• 清楚记得很小时候祖父低头微笑的情景。

    I have a vivid picture of my grandfather smiling down at me when I was very small.


  • 它们很小,可以轻易房子里成群生活数量几万几十万迅速繁殖

    They are small enough to easily slip inside your house, live in colonies that number in the tens of thousands to the hundreds of thousands, and reproduce quickly.


  • 然个人的力量很小,但你可以轻松做几件事来改变现状。

    Though individual power is small, you can do several things easily to make a difference.


  • 虽然总人口比例很小,但很大比例青年男子被迫迁出某一时,可能产生巨大影响

    Although a small proportion of the total population, this perhaps had a massive local impact when a large proportion of the young men were removed from an area.


  • 四处看着很小工作间,感到惊奇不是丢掉的,而是多年她一直保留的:茶壶,大理石作顶的餐饮台,遮有天蓬的床。

    As I looked around her tiny studio, I was astonished not so much by what she'd lost, but by what she'd managed to hold on to: her brass samovar, her marble-topped buffet, her canopied bed.


  • 大多数情况下并不担心这个什么时候变得很小因为AIX总是会充分使用内存并且不会希望的那样尽早释放内存。

    In most cases, I don't worry when this is small, as AIX loves using every last drop of memory and does not return it as fast as you might like.


  • 通过被称为微光线阵列特殊传感器实现一行为,微光线传感器大量光线等价装入一个很小空间

    It accomplishes that with a special sensor called a microlens array, which puts the equivalent of many lenses into a small space.


  • 更好消息,则来自芝加哥拉什大学医药中心睡眠研究人员JamesWyatt,他发现早上一点咖啡因,然后白天持续饮用很小剂量这样就可以均匀抵抗腺苷酸的摄入。

    Better, says sleep researcher James Wyatt of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, to consume a little caffeine in the morning and continue to take it in very small doses throughout the day.


  • 然后C一个很小二次方上升接着指数的上升直到预期饱和,C等于A0乘以1减,的负k2乘以时间次方,e,to,the,minus,k2,times,time。,速率常数k2长时间起主导作用。

    And then C has a very small quadratic rise, followed by the exponential rise to saturation that you'd expect. So C is approximately a0 times one minus e The rate constant k2 dominates the long times.


  • 增加资源数量WebSphereApplicationServer机器CPU或者内存使用情况的影响很小但是却能显著影响硬盘的使用情况。

    Increasing the number of resources has little effect on the WebSphere Application Server machine 's CPU or memory usage, but does affect the disk usage.


  • Web 2.0工具能帮助快速几乎免费很小花费完成目标

    Web 2.0 tools help you to complete your tasks in a fast and mostly for free (or at a small charge) way.


  • 睁开眼睛看到站在那儿俯视.她看上去很小即使以自己这样局促角度来看 她也显得很优雅.她的皮肤是橄榄色的 眉毛在亮棕色的眼睛上面顽皮挑起 嘴角含着微笑.

    He opened his eyes and there she stood, looking down at him. She was small but appeared graceful, even from this awkward angle.


  • 对于某些系统来说使用这种方法可能只会很小改进对于其他系统,可能显著影响引导速度

    It may be that using this technique makes little improvement for some systems, while for others, it could have a dramatic impact on boot speed.


  • 清单1中的计数器可以可靠工作竞争很小没有竞争时都可以很好执行

    The counter class in Listing 1 works reliably, and in the presence of little or no contention will perform fine.


  • 如果他们计划只是内部使用公开源码软件准备发布产品,风险就是很小的。

    If they plan to use the open source software internally only, with no intent to distribute it, the risk is quite low.


  • 他们这项研究只是适度减少盐摄入量,所以,对于血压心脏疾病影响很小

    They also said that the study subjects only moderately lowered their sodium intake, so the effect on blood pressure and heart disease was small.


  • 如果不是仅仅停留感觉表面,而是它深深心里,那么即使那些很小的、很简单、偶尔发生的小事能够带来极大欢乐

    Great joy can be experienced from even the smallest, seemingly inconsequential thing by going deeper into the experience and not just flitting along the surface of it.


  • 于是我们仔细继续搜索,每个心,因为大家都知道房子已经年久失修了。

    We explored the house more completely, now being VERY careful since we knew just how bad off the place really was.


  • 有些认为性别认同很小年龄牢牢固定;另一些人则争辩说,这种身份可能不固定已经很多年了。

    Some posit that gender identity is firmly fixed at a very young age; others argue that this identity can be very fluid for many years.


  • 消费者仍然翼翼。我们真的需要他们过去年代那样靠大手大脚消费

    Consumers still might be cautious; do we really want them to spend like they did in the old days?


  • 相反一个很小角色正常角色更小惯性所以运动趋向更快一些

    Conversely, a tiny character has less inertia than normal, so his movements tend to be quicker.


  • 信中讲到适度提高不但受雇率很小或者没有影响而且它对付贫困有力武器

    Not only would a modest rise have "very little or no effect" on employment, the letter said, it would be an important tool in fighting poverty.


  • 鉴于大多数童装都是妈妈表明,妈妈们女儿很小的时候就本能她们灌输观点,就是女孩需要衣服男孩多得多

    As mothers buy most of the clothes for their children, this suggests that they instinctively instilla much greater need for clothes in their daughters from a very young age.


  • 大多数情况下这个值变得很小我们并不担心因为AIX7总是充分使用内存不会希望那样尽早释放内存。

    In most cases, we don't worry when this is small, as AIX 7 loves using every last drop of memory and does not return it as fast as you might like.


  • 福斯勒指出氢原子数量氦原子氧原子数量要多得多,但是质量很小很容易太阳风吹散,从而不能稳定观测到

    Hydrogen atoms are more abundant than either helium or oxygen but their low mass means they are easily swept aside by the high-speed solar wind and can’t readily be detected.


  • 总是很小院里枫叶,一张一张捡,所以我得我好奇的邻居们知道我并不是在清理园子!

    As I carefully select fallen leaves from my front lawn, picking them up individually, I have to reassure my curious neighbors that this is not how I do all my yard work!


  • 第二八月在大凤头燕鸥的繁殖发现了很小堆黑嘴凤头燕鸥的

    In August of the second year, he found a handful of Chinese crested terns nesting among a colony of greater crested terns.


  • FDIC讼词中称麦克银行的管理人员疏忽大意”批准了贷款房屋建筑商,而批贷款实际偿付可能性很小

    The FDIC alleges in the suit that the four IndyMac officers "negligently" approved loans to homebuilders around the country that had slim chance of being repaid.


  • FDIC讼词中称麦克银行的管理人员疏忽大意”批准了贷款房屋建筑商,而批贷款实际偿付可能性很小

    The FDIC alleges in the suit that the four IndyMac officers "negligently" approved loans to homebuilders around the country that had slim chance of being repaid.


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