness of sheet piles within less than the hair of the rules.


  • 那么什么样环境下运用德国阳光蓄电池才是最好延伸运用时间必定协助许多都会发生疑问,下面咱们具体剖析一下

    So in what kind of environment use German battery sunshine, is the best, also must assist on extended use of time? It happens all the time is a lot of people question, let's detailed analysis.


  • 鉴于穴居一般都居住在洞口附近因此,拉斯岩洞许多穴居者隐藏他们艺术作品,其中必定存在某些原因

    Since cave dwellers normally lived close to entrances, there must have been some reason why so many generations of Lascaux cave dwellers hid their art.


  • 挽救生命衡量后者几乎必定更好选择

    Measured by saved lives, the latter is almost certainly the better course.


  • 必定成为首相总统会谈主要议题

    It's bound to be the main talking point during discussions between the prime minister and the president.


  • 这些数据必定加剧一直以来争论,即在学校努力更少预算生存之际,是否应该削减体育课程

    The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes should be cut as schools struggle to survive on smaller budgets.


  • 创新者寻找其他的道路,从长远来看,这些道路可能容易,必定有趣,更有挑战性即使它们死胡同

    The innovator will search for alternate courses, which may prove easier in the long run and are bound to be more interesting and challenging even if they lead to dead ends.


  • 与此同时,本可以每个人生活更好政府开支削减了,因为人们本能地——错误地——将政府贴上了“必定邪恶”的标签

    Meanwhile, government spending that would make everyone better off was being cut down because people instinctivelyand wronglylabeled government only as "a necessary evil".


  • 我们不得不做出假设双手手掌下被印刷出来,而手掌朝上印刷出来的左手看起来必定一只右手

    One also has to make the assumption that hands were stenciled palm downward—a left hand stenciled palm upward might of course look as if it were a right hand.


  • 必定存在一些属于正式语言单词短语,也存在着一些属于非正式语言的词汇短语。

    There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others that are informal.


  • 首先纽约这座城市,在这里出生男女认为这座城市的存在理所当然的,认为城市规模动荡自然形成的,是必定会发生的事情。

    There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulence as natural and inevitable.


  • 目前经济状况需要我们采取大胆迅速行动,我们必定采取行动——不仅为了创造新的工作,也发展奠定新的基础。

    The state of the economy calls for a bold and swift action, and we will actnot only to create new jobs but to lay a new foundation for growth.


  • 而言之,正如儒勒·凡尼所说:“凡人能想象到的事物,必定有人能将其实现。”

    In a word just as Jules Vemne said, "Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real."


  • 如果最新的这场斗争冲突越来越明确的话,那么战斗的结果可能也已经日渐明朗:长远来看,技术公司必定取得胜利

    If the confrontation has crystallized in this latest battle, it may already be heading toward a predictable conclusion: In the long run, the tech companies are destined to emerge victorious.


  • 一个能存在两千多年事物必定存在的理由

    The existence of a thing more than two thousand years, will have its raison d'etre.


  • 托德这种关系必定受制于无言竞争

    Todd: No, but the relationship is certainly shaped by an unspoken rivalry.


  • 换言之杰出人才如何才能达到一高度必定还有更好解释

    In other words, there must be a better explanation for how great performers achieve such heights.


  • 看来这种权力转变必定伴随着全球性责任的转变。

    In my view, this shift in power must be accompanied by a shift in global responsibilities.


  • 为数不多的成功者必定不同寻常动机

    The few successful ones must be unusually motivated.


  • 地产投机生意必定相当可观笔钱。

    He will stand to get a considerable profit through the speculations in lands.


  • 地产投机生意必定相当可观笔钱。

    He will stand to get a considerable profit through the speculations in lands.


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