• 是个计划不过保证采纳,等待时机

    It's a good plan, but you should watch your time if you want to make sure it's adopted.


  • 至于电视信号,等待视频行业有线电视频道推出更多3d内容

    For television, you'll have to wait for the video industry to pump out more 3-d content on cable channels.


  • 这个泡泡肥料很大用途—不过等待人们煤油灯内燃机需求

    The bubbling muck had immense value - but it had to wait for the demands of the kerosene lamp and the internal combustion engine.


  • 一辆辆车会不时经过可能等待一会儿才能像是被废弃的街道的照片。

    A car will occasionally pass you and you might have to wait to get that deserted street photo.


  • 现在等待很长很痛苦的一段安装升级进程,你坐在那里怒火上冲,开始有点失去理智了。

    Now you have to wait for the long painful process of installing updates while you sit there and get angry that you just lost your place.


  • 我们必须下种,然后才能收获往往长时间等待满足同时耐心地期待等待水果常常成熟最慢

    We must sow before we can reap, and often have to wait long, content meanwhile to look patiently forward in hope; the fruit best worth waiting for often ripening the slowest.


  • 院子堆满瓦片水缸竹编稀稀落落横梁上一张张蜘蛛网一旁蜘蛛显然悠闲等待猎物上钩

    The yard filled with tiles, water tanks, bamboo basket... sparse crossbar fabric with a spider web sheets, one side of the spider is clearly laid-back wait for prey in the hook.


  • 比赛中表现如此出色,以至于每个人都等待分数一个高分

    She was so fantastic in the competition that everyone waited for the score, a high score.


  • 注意由于协作会等待目标应用程序响应,因此请勿协作线程数量设置目标应用程序线程的数量多。

    Note: Since a collaboration waits for the response from the target application, do not set the number of collaboration threads higher than the number of target application threads.


  • 不过本月早些时候次出航中,罗尔斯顿似乎这样一个消息心烦意乱——消息说,当天早上排队等待装载煤炭已经达到创纪录的70

    But on an outing earlier this month Mr Rolston appeared flummoxed by news that the queue of ships waiting to enter the port and load coal had stretched that morning to a record 70 vessels.


  • 开采上述金属矿生产商每天面对危机中非矿业类似为了等待价格回升它们封存遍布全球的矿产节省现金支出。

    Miners of these metals daily face crises similar to Camec's and mothballing mines around the world to save cash as they wait for a price recovery.


  • 蒙杜斯把逊的时候半夜,有好多人都等待

    Mr Mundus towed it into Amagansett at midnight to find crowds already waiting.


  • 项目策略包含等待减少计划增加软件组织适应性灵活性生产力

    Including a "wait loss" plan in your project strategy will increase your software organization's flexibility, agility, and productivity.


  • 搜索引擎时间网站(特别是域名)索引排名所以耐心等待

    It takes time for the search engines to index and rank your site (especially for new domains). So, be patient.


  • 人们对于GM终结已经等待以至于最终死亡时,大家只有些许抽噎

    The demise of GM had been expected for so long that when it finally died there was barely a whimper.


  • 投票站,各式选民队伍排长长的很多女性家中最漂亮的莎丽,耐心等待投票

    At polling stations long segregated queues, with many women in their finest saris, waited patiently to vote.


  • 如果确信胜任那个职位你所要做的就是耐心等待,精诚所至,金石为开,直到所想

    If you believe that you really qualify for that position, then all you need to do is be patient and stay determined to remain ready until you get what you want.


  • 生日在七月份,同学走开,我真是很难分身,这时等待筋疲力尽娜见到我气急败坏的样子。

    But on my birthday in July, there was party for me at the pool, and it was hard to tear myself away from it when they didn't want me to go, and then an exhausted Hanna received me in bad mood.


  • 微微地着,不同什么话为了这个,我等待久了

    You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.


  • 几百年来,10月末11月初时候,北极熊都会聚集加拿大西岸等待海湾变成冰面。

    Polar Dance. "For centuries polar bears have gathered along the western shores of Hudson Bay [Canada] during late October and early November waiting for the bay to freeze.


  • 等待喷鼻息,惊讶目瞪口呆,然后突然转身逃跑

    I waited for him to snort, get bug-eyed, break and run.


  • 微微地笑着,不和什么话为了这个,我等待太久了

    You smiled and talked to me for nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.


  • 微微地着,不同什么话为了这个,我等待久了

    She smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.


  • 我们训练已经打扰够多了所以我们会面带微笑等待判决结果

    We have already been disturbed enough in our training, so we will wait for the verdict with a smile on our faces.


  • 成功最终属于耐心等待人。

    Successs belongs to wait patiently for a person in the end.


  • 灵感降临时当心吓跑了,别煽风点火勉强行动。耐心等待好主意会水到渠成的。

    What to do when inspiration doesn't come; be careful not to spook, get the wind up, force things into position. You must wait around until the idea comes.


  • 喜欢口感芳香贡献酵母有点紧张等待完全干涸

    I liked the mouthfeel and aromatic contribution of the yeast but I got a little nervous waiting for it to go completely go dry.


  • 喜欢口感芳香贡献酵母有点紧张等待完全干涸

    I liked the mouthfeel and aromatic contribution of the yeast but I got a little nervous waiting for it to go completely go dry.


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