• 如今共和党执掌国会协定有望得到通过

    With Republicans running Congress, the agreement may have more chance of ratification.


  • 然而指出法律至少年内不会得到通过

    However, he says, it won't be passed for five to 10 years.


  • 我会这份提案交给国会投票裁决,我们尽量这份提案得到通过

    I will submit that proposal to Congress for a vote –- and we will push to get it passed. (Applause.)


  • 明年起,除非遭到广泛多数反对,否则欧盟委员会的提议得到通过

    But from next year the Commission proposal will go through unless there is a broad majority opposed.


  • 得到通过Geronimo应用服务器使用这两方法细节

    You get details about using both of these methods with the Geronimo application server.


  • 已经警告说,除非90%债务持有者都接受这一提议,否则该提议不会得到通过

    He has warned that unless the holders of 90% of the debt accept the offer, it will not go through.


  • 艾博年正在发动一场魅力攻势赢得个体机构的支持,得到通过交易必须简单多数

    Albanese will now lead a charm offensive to try to win round individual institutions and secure the simple majority necessary to approve the deal.


  • 如果这份法案参议院得到通过极大颠覆这个国家目前医疗保障体系

    If this bill makes it through the Senate, it would massively overhaul the way healthcare is delivered in this country.


  • 测试脚本确认脚本可以得到回馈并且 100%验证可以得到通过

    Test the script to confirm that the script can be played back and that 100% of the verification points pass.


  • 限制各州发型债券允许他们增加收税联邦体制改革可能勉强得到通过

    A second instalment of Germany's federal redesign, which would limit states' debts but allow them to raise (or lower) taxes, may just squeak through.


  • 本周五佩斯会议关于废除君王只得罗马天主教派通婚的规定也得到通过

    The same goes for the decision Friday in Perth to lift a ban on monarchs marrying Roman Catholics.


  • 昨天众议院紧急会议中,上述要求得到通过卢斯科尼的离开铺平道路

    These were approved by the lower house yesterday in an emergency session that cleared the way for Mr Berlusconi's departure.


  • launch方法返回一个ILaunch实例这里我们可以得到通过启动配置创建JVM进程

    The HsqldbUtil.launch method returns an ILaunch instance, from which we can get the JVM process created by launching the configuration.


  • 但是为了能够得到通过这个提议必须在一月日前得到债权人人数90%压倒性数量的同意。

    But in order to proceed, the proposal must be accepted by an overwhelming majority of 90% of bondholders by a deadline of 1 June.


  • 然而党派仍然很忠诚尽管泛希社运议员们怨声载道但即使苛刻的议案也能很顺利的在议会得到通过

    Yet his party has stayed loyal; in spite of repeated rumblings of discontent among Pasok lawmakers, even the toughest measures have passed smoothly through parliament.


  • 新的资本充足率最有可能得到通过,其中具体数额可能会以国际结算银行(BIS)金融稳定委员会建议的数额为准。

    New capital requirements seem more likely, in the vein of Suggestions raised by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the Financial Stability Board.


  • 指导意见草案声明辅助自杀方面并不可以替代有关法律规定,最近有些企图结束自身生命病人试图使该项法律得到通过

    The draft advice states that it should not be seen as a substitute for the guidance on the law on assisted suicide that patients seeking to end their lives have recently tried to obtain.


  • 外界担心赤字削减计划缩水,或者说Tremonti很难看到这项计划得到通过投资人正在增长不安情绪可能促使他下台。

    Fears that the package could be watered down - or that Tremonti may not be around to see them through - contributed to a growing sense of unease among investors.


  • 有些西方外交官表示愿意安理会讨论中止起诉巴希尔问题因为他们相信他们拥有足够票数确保中止案不会得到通过

    Some western diplomats have said they are willing to discuss the matter of a suspension in the council, because they are confident they have enough votes to make sure a suspension would not pass.


  • 如果法案得到通过成为法律纽约州成为康涅狄格州、马萨诸塞州缅因州、佛蒙特衣阿华州之后又一个承认同性婚姻合法的州。

    If the bill became law, New York would follow Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont and Iowa in legalizing gay marriage.


  • 提艾果•科利尔(SantiagoCreel现在在参议院领导国家行动党,表示此项提案受到媒体公司的重重压力之下而得到通过

    The law was approved in “a climate of pressure” from the broadcasters, says Santiago Creel, who now heads the PAN in the Senate.


  • 已经允许参加一次这个考试,他得到考试通过的结果。

    He's been allowed to re-take the exam, and he's going to get a pass.


  • 经理通过引进名年轻队员使队伍的实力得到加强。

    The new manager has strengthened the side by bringing in several younger players.


  • 立法得到议会两院一致通过

    Legislation requires approval by both houses of parliament.


  • 通过禁止任何人简单应急办法使疾病得到控制

    The disease was controlled by the simple expedient of not allowing anyone to leave the city.


  • 通过1800份报纸发送新闻通告这项提议得到了广泛地宣传

    The proposal has been widely publicized in press information circulars sent to 1,800 newspapers.


  • 有些认为孩子应该通过家务得到奖励

    Some people do not think that kids should get rewards by doing chores.


  • 基本上公司必须确保形象正确确保产品通过活动得到最大程度报道

    Basically, companies have to make sure that the image is right and that the product gets maximum coverage through the event.


  • 基本上公司必须确保形象正确确保产品通过活动得到最大程度报道

    Basically, companies have to make sure that the image is right and that the product gets maximum coverage through the event.


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